Project description:In order to identify relevant target genes of RAX1 (AT5G23000) involved in meristem initiation in Arabidopsis we generated dexamethasone inducible lines expressing either a mCherry-RAX1-GR or a mCherry-GR (mock construct) fusion protein. We analysed differential gene regulation after 4 hours of dexamethasone or mock treatment in 14 day-old seedlings. Paired-end sequencing was performed using 3 biological replicate for each genotype and differentially expressed genes were identified for the interaction of genotype and treatment.
Project description:To better understand the spatial distribution of gene expression network in legume roots, transcriptomics profiles of border cells, root tips and whole roots were compared.
Project description:Despite the major physiological dissimilarities between roots and their tips, differences in their gene expression profiles remain largely unexplored. In this research, the transcriptome of rice (Oryza sativa L. subsp. Japonica) mature root tissue and root tips was monitored using mRNA-Seq at 2 time points. Almost 50 million 76 bp reads were mapped onto the rice genome sequence, differential expression patterns between tissues and time points were investigated and at least 1,006 novel transcriptionally active regions (nTARs) were detected to be expressed in rice root tissue. More than 30,000 genes were found to be expressed in rice roots, among which 1,761 root-specific and 306 tip-specific transcripts. Mature root tissue appears to respond more strongly to external stimuli than tips, showing a higher expression of for instance auxin responsive and ABA-responsive genes, as well as the phenylpropanoid pathway and photosynthesis upon light. The root tip-specific transcripts are mainly involved in mitochondrial electron transport, organelle development, secondary metabolism, DNA replication and metabolism, translation, and cellular component organization. As roots developed, genes involved in electron transport, response to oxidative stress, protein phosphorylation and metabolic processes were activated. For some nTARs a potential role in root development can be put forward based on homology to genes involved in CLAVATA signaling, cell cycle regulators and hormone signaling. A subset of differentially expressed genes and novel transcripts was confirmed using (q)RT-PCR. These results uncover previously unrecognized tissue-specific expression profiles and provide an interesting starting point to study the different regulation of transcribed regions of these tissues. 2 biological replicates of roots and 3 biological replicates of root tips were sampled at two time points (1 biological replicate contains pooled tissue from 6 plants)
Project description:Transcription profiling of seven-day-old seedlings of p35S:OBP4-GR treated with DEX or EtOH for 12 and 24 h. Purpose: find transcriptionally regulated genes downstream of the dof transcription factors OBP4 in the root tip of Arabidopsis thaliana Method: compare transcript levels after ectopic induction of OBP4 for 12 h and 24 h. Ectopic expressing was induced by introducing the coding sequence of OBP4 fused to the glucocorticoid receptor under the control of the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus p35S promoter (p35S:OBP4-GR) in wild type Arabidopsis Col-0 plants. Seven day old plants expressing the construct were treated with Dexamethason (DEX) or ethanol (EtOH) as a mock for 12 and 24 h. After root tips of 300 seedlings per rep were collected.
Project description:Excess levels of Al3+ become highly harmful to plant roots. The epidermal and outer cortical layers of root-tips experience more severe damages than the inner tissues from Al toxicity. This project used laser capture microdissection (LCM) technology to isolate the outer and inner cell layers of cells in root-tips. Tomato "MicroTom" plants were grown in hydroponic solution supplemented with Al. Seeds derived from plants previously exposed to four generations of Al-treated solutions were considered stress-acclimated, these seeds were named G4Al+. Seeds harvested from soil-grown plants were also used, these seeds were named G0 seeds. Tandem mass tag (TMT) proteomics was used to identify differential proteomics responses among cells localized at different spaces in root-tips and those between the stress-acclimated and non-acclimated plants.
Project description:Salt Stress response of salt-tolerant genotype FL478 compared to IR29 Rice GeneChip was used to find differential expression between two rice genotypes under control and salt stress conditions Keywords: genotype and treatment comparison Roots (tips) tissue was used for hybridization to GeneChips
Project description:The aim of this study was to determine the changes in gene expression of rice root tips when they came in to contact with a hard layer (60% wax layer). Three categories of root tips were sampled; tips before the hard layer, tips that had come into contact with the hard layer and root tips which had buckled after coming into contact with the hard layer. Two genotypes (Azucena and Bala) that vary in there ability to penetrate a hard layer were selected for a genotype comparison of gene expression at the hard layer. Experiment Overall Design: A chamber with the internal dimensions of 10 x 5 x 25cm consisting of a glass back, Perspex front and aluminium spacers with an open bottom and top was set at an angle of 15o in a large sand filled tray and filled up to 19.5 cm with dry sand. The sand was watered with nutrient solution, the sand was levelled and then a 5mm thick 60% wax layer (prepared using a ratio of 3:2 (w/w) of pastillated paraffin wax / white soft wax) was poured on the sand. Once the wax layer had set, two small holes were placed at the back of the wax layer to allow water drainage and water exchange via capillary action. The chamber was then filled up with more dry sand, and then watered using nutrient solution. Nutrient solution was then added to the large tray which the chamber had been placed; this was regularly topped up and allowed the watering of the chamber by capillary action. Light was eliminated from the chambers using white (exterior face)/black (interior face) plastic sheeting. Experiment Overall Design: Azucena and Bala seeds were surface sterilized with 1% (v/w) sodium hypochlorate for 5 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly three times with water and then germinated on moist tissue paper for 48 hours at 37oC. A single germinated seed was then sown 1 cm below the surface of the sand in each chamber. Experiment Overall Design: The plants were grown in a controlled environment room with a 12 hour day and night, with a day temperature of 30oC and a night temperature of 24oC with 300 µmol m-2 s-1 PAR. After 24 days the chamber was dismantled and the root tips of 5 mm length were harvested from Azucena plants for subsequent RNA extractions from the three categories as follows; a) roots which were between 5-10 mm above the wax layer; b) roots at the wax layer; c) roots which had buckled at the wax layer and grown 7-10 mm after buckling. From Bala plants, only root tips at the layer were harvested. Experiment Overall Design: Each condition was indsependently replicated 3 times.
Project description:In this study, we analysed the proteomic response of 5mm sections of root tips to water-deficit stress in two contrasting genotypes of rice: IR64, a lowland, drought-susceptible, and shallow-rooting genotype; and Azucena, an upland, drought-tolerant, and deep-rooting genotype. Using a Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis, we identified statistically significant differentially abundant proteins across genotypes and conditions. Analysis of biological processes led to the identification of novel proteins involved in root elongation with specific expression patterns in Azucena.
Project description:Excess levels of Al3+ become highly harmful to plant roots as the toxic ions bind to the surface of root-tips. Plants can acquire tolerance to stress after multiple generations of exposure to stress conditions. After four consecutive generations of Al treatments (G4Al+ seeds), tomato plants appeared more tolerant to the stress condition. This project used laser capture microdissection (LCM) technology to isolate the Al-sensitive epidermal and outer cortical cells of root-tips. Tandem mass tag (TMT) proteomics analysis was conducted to identify proteomics changes related to the physiological properties in root growth under Al treated conditions.