Tolerance of the Ralstonia eutropha class I polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase for translational fusions to its C terminus reveals a new mode of functional display.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Here, the class I polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase (PhaC) from Ralstonia eutropha was investigated regarding the functionality of its conserved C-terminal region and its ability to tolerate translational fusions to its C terminus. MalE, the maltose binding protein, and green fluorescent protein (GFP) were considered reporter proteins to be translationally fused to the C terminus. Interestingly, PhaC remained active only when a linker was inserted between PhaC and MalE, whereas MalE was not functional. However, the extension of the PhaC N terminus by 458 amino acid residues was required to achieve a functionality of MalE. These data suggested a positive interaction of the extended N terminus with the C terminus. To assess whether a linker and/or N-terminal extension is generally required for a functional C-terminal fusion, GFP was fused to the C terminus of PhaC. Both fusion partners were active without the requirement of a linker and/or N-terminal extension. A further reporter protein, the immunoglobulin G binding ZZ domain of protein A, was translationally fused to the N terminus of the fusion protein PhaC-GFP and resulted in a tripartite fusion protein mediating the production of polyester granules displaying two functional protein domains.
Project description:In this study, we performed in vitro and in vivo activity assays of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) synthases (PhaCs) in the presence of phasin proteins (PhaPs), which revealed that PhaPs are activators of PhaC derived from Aeromonas caviae (PhaCAc). In in vitro assays, among the three PhaCs tested, PhaCAc was significantly activated when PhaPs were added at the beginning of polymerization (prepolymerization PhaCAc), whereas the prepolymerization PhaCRe (derived from Ralstonia eutropha) and PhaCDa (Delftia acidovorans) showed reduced activity with PhaPs. The PhaP-activated PhaCAc showed a slight shift of substrate preference toward 3-hydroxyhexanoyl-CoA (C6). PhaPAc also activated PhaCAc when it was added during polymerization (polymer-elongating PhaCAc), while this effect was not observed for PhaCRe. In an in vivo assay using Escherichia coli TOP10 as the host strain, the effect of PhaPAc expression on PHA synthesis by PhaCAc or PhaCRe was examined. As PhaPAc expression increased, PHA production was increased by up to 2.3-fold in the PhaCAc-expressing strain, whereas it was slightly increased in the PhaCRe-expressing strain. Taken together, this study provides evidence that PhaPs function as activators for PhaCAc both in vitro and in vivo but do not activate PhaCRe. This activating effect may be attributed to the new role of PhaPs in the polymerization reaction by PhaCAc.
Project description:Ralstonia eutropha H16 is well-known to produce poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)], a kind of polyhydroxyalkanoates attracted as bio-based biodegradable plastics, efficiently as an energy storage material under unbalanced growth conditions. To obtain further extended knowledge of PHA biosynthesis, this study employed quantitative transcriptome analysis based on deep sequencing of complementary DNA generated from RNA (RNA-seq) for R. eutropha H16. Total RNAs were extracted from R. eutropha cells in growth, PHA production, and stationary phases on fructose. rRNAs in the preparation were removed by repeated treatments with magnetic beads specific to bacterial rRNAs, and then the 36 bp sequences were determined by using Illumina high-throughput sequencer. The RNA-seq results supported induction of gene expression for transcription, translation, cell division, peptidoglycan biosynthesis, pilus and flagella assembly, energy conservation, and fatty acid biosynthesis in growth phase, and repression trends for genes involved in central metabolisms in PHA production phase. Interestingly, transcription of genes for Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle and several selected genes for β-oxidation were significantly induced in PHA production phase even when the cells were grown on fructose.
Project description:Ralstonia eutropha H16 is well-known to produce poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)], a kind of polyhydroxyalkanoates attracted as bio-based biodegradable plastics, efficiently as an energy storage material under unbalanced growth conditions. To obtain further extended knowledge of PHA biosynthesis, this study employed quantitative transcriptome analysis based on deep sequencing of complementary DNA generated from RNA (RNA-seq) for R. eutropha H16. Total RNAs were extracted from R. eutropha cells in growth, PHA production, and stationary phases on fructose. rRNAs in the preparation were removed by repeated treatments with magnetic beads specific to bacterial rRNAs, and then the 36 bp sequences were determined by using Illumina high-throughput sequencer. The RNA-seq results supported induction of gene expression for transcription, translation, cell division, peptidoglycan biosynthesis, pilus and flagella assembly, energy conservation, and fatty acid biosynthesis in growth phase, and repression trends for genes involved in central metabolisms in PHA production phase. Interestingly, transcription of genes for Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle and several selected genes for ?-oxidation were significantly induced in PHA production phase even when the cells were grown on fructose. mRNA profiles of R. eutropha H16 grown on fructose at different phases were generated by deep sequencing, in duplicate, using Illumina GAIIx.
Project description:A genome survey of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)-producing Ralstonia eutropha H16 detected the presence of 16 orthologs of R-specific enoyl coenzyme A (enoyl-CoA) hydratase, among which three proteins shared high homologies with the enzyme specific to enoyl-CoAs of medium chain length encoded by phaJ4 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (phaJ4(Pa)). The recombinant forms of the three proteins, termed PhaJ4a(Re) to PhaJ4c(Re), actually showed enoyl-CoA hydratase activity with R specificity, and the catalytic efficiencies were elevated as the substrate chain length increased from C(4) to C(8). PhaJ4a(Re) and PhaJ4b(Re) showed >10-fold-higher catalytic efficiency than PhaJ4c(Re). The functions of the new PhaJ4 proteins were investigated using previously engineered R. eutropha strains as host strains; these strains are capable of synthesizing poly((R)-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-(R)-3-hydroxyhexanoate) [P(3HB-co-3HHx)] from soybean oil. Deletion of phaJ4a(Re) from the chromosome resulted in significant decrease of 3HHx composition in the accumulated copolyester, whereas no change was observed with deletion of phaJ4b(Re) or phaJ4c(Re), indicating that only PhaJ4a(Re) was one of the major enzymes supplying the (R)-3HHx-CoA monomer through ?-oxidation. Introduction of phaJ4a(Re) or phaJ4b(Re) into the R. eutropha strains using a broad-host-range vector enhanced the 3HHx composition of the copolyesters, but the introduction of phaJ4c(Re) did not. The two genes were then inserted into the pha operon on chromosome 1 of the engineered R. eutropha by homologous recombination. These modifications enabled the biosynthesis of P(3HB-co-3HHx) composed of a larger 3HHx fraction without a negative impact on cell growth and PHA production on soybean oil, especially when phaJ4a(Re) or phaJ4b(Re) was tandemly introduced with phaJ(Ac) from Aeromonas caviae.
Project description:Ralstonia eutropha H16 is a denitrifying microorganism able to use nitrate and nitrite as terminal electron acceptors under oxygen deprivation. To identify proteins showing an altered expression pattern in response to oxygen supply, R. eutropha cells grown aerobically and anaerobically were compared in a comprehensive proteome and transcriptome approach. Nearly 700 proteins involved in several processes including respiration, cell appendages formation, DNA and cofactor biosynthesis were found to be differentially expressed. A combination of 1D-gel-LC and conventional 2D-gel analysis of six consecutive sample points covering the entire denitrification sequence revealed a detailed view on the abundance pattern of the key proteins of denitrification. Denitrification- or anaerobiosis-induced alterations of the respiratory chain included a distinct expression pattern for multiple terminal oxidases. Alterations of the central metabolism were restricted to a few key functions including the isoenzymes for aconitase and isocitrate dehydrogenase, respectively. Although R. eutropha is a strictly respiratory bacterium, the abundance of certain fermentation enzymes was increased. This work represents a comprehensive survey of denitrification on proteomic and transcriptomic level and provides unique insight into how R. eutropha adapts its metabolism to low oxygen conditions.
Project description:BackgroundRecombinant protein production and purification from Escherichia coli is often accompanied with expensive and complicated procedures, especially for therapeutic proteins. Here it was demonstrated that, by using an intein cleavable polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase fusion, recombinant proteins can be first produced and sequestered on a natural resin, the polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) inclusions, then separated from contaminating host proteins via simple PHA bead isolation steps, and finally purified by specific release into the soluble fraction induced by a pH reduction.ResultsBy translationally fusing a target protein to PHA synthase using a self-cleaving intein as linker, intracellular production of PHA beads was achieved. Upon isolation of respective PHA beads the soluble pure target protein was released by a simple pH shift to 6. The utility of this approach was exemplified by producing six target proteins, including Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein (GFP), Mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccine candidate Rv1626, the immunoglobulin G (IgG) binding ZZ domain of protein A derived from Staphylococcus aureus, human tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF?), human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), and human interferon alpha 2b (IFN?2b).ConclusionsHere a new method for production and purification of a tag-less protein was developed through intein cleavable polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase fusion. Pure target protein could be easily obtained without laborious downstream processing.
Project description:Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) production and mobilization in Ralstonia eutropha are well studied, but in only a few instances has PHB production been explored in relation to other cellular processes. We examined the global gene expression of wild-type R. eutropha throughout the PHB cycle: growth on fructose, PHB production using fructose following ammonium depletion, and PHB utilization in the absence of exogenous carbon after ammonium was resupplied. Our results confirm or lend support to previously reported results regarding the expression of PHB-related genes and enzymes. Additionally, genes for many different cellular processes, such as DNA replication, cell division, and translation, are selectively repressed during PHB production. In contrast, the expression levels of genes under the control of the alternative sigma factor ?(54) increase sharply during PHB production and are repressed again during PHB utilization. Global gene regulation during PHB production is strongly reminiscent of the gene expression pattern observed during the stringent response in other species. Furthermore, a ppGpp synthase deletion mutant did not show an accumulation of PHB, and the chemical induction of the stringent response with DL-norvaline caused an increased accumulation of PHB in the presence of ammonium. These results indicate that the stringent response is required for PHB accumulation in R. eutropha, helping to elucidate a thus-far-unknown physiological basis for this process.
Project description:BackgroundRalstonia eutropha H16, found in both soil and water, is a Gram-negative lithoautotrophic bacterium that can utillize CO2 and H2 as its sources of carbon and energy in the absence of organic substrates. R. eutropha H16 can reach high cell densities either under lithoautotrophic or heterotrophic conditions, which makes it suitable for a number of biotechnological applications. It is the best known and most promising producer of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) from various carbon substrates and is an environmentally important bacterium that can degrade aromatic compounds. In order to make R. eutropha H16 a more efficient and robust biofactory, system-wide metabolic engineering to improve its metabolic performance is essential. Thus, it is necessary to analyze its metabolic characteristics systematically and optimize the entire metabolic network at systems level.ResultsWe present the lithoautotrophic genome-scale metabolic model of R. eutropha H16 based on the annotated genome with biochemical and physiological information. The stoichiometic model, RehMBEL1391, is composed of 1391 reactions including 229 transport reactions and 1171 metabolites. Constraints-based flux analyses were performed to refine and validate the genome-scale metabolic model under environmental and genetic perturbations. First, the lithoautotrophic growth characteristics of R. eutropha H16 were investigated under varying feeding ratios of gas mixture. Second, the genome-scale metabolic model was used to design the strategies for the production of poly[R-(-)-3hydroxybutyrate] (PHB) under different pH values and carbon/nitrogen source uptake ratios. It was also used to analyze the metabolic characteristics of R. eutropha when the phosphofructokinase gene was expressed. Finally, in silico gene knockout simulations were performed to identify targets for metabolic engineering essential for the production of 2-methylcitric acid in R. eutropha H16.ConclusionThe genome-scale metabolic model, RehMBEL1391, successfully represented metabolic characteristics of R. eutropha H16 at systems level. The reconstructed genome-scale metabolic model can be employed as an useful tool for understanding its metabolic capabilities, predicting its physiological consequences in response to various environmental and genetic changes, and developing strategies for systems metabolic engineering to improve its metabolic performance.
Project description:A gene, mgt, encoding a protein homologous to the N-terminal module of class A high-molecular-mass penicillin-binding proteins was identified in Ralstonia eutropha. By using specific antibodies, the corresponding Mgt protein was detected in association with the membrane, confirming that the N-terminal hydrophobic segment functioned as a membrane anchor. A derivative in which the hydrophobic sequence was deleted was overexpressed as a maltose-binding fusion protein in Escherichia coli. Cleavage of the product resulted in substantial amounts of soluble Mgt derivative, indicating that folding occurs independently on other proteins or on homologous domains of penicillin-binding proteins.
Project description:Ralstonia eutropha H16 degraded (mobilized) previously accumulated poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) in the absence of an exogenous carbon source and used the degradation products for growth and survival. Isolated native PHB granules of mobilized R. eutropha cells released 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) at a threefold higher rate than did control granules of nonmobilized bacteria. No 3HB was released by native PHB granules of recombinant Escherichia coli expressing the PHB biosynthetic genes. Native PHB granules isolated from chromosomal knockout mutants of an intracellular PHB (i-PHB) depolymerase gene of R. eutropha H16 and HF210 showed a reduced but not completely eliminated activity of 3HB release and indicated the presence of i-PHB depolymerase isoenzymes.