Project description:Conservation policy and practice can sometimes run counter to their mutual aims of ensuring species survival. In Kenya, where threatened predators such as lion deplete endangered prey such as Grevy's zebra, conservation practitioners seek to ensure species success through exclusive strategies of protection, population increase and preservation. We found strong selection for the endangered Grevy's zebra by both lion and hyena on two small fenced conservancies in Kenya. Despite abundant diversity of available prey, Grevy's zebra were selected disproportionately more than their availability, while other highly available species such as buffalo were avoided. Lions were therefore not alone in presenting a credible threat to Grevy's zebra survival. Conservation practitioners must consider interlinked characteristics of prey selection, resource availability and quality, the interplay between carnivore guild members and landscape scale population trends performance in wildlife management decisions.
Project description:The aim of this study was to investigate the planktonic and the holobiont Madracis decactis (Scleractinia) microbial diversity along a turbulence-driven upwelling event, in the world's most isolated tropical island, St Peter and St Paul Archipelago (SPSPA, Brazil). Twenty one metagenomes were obtained for seawater (N = 12), healthy and bleached holobionts (N = 9) before, during and after the episode of high seawater turbulence and upwelling. Microbial assemblages differed between low turbulence-low nutrient (LLR) and high-turbulence-high nutrient (HHR) regimes in seawater. During LLR there was a balance between autotrophy and heterotrophy in the bacterioplankton and the ratio cyanobacteria:heterotrophs ~1 (C:H). Prochlorales, unclassified Alphaproteobacteria and Euryarchaeota were the dominant bacteria and archaea, respectively. Basic metabolisms and cyanobacterial phages characterized the LLR. During HHR C:H < < 0.05 and Gammaproteobacteria approximated 50% of the most abundant organisms in seawater. Alteromonadales, Oceanospirillales, and Thaumarchaeota were the dominant bacteria and archaea. Prevailing metabolisms were related to membrane transport, virulence, disease, and defense. Phages targeting heterotrophs and virulence factor genes characterized HHR. Shifts were also observed in coral microbiomes, according to both annotation-indepent and -dependent methods. HHR bleached corals metagenomes were the most dissimilar and could be distinguished by their di- and tetranucleotides frequencies, Iron Acquision metabolism and virulence genes, such as V. cholerae-related virulence factors. The healthy coral holobiont was shown to be less sensitive to transient seawater-related perturbations than the diseased animals. A conceptual model for the turbulence-induced shifts is put forward.
Project description:Five novel strains of Photobacterium (A-394T, A-373, A-379, A-397 and A-398) were isolated from bleached coral Madracis decactis (scleractinian) in the remote St Peter & St Archipelago (SPSPA), Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Brazil. Healthy M. decactis specimens were also surveyed, but no strains were related to them. The novel isolates formed a distinct lineage based on the 16S rRNA, recA, and rpoA gene sequences analysis. Their closest phylogenetic neighbours were Photobacterium rosenbergii, P. gaetbulicola, and P. lutimaris, sharing 96.6 to 95.8% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity. The novel species can be differentiated from the closest neighbours by several phenotypic and chemotaxonomic markers. It grows at pH 11, produces tryptophane deaminase, presents the fatty acid C18:0, but lacks C16:0 iso. The whole cell protein profile, based in MALDI-TOF MS, distinguished the strains of the novel species among each other and from the closest neighbors. In addition, we are releasing the whole genome sequence of the type strain. The name Photobacterium sanctipauli sp. nov. is proposed for this taxon. The G + C content of the type strain A-394(T) (= LMG27910(T) = CAIM1892(T)) is 48.2 mol%.
Project description:The principal aim of this study was to determine bacterial diversity within the Cave Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, via culturable and non-culturable approaches, and elucidate the antifungal potential of autochthonous antagonistic bacterial isolates against biodeteriogenic fungi. Furthermore, whole-genome sequencing of selected bacterial antagonists and the analysis of genes included in the synthesis of secondary metabolites were performed. With the highest RA values, determined in metabarcoding analysis, phyla Actinobacteriota (12.08-54.00%) and Proteobacteria (25.34-44.97%) dominated most of the samples. A total of 44 different species, out of 96 obtained isolates, were determined as part of the culturable bacteriobiota, with the predominance of species from the genus Bacillus. Bacillus simplex was the only isolated species simultaneously present in all investigated substrata within the church. The best antagonistic activity against 10 biodeteriogenic fungi was documented for Streptomyces anulatus, followed by Bacillus altitudinis, Chryseobacterium viscerum, and Streptomyces sp. with their highest PGI% values ranging of from 55.9% to 80.9%. These promising results indicate that characterized bacteria are excellent candidates for developing biocontrol strategies for suppressing deteriogenic fungi responsible for the deterioration of investigated fresco painting. Finally, isolate 11-11MM, characterized as Streptomyces sp., represents a new species for science prompting the need for further study.