Project description:Chemical modification can significantly enrich the structural and functional repertoire of ribonucleic acids and endow them with new outstanding properties. Here, we report the syntheses of novel 2'-azido cytidine and 2'-azido guanosine building blocks and demonstrate their efficient site-specific incorporation into RNA by mastering the synthetic challenge of using phosphoramidite chemistry in the presence of azido groups. Our study includes the detailed characterization of 2'-azido nucleoside containing RNA using UV-melting profile analysis and CD and NMR spectroscopy. Importantly, the X-ray crystallographic analysis of 2'-azido uridine and 2'-azido adenosine modified RNAs reveals crucial structural details of this modification within an A-form double helical environment. The 2'-azido group supports the C3'-endo ribose conformation and shows distinct water-bridged hydrogen bonding patterns in the minor groove. Additionally, siRNA induced silencing of the brain acid soluble protein (BASP1) encoding gene in chicken fibroblasts demonstrated that 2'-azido modifications are well tolerated in the guide strand, even directly at the cleavage site. Furthermore, the 2'-azido modifications are compatible with 2'-fluoro and/or 2'-O-methyl modifications to achieve siRNAs of rich modification patterns and tunable properties, such as increased nuclease resistance or additional chemical reactivity. The latter was demonstrated by the utilization of the 2'-azido groups for bioorthogonal Click reactions that allows efficient fluorescent labeling of the RNA. In summary, the present comprehensive investigation on site-specifically modified 2'-azido RNA including all four nucleosides provides a basic rationale behind the physico- and biochemical properties of this flexible and thus far neglected type of RNA modification.
Project description:Methylphosphonate(mP)-modified RNA serves as valuable probe to evaluate biomolecular interactions between the nucleic acid backbone and binding partners, such as proteins or small molecules. Here, we describe an efficient workflow for the synthesis of RNA with a single mP modification in diastereomerically pure form. While the automated assembly of mP-modified RNA is straightforward, its deprotection under basic conditions is challenging; a carefully optimized step-by-step procedure is provided. In addition, we demonstrate purification and separation strategies for the RP and SP-configurated RNA diastereomers using a combination of anion-exchange and reversed-phase HPLC, and comment on troubleshooting if their separation appears difficult. Furthermore, we demonstrate the stereochemical assignment of short RP and SP mP-modified RNA diastereomers based on 2D ROESY NMR spectroscopy and we report on the impact of the mP modification on thermal and thermodynamic stabilities of RNA-DNA hybrid and RNA-RNA duplexes.
Project description:Two new azidophenylalanine residues (3 and 4) have been synthesized and, in combination with 4-azido-L-phenylalanine (1) and 4-azidomethyl-L-phenylalanine (2), form a series of unnatural amino acids (UAAs) containing the azide vibrational reporter at varying distances from the aromatic ring of phenylalanine. These UAAs were designed to probe protein hydration with high spatial resolution by utilizing the large extinction coefficient and environmental sensitivity of the azide asymmetric stretch vibration. The sensitivity of the azide reporters was investigated in solvents that mimic distinct local protein environments. Three of the four azido-modified phenylalanine residues were successfully genetically incorporated into a surface site in superfolder green fluorescent protein (sfGFP) utilizing an engineered, orthogonal aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase in response to an amber codon with high efficiency and fidelity. SDS-PAGE and ESI-Q-TOF mass analysis verified the site-specific incorporation of these UAAs. The observed azide asymmetric stretch in the linear IR spectra of these UAAs incorporated into sfGFP indicated that the azide groups were hydrated in the protein.
Project description:Protein-modified biomaterials can be used to modulate cellular function in three dimensions. However, as the dynamic heterogeneous control over complex cell physiology continues to be sought, strategies that permit a reversible and user-defined tethering of fragile proteins to materials remain in great need. Here we introduce a modular and robust semisynthetic approach to reversibly pattern cell-laden hydrogels with site-specifically modified proteins. Exploiting a versatile sortase-mediated transpeptidation, we generate a diverse library of homogeneous, singly functionalized proteins with bioorthogonal reactive handles for biomaterial modification. We demonstrate the photoreversible immobilization of fluorescent proteins, enzymes and growth factors to gels with excellent spatiotemporal resolution while retaining native protein bioactivity. Localized epidermal growth factor presentation enables dynamic regulation over proliferation, intracellular mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling and subcellularly resolved receptor endocytosis. Our method broadly permits the modification and patterning of a wide range of proteins, which provides newfound avenues to probe and direct advanced cellular fates in four dimensions.
Project description:During a complex macromolecular reaction multiple changes in molecular conformation and interactions with ligands may occur. X-ray crystallography may provide only a limited set of snapshots of these changes. Solution methods can augment such structural information to provide a more complete picture of a macromolecular reaction. We analyzed the changes in protein conformation and protein:nucleic acid interactions which occur during transcription initiation by using a chemical nuclease tethered to cysteines introduced site-specifically into the RNA polymerase of bacteriophage T7 (T7 RNAP). Changes in cleavage patterns as the polymerase steps through transcription reveal a series of structural transitions which mediate transcription initiation. Cleavage by tethered chemical nucleases is seen to be a powerful method for revealing the conformational dynamics of macromolecular reactions, and has certain advantages over cross-linking or energy transfer approaches.
Project description:In the post-genome era, epigenetics has received increasing attentions in recent years. The post-translational modifications (PTMs) of four core histones play central roles in epigenetic regulation of eukaryotic genome by either directly altering the biophysical properties of nucleosomes or by recruiting other effector proteins. In order to study the biological functions and structural mechanisms of these histone PTMs, an obligatory step is to prepare a sufficient amount of homogeneously modified histones. This task cannot be fully accomplished either by recombinant technology or enzymatic modification. In this context, synthetic chemists have developed novel protein synthetic tools and state-of-the-art chemical ligation strategies for the preparation of homologous modified histones. In this review, we summarize the recent advances in the preparation of modified histones, focusing on the total chemical synthesis strategies. The importance and potential of synthetic chemistry for the study of histone code will be also discussed.
Project description:The controlled presentation of proteins from and within materials remains of significant interest for many bioengineering applications. Though "smart" platforms offer control over protein release in response to a single external cue, no strategy has been developed to trigger delivery in response to user-specified combinations of environmental inputs, nor to independently control the release of multiple species from a homogenous material. Here, a modular semisynthetic scheme is introduced to govern the release of site-specifically modified proteins from hydrogels following Boolean logic. A sortase-mediated transpeptidation reaction is used to generate recombinant proteins C-terminally tethered to gels through environmentally sensitive degradable linkers. By varying the connectivity of multiple stimuli-labile moieties within these customizable linkers, YES/OR/AND control of protein release is exhaustively demonstrated in response to one and two-input combinations involving enzyme, reductant, and light. Tethering of multiple proteins each through a different stimuli-sensitive linker permits their independent and sequential release from a common material. It is expected that these methodologies will enable new opportunities in tissue engineering and therapeutic delivery.
Project description:Replacement of a single dA nucleotide positioned at a programmed site in a DNA plasmid with its 7-deaza-analog is described together with its complete resistance to restriction enzymatic cleavage.
Project description:The development of carbohydrate-based antitumor vaccines is an attractive approach towards tumor prevention and treatment. Herein, we focused on the ganglioside GM2 tumor-associated carbohydrate antigen (TACA), which is overexpressed in a wide range of tumor cells. GM2 was synthesized chemically and conjugated with a virus-like particle derived from bacteriophage Q?. Although the copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition reaction efficiently introduced 237 copies of GM2 per Q?, this construct failed to induce significant amounts of anti-GM2 antibodies compared to the Q? control. In contrast, GM2 immobilized on Q? through a thiourea linker elicited high titers of IgG antibodies that recognized GM2-positive tumor cells and effectively induced cell lysis through complement-mediated cytotoxicity. Thus, bacteriophage Q? is a suitable platform to boost antibody responses towards GM2, a representative member of an important class of TACA: the ganglioside.
Project description:Soybean lipoxygenase-1 (SLO-1) catalyzes the C-H abstraction from the reactive carbon (C-11) in linoleic acid as the first and rate-determining step in the formation of alkylhydroperoxides. While previous labeling strategies have focused on deuterium labeling to ascertain the primary and secondary kinetic isotope effects for this reaction, there is an emerging interest and need for selectively enriched 13C isotopologues. In this report, we present synthetic strategies for site-specific 13C labeled linoleic acid substrates. We take advantage of a Corey-Fuchs formyl to terminal 13C-labeled alkyne conversion, using 13CBr4 as the labeling source, to reduce the number of steps from a previous fatty acid 13C synthetic labeling approach. The labeled linoleic acid substrates are useful as nuclear tunneling markers and for extracting active site geometries of the enzyme-substrate complex in lipoxygenase.