Project description:We report a case of Acanthamoeba castellani keratitis in a person who wore contact lenses. The amebae hosted an ameba-resistant bacterial symbiont, provisionally named "Attilina massiliensis," a yet undescribed α-Proteobacterium.
Project description:Purpose:To describe four cases of concomitant herpes simplex keratitis (HSK) and autoimmune-associated ulcerative keratitis (UK) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Observations:All patients developed HSK and UK while undergoing treatment for RA. The average age of onset for RA, UK and HSK was 49.3, 69.5 and 70.5 years, respectively. UK preceded HSK in three cases and followed HSK in one case. Two patients had bilateral UK and two had unilateral UK. HSK was unilateral in all cases. All the cases had been treated with immunosuppressive agents including steroid, methotrexate, calcineurin inhibitors, etanercept and tocilizumab at the onset of HSK. Every patient was treated for HSK with topical acyclovir ointment combined with oral valacyclovir. The final visual outcome was extremely poor despite intensive therapy. Conclusions and Importance:These cases raise the possibility that RA patients have an increased risk of HSK, and that HSK may tend to be severe in these patients because of their immunocompromised condition. Furthermore, the complication of HSK and UK in RA patients is difficult to treat because of the atypical clinical manifestation. Thus, the emergence of corneal ulcer, especially in patients with a long clinical history of RA, calls for careful follow-up.
Project description:To describe a case of peripheral ulcerative keratitis associated with type II cryoglobulinemia in the context of Hepatitis C infection.Case report and literature review.A 36-year-old male patient presented to our emergency department with unilateral moderate pain in his right eye, associated with redness and photophobia. Medical background elicited a history of Hepatitis C and IV illicit drug abuse. Ocular examination revealed a BCVA of 20/30 of the affected eye and slight discomfort with eye movement. Biomicroscopy revealed a ring shaped peripheral corneal ulcer, with a dense white stromal infiltrate sparing the limbus, plus an adjacent area of mild anterior diffuse nonnecrotizing scleritis. No intraocular inflammation was present. Posterior segment was normal. The patient was placed under oral prednisolone (1 mg/Kg/day) with gradual tapering. A dramatic clinical response occurred, with complete resolution of the clinical condition. Systemic analytic workup aiming at autoimmune and infectious diseases was negative, except for high HCV-viral load and the presence of type 2 cryoglobulins.Albeit rare, cryoglobulinemia, even in the absence of systemic vasculitis, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of PUK, when systemic workout for autoimmune diseases is negative.
Project description:Plague ecology is characterized by sporadic epizootics, then periods of dormancy. Building evidence suggests environmentally ubiquitous amebae act as feral macrophages and hosts to many intracellular pathogens. We conducted environmental genetic surveys and laboratory co-culture infection experiments to assess whether plague bacteria were resistant to digestion by 5 environmental ameba species. First, we demonstrated that Yersinia pestis is resistant or transiently resistant to various ameba species. Second, we showed that Y. pestis survives and replicates intracellularly within Dictyostelium discoideum amebae for ˃48 hours postinfection, whereas control bacteria were destroyed in <1 hour. Finally, we found that Y. pestis resides within ameba structures synonymous with those found in infected human macrophages, for which Y. pestis is a competent pathogen. Evidence supporting amebae as potential plague reservoirs stresses the importance of recognizing pathogen-harboring amebae as threats to public health, agriculture, conservation, and biodefense.
Project description:Peripheral ulcerative keratitis (PUK) is type of crescent-shaped inflammatory damage that occurs in the limbal region of the cornea. PUK is always combined with an epithelial defect and the destruction of the peripheral corneal stroma. PUK may have a connection to systemic conditions, such as long-standing rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Wegener granulomatosis (WG), relapsing polychondritis, classic polyarteritis nodosa and its variants, microscopic polyangiitis, and Churg-Strauss syndrome. However, the most common connection is with RA, which is also the focus of this review. The pathogenesis of PUK is still unclear. It is thought that circulating immune complexes and cytokines exert an important influence on the progression of this syndrome. Treatment is applied to inhibit certain aspects of PUK pathogenesis.
Project description:Legionellosis was diagnosed in an immunocompromised 3-year-old girl in Canada. We traced the source of the bacterium through co-culture with an ameba collected from a hot tub in her home. We identified Legionella pneumophila serogroup 6, sequence type 185, and used whole-genome sequencing to confirm the environmental and clinical isolates were of common origin.
Project description:Of the so-called nonpathogenic intestinal protozoa, Endolimax nana belongs to the ones least well described. Most data on E. nana have emerged from general surveys of intestinal parasites in selected cohorts and mostly in the absence of any particular focus on Endolimax. Hence, the genus of Endolimax remains largely unexplored in terms of morphology, taxonomy, genetic diversity, host specificity, and epidemiology. In this review, we seek to provide an overview of the work that has been performed on the parasite since the genus Endolimax was described by Kuenen and Swellengrebel in 1917 and suggest activities that may pave the way for a better understanding of E. nana in a clinical and public health context.
Project description:Infectious keratitis is a potentially sight threatening ophthalmological emergency. Contact lens wear is a common risk factor. Diagnostic advances such as MALDI-TOF MS provides new insights into the spectrum of corneal pathogens and on microbes previously considered as commensals. Corynebacterium macginleyi was described in 1995, and in 2018, the genomic features of three isolates were reported after whole-genome sequencing. Here we describe the clinical characteristics of patients with infectious keratitis (n = 29) presumably caused by Corynebacterium macginleyi, and analyze the genomic features of C. macginleyi (n = 22) isolated from the corneal ulcers of these patients. The disease course was uneventful apart from minor interventions such as corneal cross-linking and amniotic membrane transplant. Genome sequencing and comparison revealed a highly conserved core genome of C. macginleyi. Based on the analyses of single nucleotide polymorphisms, the population could be divided into two main clades that also differed in a few clade-specific genomic islands. Patients infected with an isolate belonging to the minor clade (n = 7) presented a more severe disease. Comparisons with other corynebacterial species clearly separated C. macginleyi. C. macginleyi may be considered a corneal pathogen; genomic analysis provided insights into its population structure and disease-causing potential.
Project description:Balamuthia mandrillaris is an opportunistic, free-living ameba that is pathogenic to humans. It has a worldwide distribution but is mainly detected in warmer regions. Balamuthia infections are rare but have been reported in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised individuals of all ages. B. mandrillaris can enter through wounds on the skin or the nose and cause cutaneous lesions and the usually fatal Balamuthia amebic encephalitis (BAE). Infection usually spreads from the lungs or through nerve fibers, and attacks the central nervous system, forming granulomatous lesions and necrosis in the brain. Balamuthia infection is usually chronic, and patients initially present with nonspecific symptoms, including headache, nausea, myalgia, and low-grade fever. As the disease progresses, the patient becomes paralyzed and comatose, often leading to death. Lack of knowledge of predisposing factors, specific treatment, and standardized detection tools have resulted in a nearly cent percent fatality rate. Although only about 200 cases have been reported worldwide since its characterization in the 1990s, the number of reported cases has increased over the years. BAE is an emerging disease and a major health concern. Few patients have survived Balamuthia infections with antimicrobial treatment that has largely been empirical. Early diagnosis is the key and requires familiarity with the disease and a high degree of suspicion on the part of the diagnostician. There are currently no specific treatment and prevention recommendations. This review highlights our current understanding of B. mandrillaris in terms of its pathogenicity, genomics, and novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches against BAE infections.