Divergent dispersion behavior of ssDNA fragments during microchip electrophoresis in pDMA and LPA entangled polymer networks.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Resolution of DNA fragments separated by electrophoresis in polymer solutions ("matrices") is determined by both the spacing between peaks and the width of the peaks. Prior research on the development of high-performance separation matrices has been focused primarily on optimizing DNA mobility and matrix selectivity, and gave less attention to peak broadening. Quantitative data are rare for peak broadening in systems in which high electric field strengths are used (>150 V/cm), which is surprising since capillary and microchip-based systems commonly run at these field strengths. Here, we report results for a study of band broadening behavior for ssDNA fragments on a glass microfluidic chip, for electric field strengths up to 320 V/cm. We compare dispersion coefficients obtained in a poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide) (pDMA) separation matrix that was developed for chip-based DNA sequencing with a commercially available linear polyacrylamide (LPA) matrix commonly used in capillaries. Much larger DNA dispersion coefficients were measured in the LPA matrix as compared to the pDMA matrix, and the dependence of dispersion coefficient on DNA size and electric field strength were found to differ quite starkly in the two matrices. These observations lead us to propose that DNA migration mechanisms differ substantially in our custom pDMA matrix compared to the commercially available LPA matrix. We discuss the implications of these results in terms of developing optimal matrices for specific separation (microchip or capillary) platforms.
PROVIDER: S-EPMC4362670 | biostudies-literature | 2012 May
REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature