Survey datasets on the influence of conflict management strategies on academic staff productivity in selected public universities in Nigeria.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: The article presented data on the influence of conflict management strategies on productivity of Academic Staff of selected public universities in Nigeria. A total of 368 copies of questionnaire were administered to the academic staff of selected three (3) Public Universities in the South-West Zone of Nigeria and 325 copies were returned and deemed usable. This represents a response rate of 88.32%. Emphasis was laid on the year of establishment of the selected universities based on the fact that over the years, these universities are likely to have been exposed to conflicts and the strategies for managing them. The study adopted the quantitative approach with a descriptive research design to establish trends related to the objectives of the study. The questionnaire used for this study was adapted from the work of Rahim (2002) [4]. The population of this study included all the Academic Staff of the selected public universities. Data was analyzed with the use of multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The data set is made available and accessible for more comprehensive research.
Project description:The article presented a survey data on work environment predictors and productivity of selected academic staff of selected public universities in Southern, Nigeria. The study adopted a quantitative approach with a survey research design to establish the major determinants of work environments in the selected public universities. Data was analysed with the use of structural equation modelling and the field data set is made widely accessible to enable critical or a more comprehensive investigation. The findings identified meaningful work and growth opportunities as predictive factors for maximizing productivity in the sampled institutions.
Project description:This study attempts to establish the relationships that exist between the different variables of organizational climate and job satisfaction among academic staff in some selected private Universities in South-West Nigeria, to ascertain related factors in organizational climate that can cause dissatisfaction among academics; and to determine if there is a significant difference in the way senior academics and junior academics perceive the existing organizational climate. A total of 384 copies of questionnaires were administered to selected five (5) private Universities in the South-West Zone of Nigeria but a total of 293 questionnaires were returned fully and appropriately filled. The study made use of appropriate statistics such as measurement model (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) and Multiple Regression to obtain results.
Project description:Background: Retention of academic staff is gaining the attention of various educational stakeholders in many developing countries like Nigeria. However, there is little extant literature on how various determinants and risk factors affect retention strategies and sustainable performance of academic staff of government owned universities in Nigeria. Consequently, this paper showed the direct relationships between retention strategies and sustainable performance. Methods: Copies of the designed questionnaire were distributed to members of the academic staff ranging from the Professors to Graduate Assistants of the selected state-owned Universities in Southern Nigeria. Statistical analysis for the study included descriptive measures, measurement and structural models. Results: The determinants of retention strategies had significant impacts on the sustainable performance of academic staff at r = 0.660 (p < 0.05) and r = 0.558 (p < 0.05), respectively. A direct relationship was also established between academic retention and sustainable performance of staff in the selected universities (r = 0.187, p < 0.05). This implies that the 48.3% variance in sustainable performance is explained by the level of determinants/risk factors and retention of academic staff in the selected universities. Conclusions: The study concludes that adequate funding provides Nigerian universities with the opportunity to meet the needs of the growing population and to match other top universities elsewhere in the development of vital highly skilled manpower, research and innovations, which are the tools for sustainable performance.
Project description:This dataset focuses on the causes and effects of sick building syndrome among users of selected facilities in Lagos. A mixed research approach of field measurement and cross-sectional survey was adopted. Descriptive statistics were implemented on the data acquired and are reported on tables and figures. The significance of this data leverages on providing insight and consciousness of sick building syndrome to users and occupants of constructed facilities. The survey dataset when analyzed can show direction on physical quantities levels that can be experienced in public buildings in tropical region.
Project description:This pooled dataset presents data collected through four (4) sequential cross-sectional surveys of undergraduates in six (6) selected Nigerian universities. The data were collected from a total of 12,615 undergraduates studying courses in the social sciences, sciences and engineering disciplines. The surveys assessed entrepreneurship interest, background and experience of the respondents. The dataset is useful for research, policy and practice in several ways. Coming from surveys repeated at intervals of between four and five years, the dataset allows for an assessment of the impacts of the compulsory entrepreneurship training that was introduced in the Nigerian university system at about the time of the first survey. It can also be used to quantify the potential pool of future entrepreneurs among the highly educated Nigerian youth. Additionally, the dataset presents a full entrepreneurship profile of a very large pooled cross-sectional sample of educated young people in the largest and most populous nation in sub-Saharan Africa. Consequently, researchers, policymakers, donors and other development practitioners seeking to characterize and design appropriate interventions for youths in the developing world will find this dataset valuable.
Project description:In this data article, a thorough dataset on patterns of electricity use in Nigerian public universities was presented. Three relatively old public universities with staff and students' halls of residences were purposively selected. The selected universities were Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (OAU), Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA), and University of Ibadan (UI). Data were obtained through the administration of a structured questionnaire on electricity end users in the universities sampled. For the data collection, the electricity end users in public universities were stratified into users in university staff offices, staff residences, student residences, and commercial units. Electricity users were selected using systematic random sampling and accidental sampling techniques. In OAU, FUTA and UI, 217, 137 and 164 students, respectively were sampled; 30, 3, and 61 households in OAU, FUTA, and UI, respectively were sampled while 28, 6, and 18 commercial units in OAU, FUTA and UI, respectively were also sampled. The sample size determined for staff in OAU, FUTA and UI were 139, 81 and 182, respectively. The data obtained were analyzed using radar charts. The information provided in this data article will encourage investigation into electricity management strategies, critical success factors for electricity management, planning, and policy formulation towards the realization of sustainable campuses.
Project description:BackgroundBurnout has been endorsed with serious negative health- and work-related outcomes. This study is aimed to assess the prevalence of burnout and its association with work productivity among academic staff.MethodsThis cross-sectional study involved 240 academic staff working at a public university in Egypt. Participants were invited to complete a web-based questionnaire involving basic personal, health, and work-related characteristics. Besides, Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) was used to assess occupational burnout dimensions (i.e., emotional exhaustion "EE," depersonalization "DP," and personal accomplishment "PA"), while work productivity was assessed with the Health and Work Performance Questionnaire (HPQ).ResultsIn total, 28% of respondents scored high in EE [95% confidence interval (CI): 22.5-33.8%], 18.3% high in DP (95% CI: 13.8-3.6%), and 88.3% scored low in PA (95% CI: 83.8-91.9%). Seventy percent of respondents scored high in only one burnout dimension, 21.7% scored high in two dimensions, while 7.1% scored high in all three dimensions. Multivariable analysis showed that EE was the only burnout dimension that showed a statistically significant association between absenteeism and presenteeism rates. The absenteeism rates among respondents with moderate and high EE were 2.1 and 3.3 times the rates among those with low EE, respectively. Likewise, the presenteeism rates among respondents with moderate and high EE were 2.4 and 4.7 times the rates among those with low EE, respectively.ConclusionsAcademic staff showed a high prevalence of at least one burnout dimension. Moderate and high EE scores were significantly associated with increased productivity loss when compared to low EE.
Project description:Background"The impacts of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the shutdown it triggered at universities across the world, led to a great degree of social isolation among university staff and students. The aim of this study was to identify the perceived consequences of this on staff and their work and on students and their studies at universities.MethodThe study used a variety of methods, which involved an on-line survey on the influences of social isolation using a non-probability sampling. More specifically, two techniques were used, namely a convenience sampling (i.e. involving members of the academic community, which are easy to reach by the study team), supported by a snow ball sampling (recruiting respondents among acquaintances of the participants). A total of 711 questionnaires from 41 countries were received. Descriptive statistics were deployed to analyse trends and to identify socio-demographic differences. Inferential statistics were used to assess significant differences among the geographical regions, work areas and other socio-demographic factors related to impacts of social isolation of university staff and students.ResultsThe study reveals that 90% of the respondents have been affected by the shutdown and unable to perform normal work or studies at their institution for between 1 week to 2 months. While 70% of the respondents perceive negative impacts of COVID 19 on their work or studies, more than 60% of them value the additional time that they have had indoors with families and others. .ConclusionsWhile the majority of the respondents agree that they suffered from the lack of social interaction and communication during the social distancing/isolation, there were significant differences in the reactions to the lockdowns between academic staff and students. There are also differences in the degree of influence of some of the problems, when compared across geographical regions. In addition to policy actions that may be deployed, further research on innovative methods of teaching and communication with students is needed in order to allow staff and students to better cope with social isolation in cases of new or recurring pandemics.
Project description:The COVID-19 pandemic has raised many issues for higher education institutions, one of which is the continued decline in funding and an increased emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency. Performance-based budgeting is being adopted in organisations to allocate resources more efficiently, and Chinese public universities are no exception. The present study explicitly aimed to examine the relationship among staff capacity, performance-based budgeting, and organisational performance in Chinese public universities. It also investigated the role of top management support as a moderator. A purposive sampling method was used to select a total of 271 participants who agreed to participate in an online survey. A multimethod approach combining partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM), the PROCESS macro and necessary condition analysis (NCA) was adopted. The PLS-SEM results indicated that performance-based budgeting had a positive relationship with university performance and served as a mediator between staff capacity and university performance. The moderated mediation results showed that top management moderated the relationship among the selected variables. The NCA results suggested that both staff capacity and performance-based budgeting are meaningful and significant necessary conditions for university performance. The combined results indicated how researchers and practitioners can identify the factors that are critical for university performance and result in the best possible outcomes. This is possibly the first study to use this multimethod approach in accounting research. Overall, this study offers valuable insights into performance-based budgeting implementation in higher education institutions and may serve as a guideline for public universities to improve the efficiency of funding, reduce costs and increase revenues.