Ontology highlight
PROVIDER: S-EPMC6197426 | biostudies-literature | 2018 Aug
REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature
Johnson Rebecca N RN O'Meally Denis D Chen Zhiliang Z Etherington Graham J GJ Ho Simon Y W SYW Nash Will J WJ Grueber Catherine E CE Cheng Yuanyuan Y Whittington Camilla M CM Dennison Siobhan S Peel Emma E Haerty Wilfried W O'Neill Rachel J RJ Colgan Don D Russell Tonia L TL Alquezar-Planas David E DE Attenbrow Val V Bragg Jason G JG Brandies Parice A PA Chong Amanda Yoon-Yee AY Deakin Janine E JE Di Palma Federica F Duda Zachary Z Eldridge Mark D B MDB Ewart Kyle M KM Hogg Carolyn J CJ Frankham Greta J GJ Georges Arthur A Gillett Amber K AK Govendir Merran M Greenwood Alex D AD Hayakawa Takashi T Helgen Kristofer M KM Hobbs Matthew M Holleley Clare E CE Heider Thomas N TN Jones Elizabeth A EA King Andrew A Madden Danielle D Graves Jennifer A Marshall JAM Morris Katrina M KM Neaves Linda E LE Patel Hardip R HR Polkinghorne Adam A Renfree Marilyn B MB Robin Charles C Salinas Ryan R Tsangaras Kyriakos K Waters Paul D PD Waters Shafagh A SA Wright Belinda B Wilkins Marc R MR Timms Peter P Belov Katherine K
Nature genetics 20180702 8
The koala, the only extant species of the marsupial family Phascolarctidae, is classified as 'vulnerable' due to habitat loss and widespread disease. We sequenced the koala genome, producing a complete and contiguous marsupial reference genome, including centromeres. We reveal that the koala's ability to detoxify eucalypt foliage may be due to expansions within a cytochrome P450 gene family, and its ability to smell, taste and moderate ingestion of plant secondary metabolites may be due to expan ...[more]