Modulation of Apoptosis Controls Inhibitory Interneuron Number in the Cortex.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Cortical networks are composed of excitatory projection neurons and inhibitory interneurons. Finding the right balance between the two is important for controlling overall cortical excitation and network dynamics. However, it is unclear how the correct number of cortical interneurons (CIs) is established in the mammalian forebrain. CIs are generated in excess from basal forebrain progenitors, and their final numbers are adjusted via an intrinsically determined program of apoptosis that takes place during an early postnatal window. Here, we provide evidence that the extent of CI apoptosis during this critical period is plastic and cell-type specific and can be reduced in a cell-autonomous manner by acute increases in neuronal activity. We propose that the physiological state of the emerging neural network controls the activity levels of local CIs to modulate their numbers in a homeostatic manner.
Project description:The proper development and function of telencephalic GABAergic interneurons is critical for maintaining the excitation and inhibition (E/I) balance in cortical circuits. Glutamate contributes to cortical interneuron (CIN) development via N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs). NMDAR activation requires the binding of a co-agonist, either glycine or D-serine. D-serine (co-agonist at many mature forebrain synapses) is racemized by the neuronal enzyme serine racemase (SR) from L-serine. We utilized constitutive SR knockout (SR-/-) mice to investigate the effect of D-serine availability on the development of CINs and inhibitory synapses in the prelimbic cortex (PrL). We found that most immature Lhx6 + CINs expressed SR and the obligatory NMDAR subunit NR1. At embryonic day 15, SR-/- mice had an accumulation of GABA and increased mitotic proliferation in the ganglionic eminence and fewer Gad1 + (glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 kDa; GAD67) cells in the E18 neocortex. Lhx6 + cells develop into parvalbumin (PV+) and somatostatin (Sst+) CINs. In the PrL of postnatal day (PND) 16 SR-/- mice, there was a significant decrease in GAD67+ and PV+, but not SST + CIN density, which was associated with reduced inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons. These results demonstrate that D-serine availability is essential for prenatal CIN development and postnatal cortical circuit maturation.
Project description:Prenatally, the cytokine CXCL12 regulates cortical interneuron migration, whereas its postnatal functions are poorly understood. Here, we report that CXCL12 is expressed postnatally in layer V pyramidal neurons and localizes on their cell bodies in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), while its receptors CXCR4/CXCR7 localize to the axon terminals of parvalbumin (PV) interneurons. Conditionally eliminating CXCL12 in neonatal layer V pyramidal neurons led to decreased axon targeting and reduced inhibitory perisomatic synapses from PV+ basket interneurons onto layer V pyramidal neurons. Consequently, the mPFC of Cxcl12 conditional mutants displayed attenuated inhibitory postsynaptic currents onto layer V pyramidal neurons. Thus, postnatal CXCL12 signaling promotes a specific interneuron circuit that inhibits mPFC activity.
Project description:Inhibition modulates receptive field properties and integrative responses of neurons in cortical circuits. The contribution of specific interneuron classes to cortical circuits and emergent responses is unknown. Here, we examined neuronal responses in primary visual cortex (V1) of adult Dlx1(-/-) mice, which have a selective reduction in cortical dendrite-targeting interneurons (DTIs) that express calretinin, neuropeptide Y, and somatostatin. The V1 neurons examined in Dlx1(-/-) mice have reduced orientation selectivity and altered firing rates, with elevated late responses, suggesting that local inhibition at dendrites has a specific role in modulating neuronal computations. We did not detect overt changes in the physiological properties of thalamic relay neurons and features of thalamocortical projections, such as retinotopic maps and eye-specific inputs, in the mutant mice, suggesting that the defects are cortical in origin. These experimental results are well explained by a computational model that integrates broad tuning from dendrite-targeting and narrower tuning from soma-targeting interneuron subclasses. Our findings suggest a key role for DTIs in the fine-tuning of stimulus-specific cortical responses.
Project description:Mental disorders, characterized by the National Institute of Mental Health as disruptions in neural circuitry, currently account for 13% of the global incidence of such disorders. An increasing number of studies suggest that imbalances between excitatory and inhibitory neurons in neural networks may be a crucial mechanism underlying mental disorders. However, the spatial distribution of inhibitory interneurons in the auditory cortex (ACx) and their relationship with excitatory pyramidal cells (PCs) remain elusive. In this study, we employed a combination of optogenetics, transgenic mice, and patch-clamp recording on brain slices to investigate the microcircuit characteristics of different interneurons (PV, SOM, and VIP) and the spatial pattern of inhibitory inhibition across layers 2/3 to 6 in the ACx. Our findings revealed that PV interneurons provide the strongest and most localized inhibition with no cross-layer innervation or layer specificity. Conversely, SOM and VIP interneurons weakly regulate PC activity over a broader range, exhibiting distinct spatial inhibitory preferences. Specifically, SOM inhibitions are preferentially found in deep infragranular layers, while VIP inhibitions predominantly occur in upper supragranular layers. PV inhibitions are evenly distributed across all layers. These results suggest that the input from inhibitory interneurons to PCs manifests in unique ways, ensuring that both strong and weak inhibitory inputs are evenly dispersed throughout the ACx, thereby maintaining a dynamic excitation-inhibition balance. Our findings contribute to understanding the spatial inhibitory characteristics of PCs and inhibitory interneurons in the ACx at the circuit level, which holds significant clinical implications for identifying and targeting abnormal circuits in auditory system diseases.
Project description:Acetylcholine (ACh) influences attention, short-term memory, and sleep/waking transitions, through its modulatory influence on cortical neurons. It has been proposed that behavioral state changes mediated by ACh result from its selective effects on the intrinsic membrane properties of diverse cortical inhibitory interneuron classes. ACh has been widely shown to reduce the strength of excitatory (glutamatergic) synapses. But past studies using extracellular stimulation have not been able to examine the effects of ACh on local cortical connections important for shaping sensory processing. Here, using dual intracellular recording in slices of rat somatosensory cortex, we show that reduction of local excitatory input to inhibitory neurons by ACh is coupled to differences in the underlying short-term synaptic plasticity (STP). In synapses with short-term depression, where successive evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs; >5 Hz) usually diminish in strength (short-term depression), cholinergic agonist (5-10 microM carbachol (CCh)) reduced the amplitude of the first EPSP in an evoked train, but CCh's net effect on subsequent EPSPs rapidly diminished. In synapses where successive EPSPs increased in strength (facilitation), the effect of CCh on later EPSPs in an evoked train became progressively greater. The effect of CCh on both depressing and facilitating synapses was blocked by the muscarinic antagonist, 1-5 microM atropine. It is suggested that selective influence on STP contributes fundamentally to cholinergic "switching" between cortical rhythms that underlie different behavioral states.
Project description:The perirhinal (PER) and lateral entorhinal (LEC) cortex form an anatomical link between the neocortex and the hippocampus. However, neocortical activity is transmitted through the PER and LEC to the hippocampus with a low probability, suggesting the involvement of the inhibitory network. This study explored the role of interneuron mediated inhibition, activated by electrical stimulation in the agranular insular cortex (AiP), in the deep layers of the PER and LEC. Activated synaptic input by AiP stimulation rarely evoked action potentials in the PER-LEC deep layer excitatory principal neurons, most probably because the evoked synaptic response consisted of a small excitatory and large inhibitory conductance. Furthermore, parvalbumin positive (PV) interneurons-a subset of interneurons projecting onto the axo-somatic region of principal neurons-received synaptic input earlier than principal neurons, suggesting recruitment of feedforward inhibition. This synaptic input in PV interneurons evoked varying trains of action potentials, explaining the fast rising, long lasting synaptic inhibition received by deep layer principal neurons. Altogether, the excitatory input from the AiP onto deep layer principal neurons is overruled by strong feedforward inhibition. PV interneurons, with their fast, extensive stimulus-evoked firing, are able to deliver this fast evoked inhibition in principal neurons. This indicates an essential role for PV interneurons in the gating mechanism of the PER-LEC network.
Project description:A dorsal frontoparietal network, including regions in intraparietal sulcus (IPS) and frontal eye field (FEF), has been hypothesized to control the allocation of spatial attention to environmental stimuli. One putative mechanism of control is the desynchronization of electroencephalography (EEG) alpha rhythms (approximately 8-12 Hz) in visual cortex in anticipation of a visual target. We show that brief interference by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) with preparatory activity in right IPS or right FEF while subjects attend to a spatial location impairs identification of target visual stimuli approximately 2 s later. This behavioral effect is associated with the disruption of anticipatory (prestimulus) alpha desynchronization and its spatially selective topography in parieto-occipital cortex. Finally, the disruption of anticipatory alpha rhythms in occipital cortex after right IPS- or right FEF-rTMS correlates with deficits of visual identification. These results support the causal role of the dorsal frontoparietal network in the control of visuospatial attention, and suggest that this is partly exerted through the synchronization of occipital visual neurons.
Project description:AimsTranscranial focus ultrasound stimulation (tFUS) is a promising non-invasive neuromodulation technology. This study aimed to evaluate the modulatory effects of tFUS on human motor cortex (M1) excitability and explore the mechanism of neurotransmitter-related intracortical circuitry and plasticity.MethodsSingle pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)-eliciting motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) were used to assessed M1 excitability in 10 subjects. Paired-pulse TMS was used to measure the effects of tFUS on GABA- and glutamate-related intracortical excitability and 1 H-MRS was used to assess the effects of repetitive tFUS on GABA and Glx (glutamine + glutamate) neurometabolic concentrations in the targeting region in nine subjects.ResultsThe etFUS significantly increased M1 excitability, decreased short interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) and long interval intracortical inhibition (LICI). The itFUS significantly suppressed M1 excitability, increased SICI, LICI, and decreased intracortical facilitation (ICF). Seven times of etFUS decreased the GABA concentration (6.32%), increased the Glx concentration (12.40%), and decreased the GABA/Glx ratio measured by MRS, while itFUS increased the GABA concentration (18.59%), decreased Glx concentration (0.35%), and significantly increased GABA/Glx ratio.ConclusionThe findings support that tFUS with different parameters can exert excitatory and inhibitory neuromodulatory effects on the human motor cortex. We provide novel insights that tFUS change cortical excitability and plasticity by regulating excitatory-inhibition balance related to the GABAergic and glutamatergic receptor function and neurotransmitter metabolic level.
Project description:In cortical networks, different types of inhibitory interneurons control the activity of glutamatergic principal cells and GABAergic interneurons. Principal neurons represent the major postsynaptic target of most interneurons; however, a population of interneurons that is dedicated to the selective innervation of GABAergic cells exists in the CA1 area of the hippocampus. The physiological properties of these cells and their functional relevance for network computations remain unknown. Here, we used a combination of dual simultaneous patch-clamp recordings and targeted optogenetic stimulation in acute mouse hippocampal slices to examine how one class of interneuron-specific (IS) cells controls the activity of its GABAergic targets. We found that type 3 IS (IS3) cells that coexpress the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and calretinin contact several distinct types of interneurons within the hippocampal CA1 stratum oriens/alveus (O/A), with preferential innervation of oriens-lacunosum moleculare cells (OLMs) through dendritic synapses. In contrast, VIP-positive basket cells provided perisomatic inhibition to CA1 pyramidal neurons with the asynchronous GABA release and were not connected with O/A interneurons. Furthermore, unitary IPSCs recorded at IS3-OLM synapses had a small amplitude and low release probability but summated efficiently during high-frequency firing of IS3 interneurons. Moreover, the synchronous generation of a single spike in several IS cells that converged onto a single OLM controlled the firing rate and timing of OLM interneurons. Therefore, dendritic inhibition originating from IS cells is needed for the flexible activity-dependent recruitment of OLM interneurons for feedback inhibition.
Project description:Oriens-lacunosum moleculare (O-LM) interneurons in the CA1 region of the hippocampus play a key role in feedback inhibition and in the control of network activity. However, how these cells are efficiently activated in the network remains unclear. To address this question, I performed recordings from CA1 pyramidal neuron axons, the presynaptic fibers that provide feedback innervation of these interneurons. Two forms of axonal action potential (AP) modulation were identified. First, repetitive stimulation resulted in activity-dependent AP broadening. Broadening showed fast onset, with marked changes in AP shape following a single AP. Second, tonic depolarization in CA1 pyramidal neuron somata induced AP broadening in the axon, and depolarization-induced broadening summated with activity-dependent broadening. Outside-out patch recordings from CA1 pyramidal neuron axons revealed a high density of α-dendrotoxin (α-DTX)-sensitive, inactivating K+ channels, suggesting that K+ channel inactivation mechanistically contributes to AP broadening. To examine the functional consequences of axonal AP modulation for synaptic transmission, I performed paired recordings between synaptically connected CA1 pyramidal neurons and O-LM interneurons. CA1 pyramidal neuron-O-LM interneuron excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) showed facilitation during both repetitive stimulation and tonic depolarization of the presynaptic neuron. Both effects were mimicked and occluded by α-DTX, suggesting that they were mediated by K+ channel inactivation. Therefore, axonal AP modulation can greatly facilitate the activation of O-LM interneurons. In conclusion, modulation of AP shape in CA1 pyramidal neuron axons substantially enhances the efficacy of principal neuron-interneuron synapses, promoting the activation of O-LM interneurons in recurrent inhibitory microcircuits.