Project description:Abstract The patient was a 49‐year‐old female with a submucosal tumor (12×12 mm) located in the lesser curvature side of the stomach. The diagnosis by endoscopic ultrasound fine‐needle aspiration was of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Computed tomography and endoscopic ultrasound showed gastrointestinal stromal tumor with an intra‐luminal growth type. Endoscopic full‐thickness resection was then performed. To achieve good counter traction, enough safety margin, and minimal defect of muscle, full‐thickness resection via creating a submucosal tunnel was performed as a new technique. The final histological diagnosis was gastrointestinal stromal tumor with R0 resection.
Project description:Cryoablation has been used for the treatment of various sorts of solid visceral tumors, but few are reported on gastric tumor via endoscope, in terms of accurate control of ablation site, freezing depth and effective temperature. Thus, we developed a novel device, which could perform accurate cryoablation on the stomach via endoscope. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the device on porcine stomach. Results showed that the novel device could provide direct view of the operation space, allowing accurate and safe ablation of the stomach. Three minutes cryoablation caused a transmural, 1 cm radius gastric lesion. On serosal side, the temperature dropped to -64.2 °C, -34.1 °C, 26.1 °C at the center, 1 cm and 2 cm from center, respectively. Histopathology revealed acute ruptured cells with damaged glands in mucosa, partial disruption in muscularis propria and serosal slight exudation. Three months later, scar formed with complete recovery of gastric structure. No active bleeding or perforation of stomach, nor injury or adhesion of adjacent organs was observed. This endoscopic cryoablation device allowed safe, full-thickness cryoablation with effective temperature, which may provide an alternative treatment for gastric tumor.
Project description:Video 1The mass was identified at the upper- to mid-esophagus, 25 cm from the central incisors. No varices were seen on further examination of the esophagus. A 4-mm injector force needle was used to create a large submucosal injection using BlueBoost lifting agent proximal to the mass. A longitudinal mucosal incision was then made using the hybrid T-type electrocautery knife, 20 cm from the central incisors.The cutting current was the preset Endocut Q mode, and the coagulation setting was spray coag mode, effect 2 and 40 W.Next, tunnel creation by submucosal dissection was performed with a focus on keeping the submucosal space as clean as possible. Carbon dioxide was used for insufflation to prevent pneumoperitoneum.A smooth-surfaced oval mass was identified originating from the muscularis propria layer. Dissection was extended 2 cm distally beyond the mass. Next, resection of the mass was performed. First, the mucosal surface of the mass was dissected. Dissection began at the distal portion, proceeded to the left and right lateral borders, and then continued toward the proximal portion. The mass was dissected away from the muscularis propria.We focused on freeing the mass, ensuring this esophageal mass was intact throughout dissection. The attached bands of muscularis propria at the distal portion were carefully resected completely.Water irrigation was used at this time to ensure better visualization for resection. The remaining attached bands of muscularis propria were resected, ensuring complete en bloc resection. Afterward, the mass was suctioned into the cap and carefully retrieved as shown, and then sent to pathology for processing.The entire defect bed was inspected post-resection, and no perforation or bleeding was identified.The mucosal defect was completely closed with through-the-scope hemostatic clips in a longitudinal fashion beginning with approximation of the defect at the distal portion.
Project description:With the development of reliable endoscopic closure techniques and tools, endoscopic full-thickness resection (EFTR) is emerging as a therapeutic option for the treatment of subepithelial tumors and epithelial neoplasia with significant fibrosis. EFTR may be categorized as "exposed" and "nonexposed." In exposed EFTR, the full-thickness resection is undertaken with a tunneled or nontunneled technique, with subsequent closure of the defect. In nonexposed EFTR, a secure serosa-to-serosa apposition is achieved before full-thickness resection of the isolated lesion. This document reviews current techniques and devices used for EFTR and reviews clinical applications and outcomes.
Project description:Endoscopic full-thickness resection combined with laparoscopic surgery was recently developed. These procedures could be categorized as "Cut first and then suture" and "Suture first and then cut". "Cut first and then suture" includes laparoscopic and endoscopic cooperative surgery (LECS) and laparoscopy-assisted endoscopic full-thickness resection (LAEFR). Recent studies have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of LECS and LAEFR. However, these techniques are limited by the related exposure of the tumor and gastric mucosa to the peritoneal cavity and manipulation of these organs, which could lead to viable cancer cell seeding and the spillage of gastric juice into the peritoneal cavity. In the "Suture first and then cut" technique, the serosal side of the stomach is sutured to invert the stomach and subsequently endoscopic resection is performed. In this article, details of these techniques, including their advantages and limitations, are described.
Project description:Video 1Nonexposed endoscopic wall inversion surgery for local resection of microscopic residual tumor after endoscopic submucosal dissection.