Project description:SARS-CoV-2 is a newly emerged coronavirus that caused the global COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020. COVID-19 is primarily associated with lung injury, but many other clinical symptoms such as loss of smell and taste demonstrated broad tissue tropism of the virus. Early SARS-CoV-2-host cell interactions and entry mechanisms remain poorly understood. Investigating SARS-CoV-2 infection in tissue culture, we found that the protease TMPRSS2 determines the entry pathway used by the virus. In the presence of TMPRSS2, the proteolytic process of SARS-CoV-2 was completed at the plasma membrane, and the virus rapidly entered the cells within 10 min in a pH-independent manner. When target cells lacked TMPRSS2 expression, the virus was endocytosed and sorted into endolysosomes, from which SARS-CoV-2 entered the cytosol via acid-activated cathepsin L protease 40-60 min post infection. Overexpression of TMPRSS2 in non-TMPRSS2 expressing cells abolished the dependence of infection on the cathepsin L pathway and restored sensitivity to the TMPRSS2 inhibitors. Together, our results indicate that SARS-CoV-2 infects cells through distinct, mutually exclusive entry routes and highlight the importance of TMPRSS2 for SARS-CoV-2 sorting into either pathway.
Project description:BackgroundObesity modulates inflammation and activation of immune pathways which can lead to liver complications. We aimed at identifying expression patterns of inflammatory and immune response genes specifically associated with obesity and NASH in the liver of morbidly obese patients.Methodology/principal findingsExpression of 222 genes was evaluated by quantitative RT-PCR in the liver of morbidly obese patients with histologically normal liver (n?=?6), or with severe steatosis without (n?=?6) or with NASH (n?=?6), and in lean controls (n?=?5). Hepatic expression of 58 out of 222 inflammatory and immune response genes was upregulated in NASH patients. The most notable changes occurred in genes encoding chemokines and chemokine receptors involved in leukocyte recruitment, CD and cytokines involved in the T cell activation towards a Th1 phenotype, and immune semaphorins. This regulation seems to be specific for the liver since visceral adipose tissue expression and serum levels of MCP1, IP10, TNF? and IL6 were not modified. Importantly, 47 other genes were already upregulated in histologically normal liver (e.g. CRP, Toll-like receptor (TLR) pathway). Interestingly, serum palmitate, known to activate the TLR pathway, was increased with steatosis.Conclusion/significanceThe liver of obese patients without histological abnormalities already displayed a low-grade inflammation and could be more responsive to activators of the TLR pathway. NASH was then characterized by a specific gene signature. These findings help to identify new potential actors of the pathogenesis of NAFLD.
Project description:Chronic hepatitis (CH) of dysmetabolic or viral etiology has been associated with poor prognosis in patients who experienced the severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus-2 (SARS-Cov-2) infection. We aimed to explore the impact of SARS-Cov-2 infection on disease severity in a group of patients with CH. Forty-two patients with CH of different etiology were enrolled (median age, 56 years; male gender, 59%). ACE2 and TMPRSS2 were measured in plasma samples of all patients by ELISA and in the liver tissue of a subgroup of 15 patients by Western blot. Overall, 13 patients (31%) experienced SARS-Cov-2 infection: 2/15 (15%) had CHB, 5/12 (39%) had CHC, and 6/15 (46%) had non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Compared to viral CH patients, NAFLD subjects showed higher circulating ACE2 levels (p = 0.0019). Similarly, hepatic expression of ACE2 was higher in subjects who underwent SARS-Cov-2 infection compared to the counterpart, (3.24 ± 1.49 vs. 1.49 ± 1.32, p = 0.032). Conversely, hepatic TMPRSS2 was significantly lower in patients who experienced symptomatic COVID-19 disease compared to asymptomatic patients (p = 0.0038). Further studies are necessary to understand the impact of COVID-19 in patients with pre-existing liver diseases.
Project description:Severe acute respiratory syndrome virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) invades host cells by interacting with receptors/coreceptors, as well as with other cofactors, via its spike (S) protein that further mediates fusion between viral and cellular membranes. The host membrane protein, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), is the major receptor for SARS-CoV-2 and is a crucial determinant for cross-species transmission. In addition, some auxiliary receptors and cofactors are also involved that expand the host/tissue tropism of SARS-CoV-2. After receptor engagement, specific proteases are required that cleave the S protein and trigger its fusogenic activity. Here we discuss the recent advances in understanding the molecular events during SARS-CoV-2 entry which will contribute to developing vaccines and therapeutics.
Project description:BACKGROUND & AIMS: Recent studies revealed that hemoglobin is expressed in some non-erythrocytes and it suppresses oxidative stress when overexpressed. Oxidative stress plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). This study was to investigate whether hemoglobin is expressed in hepatocytes and how it is related to oxidative stress in NASH patients. METHODS: Microarray was performed to identify differentially expressed genes in NASH. Quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR) was used to examine gene expression levels. Western blotting and immunofluorescence staining were employed to examine hemoglobin proteins. Flow cytometry was used to measure intracellular oxidative stress. RESULTS: Analysis of microarray gene expression data has revealed a significant increase in the expression of hemoglobin alpha (HBA1) and beta (HBB) in liver biopspies from NASH patients. Increased hemoglobin expression in NASH was validated by qRT-PCR. However, the expression of erythrocyte specific marker genes such as SPTA, SPTB, GYPA, GATA1, and ALAS2 did not change, indicating that increased hemoglobin expression in NASH was not from erythropoiesis, but could result from increased expression in hepatocytes. Immunofluorescence staining demonstrated positive HBA1 and HBB expression in the hepatocytes of NASH livers. Hemoglobin expression was also observed in human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cell line. Furthermore, treatment with hydrogen peroxide, a known oxidative stress inducer, induced a dose dependent increase in HBA1 expression in HepG2 cells. Intriguingly, forced hemoglobin expression suppressed oxidative stress. CONCLUSIONS: Oxidative stress upregulates hemoglobin expression in hepatocytes. Suppression of oxidative stress by hemoglobin could be a mechanism to protect hepatocytes from oxidative damage. These findings suggest that hemoglobin is an inducible antioxidant in hepatocytes in response to increased oxidative stress as found in NASH livers. Twelve biopsy diagnosed NASH patients were included in this study. For control groups, total RNA from 5 different subjects were purchased from ADMET. These subjects are free from liver disease.
Project description:Little is known about cellular determinants essential for human hepatitis B virus infection. Using the duck hepatitis B virus as a model, we first established a sensitive binding assay for both virions and subviral particles and subsequently elucidated the characteristics of the early viral entry steps. The infection itinerary was found to initiate with the attachment of viral particles to a low number of binding sites on hepatocytes (about 10(4) per cell). Virus internalization was fully accomplished in less than 3 h but was then followed by a period of unprecedented length, about 14 h, until completion of nuclear import of the viral genome. Steps subsequent to virus entry depended on both intact microtubules and their dynamic turnover but not on actin cytoskeleton. Notably, cytoplasmic trafficking of viral particles and emergence of nuclear covalently closed circular DNA requires microtubules during entry only at and for specific time periods. Taken together, these data disclose for the first time a series of steps and their kinetics that are essential for the entry of hepatitis B viruses into hepatocytes and are different from those of any other virus reported so far.