Insular responses to transient painful and non-painful thermal and mechanical spinothalamic stimuli recorded using intracerebral EEG
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Brief thermo-nociceptive stimuli elicit low-frequency phase-locked local field potentials (LFPs) and high-frequency gamma-band oscillations (GBOs) in the human insula. Although neither of these responses constitute a direct correlate of pain perception, previous findings suggest that insular GBOs may be strongly related to the activation of the spinothalamic system and/or to the processing of thermal information. To disentangle these different features of the stimulation, we compared the insular responses to brief painful thermonociceptive stimuli, non-painful cool stimuli, mechano-nociceptive stimuli, and innocuous vibrotactile stimuli, recorded using intracerebral electroencephalograpic activity in 7 epileptic patients (9 depth electrodes, 58 insular contacts). All four types of stimuli elicited consistent low-frequency phase-locked LFPs throughout the insula, possibly reflecting supramodal activity. The latencies of thermo-nociceptive and cool low-frequency phase-locked LFPs were shorter in the posterior insula compared to the anterior insula, suggesting a similar processing of thermal input initiating in the posterior insula, regardless of whether the input produces pain and regardless of thermal modality. In contrast, only thermo-nociceptive stimuli elicited an enhancement of insular GBOs, suggesting that these activities are not simply related to the activation of the spinothalamic system or to the conveyance of thermal information.
Project description:How pain emerges from cortical activities remains an unresolved question in pain neuroscience. A first step toward addressing this question consists in identifying brain activities that occur preferentially in response to painful stimuli in comparison to non-painful stimuli. A key confound that has affected this important comparison in many previous studies is the intensity of the stimuli generating painful and non-painful sensations. Here, we compared the brain activity during iso-intense painful and tactile sensations sampled by functional MRI in 51 healthy participants. Specifically, the perceived intensity was recorded for every stimulus and only the stimuli with rigorously matched perceived intensity were selected and compared between painful and tactile conditions. We found that all brain areas activated by painful stimuli were also activated by tactile stimuli, and vice versa. Neural responses in these areas were correlated with the perceived stimulus intensity, regardless of stimulus modality. More importantly, among these activated areas, we further identified a number of brain regions showing stronger responses to painful stimuli than to tactile stimuli when perceived intensity was carefully matched, including the bilateral opercular cortex, the left supplementary motor area and the right frontal middle and inferior areas. Among these areas, the right frontal middle area still responded more strongly to painful stimuli even when painful stimuli were perceived less intense than tactile stimuli, whereas in this condition other regions showed stronger responses to tactile stimuli. In contrast, the left postcentral gyrus, the visual cortex, the right parietal inferior gyrus, the left parietal superior gyrus and the right cerebellum had stronger responses to tactile stimuli than to painful stimuli when perceived intensity was matched. When tactile stimuli were perceived less intense than painful stimuli, the left postcentral gyrus and the right parietal inferior gyrus still responded more strongly to tactile stimuli while other regions now showed similar responses to painful and tactile stimuli. These results suggest that different brain areas may be engaged differentially when processing painful and tactile information, although their neural activities are not exclusively dedicated to encoding information of only one modality but are strongly determined by perceived stimulus intensity regardless of stimulus modality.
Project description:BackgroundIdentification of potentially harmful stimuli is necessary for the well-being and self-preservation of all organisms. However, the neural substrates involved in the processing of aversive stimuli are not well understood. For instance, painful and non-painful aversive stimuli are largely thought to activate different neural networks. However, it is presently unclear whether there is a common aversion-related network of brain regions responsible for the basic processing of aversive stimuli. To help clarify this issue, this report used a cross-species translational approach in humans (i.e. meta-analysis) and rodents (i.e. systematic review of functional neuroanatomy).ResultsAnimal and human data combined to show a core aversion-related network, consisting of similar cortical (i.e. MCC, PCC, AI, DMPFC, RTG, SMA, VLOFC; see results section or abbreviation section for full names) and subcortical (i.e. Amyg, BNST, DS, Hab, Hipp/Parahipp, Hyp, NAc, NTS, PAG, PBN, raphe, septal nuclei, Thal, LC, midbrain) regions. In addition, a number of regions appeared to be more involved in pain-related (e.g. sensory cortex) or non-pain-related (e.g. amygdala) aversive processing.ConclusionsThis investigation suggests that aversive processing, at the most basic level, relies on similar neural substrates, and that differential responses may be due, in part, to the recruitment of additional structures as well as the spatio-temporal dynamic activity of the network. This network perspective may provide a clearer understanding of why components of this circuit appear dysfunctional in some psychiatric and pain-related disorders.
Project description:Recent reports show that focusing attention on the location where pain is expected can enhance its perception. Moreover, crossing the hands over the body's midline is known to impair the ability to localise stimuli and decrease tactile and pain sensations in healthy participants. The present study investigated the role of transient spatial attention on the perception of painful and non-painful electrical stimuli in conditions in which a match or a mismatch was induced between skin-based and external frames of reference (uncrossed and crossed hands positions, respectively). We measured the subjective experience (Numerical Rating Scale scores) and the electrophysiological response elicited by brief electric stimuli by analysing the P3 component of Event-Related Potentials (ERPs). Twenty-two participants underwent eight painful and eight non-painful stimulus blocks. The electrical stimuli were applied to either the left or the right hand, held in either a crossed or uncrossed position. Each stimulus was preceded by a direction cue (leftward or rightward arrow). In 80% of the trials, the arrow correctly pointed to the spatial regions where the stimulus would appear (congruent cueing). Our results indicated that congruent cues resulted in increased pain NRS scores compared to incongruent ones. For non-painful stimuli such an effect was observed only in the uncrossed hands position. For both non-painful and painful stimuli the P3 peak amplitudes were higher and occurred later for incongruently cued stimuli compared to congruent ones. However, we found that crossing the hands substantially reduced the cueing effect of the P3 peak amplitudes elicited by painful stimuli. Taken together, our results showed a strong influence of transient attention manipulations on the NRS ratings and on the brain activity. Our results also suggest that hand position may modulate the strength of the cueing effect, although differences between painful and non-painful stimuli exist.
Project description:The response of the tympanic membrane (TM) to transient environmental sounds and the contributions of different parts of the TM to middle-ear sound transmission were investigated by measuring the TM response to global transients (acoustic clicks) and to local transients (mechanical impulses) applied to the umbo and various locations on the TM. A lightly-fixed human temporal bone was prepared by removing the ear canal, inner ear, and stapes, leaving the incus, malleus, and TM intact. Motion of nearly the entire TM was measured by a digital holography system with a high speed camera at a rate of 42 000 frames per second, giving a temporal resolution of <24 ?s for the duration of the TM response. The entire TM responded nearly instantaneously to acoustic transient stimuli, though the peak displacement and decay time constant varied with location. With local mechanical transients, the TM responded first locally at the site of stimulation, and the response spread approximately symmetrically and circumferentially around the umbo and manubrium. Acoustic and mechanical transients provide distinct and complementary stimuli for the study of TM response. Spatial variations in decay and rate of spread of response imply local variations in TM stiffness, mass, and damping.
Project description:PurposeIn simultaneous scalp electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) changes occurring before the spike have been sometimes described but could not be explained. To characterize the origin of this prespike BOLD signal change, we looked for electrographic changes in stereo-EEG (SEEG) possibly preceding the scalp spike in patients that showed early BOLD response in EEG/fMRI.MethodsWe studied four patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy who underwent EEG/fMRI, showed a prespike BOLD response, and were then studied with depth electrodes for presurgical localization of the epileptic generator. Early BOLD responses in the region of the spike field were analyzed using models with hemodynamic response functions (HRFs) peaking from -9 to +9 s around the spike. SEEG recordings in the period and location corresponding to the early HRF responses were analyzed to detect if electrographic changes were present in the SEEG before the scalp abnormality.Key findingsOne of the four patients presented a SEEG interictal discharge in the period corresponding to the early BOLD response. In the other three, no electrographic changes were detected in the SEEG in the period corresponding to early BOLD changes.SignificanceAlthough the early BOLD activity may sometimes be explained by a synchronized neural discharge detectable with SEEG but not visible on the scalp EEG, in most cases the early BOLD response reflects a metabolic phenomenon that does not appear to result from a synchronized neuronal discharge. Prespike metabolic responses can result from synchronized or nonsynchronized neuronal activity, or from nonneuronal mechanisms including glia.
Project description:Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are polymodal signal detectors that respond to a wide array of physical and chemical stimuli, making them important components of sensory systems in both vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. Mammalian TRPA1 channels are activated by chemically reactive irritants, whereas snake and Drosophila TRPA1 orthologs are preferentially activated by heat. By comparing human and rattlesnake TRPA1 channels, we have identified two portable heat-sensitive modules within the ankyrin repeat-rich aminoterminal cytoplasmic domain of the snake ortholog. Chimeric channel studies further demonstrate that sensitivity to chemical stimuli and modulation by intracellular calcium also localize to the N-terminal ankyrin repeat-rich domain, identifying this region as an integrator of diverse physiological signals that regulate sensory neuron excitability. These findings provide a framework for understanding how restricted changes in TRPA1 sequence account for evolution of physiologically diverse channels, also identifying portable modules that specify thermosensitivity.
Project description:The response of the metal-organic framework aluminum-1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate or Al-CAU-13 (CAU: Christian Albrecht University) to the application of thermal and mechanical stimuli was investigated using synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction (SPXRD). Variable temperature in situ SPXRD data, over the range 80-500 K, revealed a complex evolution of the structure of the water guest containing Al-CAU-13H2O, the dehydration process from ca. 310 to 370 K, and also the evolution of the guest free Al-CAU-13 structure between ca. 370 and 500 K. Rietveld refinement allowed this complexity to be rationalized in the different regions of heating. The Berman thermal Equation of State was determined for the two structures (Al-CAU-13H2O and Al-CAU-13). Diamond anvil cell studies at elevated pressure (from ambient to up to ca. 11 GPa) revealed similarities in the structural responses on application of pressure and temperature. The ability of the pressure medium to penetrate the framework was also found to be important: non-penetrating silicone oil caused pressure induced amorphization, whereas penetrating helium showed no plastic deformation of the structure. Third-order Vinet equations of state were calculated and show Al-CAU-13H2O is a hard compound for a metal-organic framework material. The mechanical response of Al-CAU-13, with tetramethylpyrazine guests replacing water, was also investigated. Although the connectivity of the structure is the same, all the linkers have a linear e,e-conformation and the structure adopts a more open, wine-rack-like arrangement, which demonstrates negative linear compressibility (NLC) similar to Al-MIL-53 and a significantly softer mechanical response. The origin of this variation in behavior is attributed to the different linker conformation, demonstrating the influence of the S-shaped a,a-conformation on the response of the framework to external stimuli.
Project description:Behavioral responses to painful stimuli require peripheral sensory neurons called nociceptors. Electrophysiological studies show that most C-fiber nociceptors are polymodal (i.e., respond to multiple noxious stimulus modalities, such as mechanical and thermal); nevertheless, these stimuli are perceived as distinct. Therefore, it is believed that discrimination among these modalities only occurs at spinal or supraspinal levels of processing. Here, we provide evidence to the contrary. Genetic ablation in adulthood of unmyelinated sensory neurons expressing the G protein-coupled receptor Mrgprd reduces behavioral sensitivity to noxious mechanical stimuli but not to heat or cold stimuli. Conversely, pharmacological ablation of the central branches of TRPV1(+) nociceptors, which constitute a nonoverlapping population, selectively abolishes noxious heat pain sensitivity. Combined elimination of both populations yielded an additive phenotype with no additional behavioral deficits, ruling out a redundant contribution of these populations to heat and mechanical pain sensitivity. This double-dissociation suggests that the brain can distinguish different noxious stimulus modalities from the earliest stages of sensory processing.
Project description:Soft robots have the advantage of adaptability and flexibility in various scenarios and tasks due to their inherent flexibility and mouldability, which makes them highly promising for real-world applications. The development of electronic skin (E-skin) perception systems is crucial for the advancement of soft robots. However, achieving both exteroceptive and proprioceptive capabilities in E-skins, particularly in terms of decoupling and classifying sensing signals, remains a challenge. This study presents an E-skin with mixed electronic and ionic conductivity that can simultaneously achieve exteroceptive and proprioceptive, based on the resistance response of conductive hydrogels. It is integrated with soft robots to enable state perception, with the sensed signals further decoded using the machine learning model of decision trees and random forest algorithms. The results demonstrate that the newly developed hydrogel sensing system can accurately predict attitude changes in soft robots when subjected to varying degrees of pressing, hot pressing, bending, twisting, and stretching. These findings that multifunctional hydrogels combine with machine learning to decode signals may serve as a basis for improving the sensing capabilities of intelligent soft robots in future advancements.
Project description:PurposeRecent studies in epilepsy, cognition, and brain machine interfaces have shown the utility of recording intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) with greater spatial resolution. Many of these studies utilize microelectrodes connected to specialized amplifiers that are optimized for such recordings. We recently measured the impedances of several commercial microelectrodes and demonstrated that they will distort iEEG signals if connected to clinical EEG amplifiers commonly used in most centers. In this study we demonstrate the clinical implications of this effect and identify some of the potential difficulties in using microelectrodes.MethodsHuman iEEG data were digitally filtered to simulate the signal recorded by a hybrid grid (two macroelectrodes and eight microelectrodes) connected to a standard EEG amplifier. The filtered iEEG data were read by three trained epileptologists, and high frequency oscillations (HFOs) were detected with a well-known algorithm. The filtering method was verified experimentally by recording an injected EEG signal in a saline bath with the same physical acquisition system used to generate the model. Several electrodes underwent scanning electron microscopy (SEM).Key findingsMacroelectrode recordings were unaltered compared to the source iEEG signal, but microelectrodes attenuated low frequencies. The attenuated signals were difficult to interpret: all three clinicians changed their clinical scoring of slowing and seizures when presented with the same data recorded on different sized electrodes. The HFO detection algorithm was oversensitive with microelectrodes, classifying many more HFOs than when the same data were recorded with macroelectrodes. In addition, during experimental recordings the microelectrodes produced much greater noise as well as large baseline fluctuations, creating sharply contoured transients, and superimposed "false" HFOs. SEM of these microelectrodes demonstrated marked variability in exposed electrode surface area, lead fractures, and sharp edges.SignificanceMicroelectrodes should not be used with low impedance (<1 GΩ) amplifiers due to severe signal attenuation and variability that changes clinical interpretations. The current method of preparing microelectrodes can leave sharp edges and nonuniform amounts of exposed wire. Even when recorded with higher impedance amplifiers, microelectrode data are highly prone to artifacts that are difficult to interpret. Great care must be taken when analyzing iEEG from high impedance microelectrodes.