Project description:BackgroundUntil now, there are still a limited number of resources available to predict and diagnose COVID-19 disease. The design of novel drug-drug interaction for COVID-19 patients is an open area of research. Also, the development of the COVID-19 rapid testing kits is still a challenging task.MethodologyThis review focuses on two prime challenges caused by urgent needs to effectively address the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, i.e., the development of COVID-19 classification tools and drug discovery models for COVID-19 infected patients with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) based techniques such as machine learning and deep learning models.ResultsIn this paper, various AI-based techniques are studied and evaluated by the means of applying these techniques for the prediction and diagnosis of COVID-19 disease. This study provides recommendations for future research and facilitates knowledge collection and formation on the application of the AI techniques for dealing with the COVID-19 epidemic and its consequences.ConclusionsThe AI techniques can be an effective tool to tackle the epidemic caused by COVID-19. These may be utilized in four main fields such as prediction, diagnosis, drug design, and analyzing social implications for COVID-19 infected patients.
Project description:The authors provide the first age-standardized race/ethnicity-specific, state-specific vaccination rates for the United States. Data encompass all states reporting race/ethnicity-specific vaccinations and reflect vaccinations through mid-October 2021, just before eligibility expanded below age 12. Using indirect age standardization, the authors compare racial/ethnic state vaccination rates with national rates. The results show that white and Black state median vaccination rates are, respectively, 89 percent and 76 percent of what would be predicted on the basis of age; Hispanic and Native rates are almost identical to what would be predicted; and Asian American/Pacific Islander rates are 110 percent of what would be predicted. The authors also find that racial/ethnic vaccination rates are associated with state politics, as proxied by 2020 Trump vote share: for each percentage point increase in Trump vote share, vaccination rates decline by 1.08 percent of what would be predicted on the basis of age. This decline is sharpest for Native American vaccinations, although these are reported for relatively few states.
Project description:The coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has affected millions of people worldwide. Recent evidence raised the question about the possibility that cats may be a domestic host for SARS-CoV-2 with unknown implications in disease dissemination. Based on the fact that the domestic cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, are abundant ectoparasites infesting humans, companion animals and wildlife and that coronavirus-like agents have been identified in the ectoparasite tick vector, Ixodes uriae of seabirds, herein we considered the presence of coronaviruses in general and SARS-CoV-2 in particular in C. felis. We identified coronavirus-derived and cell receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme RNA/proteins in C. felis. Although current evidence suggests that pets are probably dead-end-hosts with small risk of transmission to humans, our results suggested that cat flea may act as biological and/or mechanical vectors of SARS-CoV. Although preliminary, these results indicate a possibility of ectoparasites acting as reservoirs and vectors of SARS-CoV and related beta-coronavirus although with little disease risk due to systemic transmission route, low viremia, virus attenuation or other unknown factors. These results support the need to further study the role of animal SARS-CoV-2 hosts and their ectoparasite vectors in COVID-19 disease spread.
Project description:Recent research reporting successful translation of stem cell therapies to patients have enriched the hope that such regenerative strategies may one day become a treatment for a wide range of vexing diseases. In fact, the past few years witnessed, a rather exponential advancement in clinical trials revolving around stem cell-based therapies. Some of these trials resulted in remarkable impact on various diseases. In this review, the advances and challenges for the development of stem-cell-based therapies are described, with focus on the use of stem cells in dentistry in addition to the advances reached in regenerative treatment modalities in several diseases. The limitations of these treatments and ongoing challenges in the field are also discussed while shedding light on the ethical and regulatory challenges in translating autologous stem cell-based interventions, into safe and effective therapies.
Project description:Introduction: Over recent years, 3D bioprinting has changed dramatically. The articles related to liver 3D bioprinting have not been quantitatively analyzed. In this article, we screen all articles related to liver 3D bioprinting until January 2022 and analyzed them using bibliometric citation analysis to characterize the current trends in liver 3D bioprinting. Methods: The articles were identified and analyzed from the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Collection database. Results: Until 1 January 2022, 71 articles focusing on liver 3D bioprinting were identified. There was an increase in the number of articles in 2015. Most articles came from the USA (n = 27), followed by South Korea (n = 22), China (n = 16), and Japan (n = 5). The printing technology of liver 3D printing was the most studied topic (n = 29). Biofabrication published the highest number of papers (n = 16) with 1,524 total citations. Conclusion: Based on bibliometric analysis of the articles until January 2022, a comprehensive analysis of the liver 3D bioprinting articles highlighted the current trends and research topics of this field. The data should provide clinicians and researchers insight into future directions relative to the liver 3D bioprinting.
Project description:Human hearing loss is a common neurosensory disorder about which many basic research and clinically relevant questions are unresolved. This review on hereditary deafness focuses on three examples considered at first glance to be uncomplicated, however, upon inspection, are enigmatic and ripe for future research efforts. The three examples of clinical and genetic complexities are drawn from studies of (i) Pendred syndrome/DFNB4 (PDS, OMIM 274600), (ii) Perrault syndrome (deafness and infertility) due to mutations of CLPP (PRTLS3, OMIM 614129), and (iii) the unexplained extensive clinical variability associated with TBC1D24 mutations. At present, it is unknown how different mutations of TBC1D24 cause non-syndromic deafness (DFNB86, OMIM 614617), epilepsy (OMIM 605021), epilepsy with deafness, or DOORS syndrome (OMIM 220500) that is characterized by deafness, onychodystrophy (alteration of toenail or fingernail morphology), osteodystrophy (defective development of bone), mental retardation, and seizures. A comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted roles of each gene associated with human deafness is expected to provide future opportunities for restoration as well as preservation of normal hearing.
Project description:Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is responsible for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic that emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan city, China. An effective vaccine is urgently needed to protect humans and to mitigate the economic and societal impacts of the pandemic. Despite standard vaccine development usually requiring an extensive process and taking several years to complete all clinical phases, there are currently 184 vaccine candidates in pre-clinical testing and another 88 vaccine candidates in clinical phases based on different vaccine platforms as of April 13, 2021. Moreover, three vaccine candidates have recently been granted an Emergency Use Authorization by the United States Food and Drug Administration (for Pfizer/BioNtech, Moderna mRNA vaccines, and Johnson and Johnson viral vector vaccine) and by the UK government (for University of Oxford/AstraZeneca viral vector vaccine). Here we aim to briefly address the current advances in reverse genetics system of SARS-CoV-2 and the use of this in development of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Additionally, we cover the essential points concerning the different platforms of current SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidates and the advantages and drawbacks of these platforms. We also assess recommendations for controlling the COVID-19 pandemic and future pandemics using the benefits of genetic engineering technology to design effective vaccines against emerging and re-emerging viral diseases with zoonotic and/or pandemic potential.
Project description:Trust in institutions and democracy may be a major contributor to the willingness to be vaccinated. We investigated these factors and others with regard to COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Germany. Even though effective vaccination is a major contributor to slowing down the current pandemic, vaccine hesitancy remains a major challenge. To analyze attitudes toward vaccine hesitancy, a web-based cross-sectional survey was used to understand and describe the influences of attitudes about vaccination against COVID-19 in the German population. A descriptive analysis for the entire dataset was carried out, and multiple proportional odds regression, path model, and structural equation modeling (SEM) were subsequently used to analyze any relationship between latent variables and COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. In total, 1092 responses from across Germany were analyzed. SEM modeling revealed that trust in institutions, trust in non-pharmaceutical interventions, and various demographic factors were associated with intent to vaccinate. Descriptive analysis and multiple proportional odds regression confirmed that a history of influenza vaccination and level of satisfaction with democratic institutions were highly predictive (p < 0.05) for COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. Additionally, social determinants of health such as gender, age, number of children in the family, and the degree of satisfaction with life were also predictors (p < 0.05) for COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. Results also demonstrated a significant relationship between receiving the flu vaccine and acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccination. Governments that provide COVID-19 vaccines and control messaging should strive for trust and transparency to maximize vaccine uptake. Government-based vaccine measures should also involve measures to communicate trust in democratic and scientific institutions.
Project description:The use of ozone (O3) gas as a therapy in alternative medicine has attracted skepticism due to its unstable molecular structure. However, copious volumes of research have provided evidence that O3's dynamic resonance structures facilitate physiological interactions useful in treating a myriad of pathologies. Specifically, O3 therapy induces moderate oxidative stress when interacting with lipids. This interaction increases endogenous production of antioxidants, local perfusion, and oxygen delivery, as well as enhances immune responses. We have conducted a comprehensive review of O3 therapy, investigating its contraindications, routes and concentrations of administration, mechanisms of action, disinfectant properties in various microorganisms, and its medicinal use in different pathologies. We explore the therapeutic value of O3 in pathologies of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, central nervous system, head and neck, musculoskeletal, subcutaneous tissue, and peripheral vascular disease. Despite compelling evidence, further studies are essential to mark it as a viable and quintessential treatment option in medicine.
Project description:Chemoprevention of lung cancer is thought to significantly reduce the risk of acquiring these conditions in the subpopulation of patients with underlying health issues, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder and smoking-associated lung problems. Many strategies have been tested in the previous decades, with very few translating to successful clinical trials in specific subpopulations of patients. In this review, we analyze these strategies, as well as new approaches that have emerged throughout the last few years, including synthetic lethality concept and microbiome-induced regulation of lung carcinogenesis. Overall, the continuous effort in the area of lung chemoprevention is required to develop practical therapeutical approaches. Given the inconsistency of results obtained in clinical trials targeting lung cancer chemoprevention in various subgroups of patients that differ in the underlying health condition, race, and gender, we believe that individualized approaches will have more promise than generalized treatments.