Project description:We present the first demonstration of shot-noise limited supercontinuum-based spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) with an axial resolution of 5.9 μm at a center wavelength of 1370 nm. Current supercontinuum-based SD-OCT systems cannot be operated in the shot-noise limited detection regime because of severe pulse-to-pulse relative intensity noise of the supercontinuum source. To overcome this disadvantage, we have developed a low-noise supercontinuum source based on an all-normal dispersion (ANDi) fiber, pumped by a femtosecond laser. The noise performance of our 90 MHz ANDi fiber-based supercontinuum source is compared to that of two commercial sources operating at 80 and 320 MHz repetition rate. We show that the low-noise of the ANDi fiber-based supercontinuum source improves the OCT images significantly in terms of both higher contrast, better sensitivity, and improved penetration. From SD-OCT imaging of skin, retina, and multilayer stacks we conclude that supercontinuum-based SD-OCT can enter the domain of shot-noise limited detection.
Project description:The mid-infrared spectral region opens up new possibilities for applications such as molecular spectroscopy with high spatial and frequency resolution. For example, the mid-infrared light provided by synchrotron sources has helped for early diagnosis of several pathologies. However, alternative light sources at the table-top scale would enable better access to these state-of-the-art characterizations, eventually speeding up research in biology and medicine. Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in highly nonlinear waveguides pumped by compact fiber lasers represents an appealing alternative to synchrotrons. Here, we introduce orientation-patterned gallium arsenide waveguides as a new versatile platform for mid-infrared supercontinuum generation. Waveguides and fiber-based pump lasers are optimized in tandem to allow for the group velocities of the signal and the idler waves to match near the degeneracy point. This configuration exacerbates supercontinuum generation from 4 to 9 µm when waveguides are pumped at 2750 nm with few-nanojoule energy pulses. The brightness of the novel mid-infrared source exceeds that of the third-generation synchrotron source by a factor of 20. We also show that the nonlinear dynamics is strongly influenced by the choice of waveguide and laser parameters, thus offering an additional degree of freedom in tailoring the spectral profile of the generated light. Such an approach then opens new paths for high-brightness mid-infrared laser sources development for high-resolution spectroscopy and imaging. Furthermore, thanks to the excellent mechanical and thermal properties of the waveguide material, further power scaling seems feasible, allowing for the generation of watt-level ultra-broad frequency combs in the mid-infrared.
Project description:A microfluidic chip with microchannels ranging from 8 to 96???m was used to mimic blood vessels down to the capillary level. Blood flow within the microfluidic channels was analyzed with split-spectrum amplitude-decorrelation angiography (SSADA)-based optical coherence tomography (OCT) angiography. It was found that the SSADA decorrelation value was related to both blood flow speed and channel width. SSADA could differentiate nonflowing blood inside the microfluidic channels from static paper. The SSADA decorrelation value was approximately linear with blood flow velocity up to a threshold Vsat of 5.83±1.33??mm/s (mean±standard deviation over the range of channel widths). Beyond this threshold, it approached a saturation value Dsat. Dsat was higher for wider channels, and approached a maximum value Dsm as the channel width became much larger than the beam focal spot diameter. These results indicate that decorrelation values (flow signal) in capillary networks would be proportional to both flow velocity and vessel caliber but would be capped at a saturation value in larger blood vessels. These findings are useful for interpretation and quantification of clinical OCT angiography results.
Project description:The three most important metrics in optical coherence tomography (OCT) are resolution, speed, and sensitivity. Because there is a complex interplay between these metrics, no previous work has obtained the best performance in all three metrics simultaneously. We demonstrate that a high-power supercontinuum source, in combination with parallel spectral-domain OCT, achieves an unparalleled combination of resolution, speed, and sensitivity. This system captures cross-sectional images spanning 4??mm×0.5??mm at 1,024,000 lines/s with 2×14???m resolution (axial×transverse) at a sensitivity of 113 dB. Imaging using the proposed system is demonstrated on highly differentiated human bronchial epithelial cells to capture and spatially localize ciliary dynamics.
Project description:Modern optical systems increasingly rely on complex physical processes that require accessible control to meet target performance characteristics. In particular, advanced light sources, sought for, for example, imaging and metrology, are based on nonlinear optical dynamics whose output properties must often finely match application requirements. However, in these systems, the availability of control parameters (e.g., the optical field shape, as well as propagation medium properties) and the means to adjust them in a versatile manner are usually limited. Moreover, numerically finding the optimal parameter set for such complex dynamics is typically computationally intractable. Here, we use an actively controlled photonic chip to prepare and manipulate patterns of femtosecond optical pulses that give access to an enhanced parameter space in the framework of supercontinuum generation. Taking advantage of machine learning concepts, we exploit this tunable access and experimentally demonstrate the customization of nonlinear interactions for tailoring supercontinuum properties.
Project description:Comprehensive understanding of connective neural pathways in the brain has put great challenges on the current imaging techniques, for which three-dimensional (3D) visualization of fiber tracts with high spatiotemporal resolution is desirable. Here we present optical imaging and tractography of rat brain ex-vivo using multi-contrast optical coherence tomography (MC-OCT), which is capable of simultaneously generating depth-resolved images of reflectivity, phase retardance, optic axis orientation and, for in-vivo studies, blood flow images. Using the birefringence property of myelin sheath, nerve fiber tracts as small as a few tens of micrometers can be resolved and neighboring fiber tracts with different orientations can be distinguished in cross-sectional optical slices, 2D en-face images and 3D volumetric images. Combinational contrast of MC-OCT images enables visualization of the spatial architecture and nerve fiber orientations in the brain with unprecedented detail. The results suggest that optical tractography, by virtue of its direct accessibility to nerve fibers, has the potential to validate diffusion magnetic resonance images and investigate structural connections in normal brain and neurological disorders. In addition, an endoscopic MC-OCT may be useful in neurosurgical interventions to aid in placement of deep brain stimulating electrodes.
Project description:Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a widely employed, minimally invasive bio-medical imaging technique, which requires a broadband light source, typically implemented by super-luminescent diodes. Recent advances in soliton based photonic integrated frequency combs (soliton microcombs) have enabled the development of low-noise, broadband chipscale frequency comb sources, whose potential for OCT imaging has not yet been unexplored. Here, we explore the use of dissipative Kerr soliton microcombs in spectral domain OCT and show that, by using photonic chipscale Si3N4 resonators in conjunction with 1300 nm pump lasers, spectral bandwidths exceeding those of commercial OCT sources are possible. We characterized the exceptional noise properties of our source (in comparison to conventional OCT sources) and demonstrate that the soliton states in microresonators exhibit a residual intensity noise floor at high offset frequencies that is ca. 3 dB lower than a traditional OCT source at identical power, and can exhibit significantly lower noise performance for powers at the milli-Watt level. Moreover, we demonstrate that classical amplitude noise of all soliton comb teeth are correlated, i.e., common mode, in contrast to superluminescent diodes or incoherent microcomb states, which opens a new avenue to improve imaging speed and performance beyond the thermal noise limit.
Project description:We propose an all-optical Fourier transformation system for real-time massive data processing in high speed optical coherence tomography (OCT). In the so-called optical computing OCT, fast Fourier transformation (FFT) of A-scan signal is optically processed in real time before being detected by photoelectric detector. Therefore, the processing time for interpolation and FFT in traditional Fourier domain OCT can be dramatically eliminated. A processing rate of 10 mega-A-scans/second was experimentally achieved, which is, to our knowledge, the highest speed for OCT imaging. Due to its fiber based all-optical configuration, this optical computing OCT system is ideal for ultrahigh speed volumetric OCT imaging in clinical application.
Project description:Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is the gold standard for quantitative ophthalmic imaging. The majority of commercial and research systems require patients to fixate and be imaged in a seated upright position, which limits the ability to perform ophthalmic imaging in bedridden or pediatric patients. Handheld OCT devices overcome this limitation, but image quality often suffers due to a lack of real-time aiming and patient eye and photographer motion. We describe a handheld spectrally encoded coherence tomography and reflectometry (SECTR) system that enables simultaneous en face reflectance and cross-sectional OCT imaging. The handheld probe utilizes a custom double-pass scan lens for fully telecentric OCT scanning with a compact optomechanical design and a rapid-prototyped enclosure to reduce the overall system size and weight. We also introduce a variable velocity scan waveform that allows for simultaneous acquisition of densely sampled OCT angiography (OCTA) volumes and widefield reflectance images, which enables high-resolution vascular imaging with precision motion-tracking for volumetric motion correction and multivolumetric mosaicking. Finally, we demonstrate in vivo human retinal OCT and OCT angiography (OCTA) imaging using handheld SECTR on a healthy volunteer. Clinical translation of handheld SECTR will allow for high-speed, motion-corrected widefield OCT and OCTA imaging in bedridden and pediatric patients who may benefit ophthalmic disease diagnosis and monitoring.
Project description:We demonstrate the usefulness of utilizing a segmentation step for improving the performance of sparsity based image reconstruction algorithms. In specific, we will focus on retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) reconstruction and propose a novel segmentation based reconstruction framework with sparse representation, termed segmentation based sparse reconstruction (SSR). The SSR method uses automatically segmented retinal layer information to construct layer-specific structural dictionaries. In addition, the SSR method efficiently exploits patch similarities within each segmented layer to enhance the reconstruction performance. Our experimental results on clinical-grade retinal OCT images demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed SSR method for both denoising and interpolation of OCT images.