Project description:Hurdles in the treatment of retinal degeneration include managing the functional rewiring of surviving photoreceptors and integration of any newly added cells into the remaining second-order retinal neurons. Zebrafish are the premier genetic model for such questions, and we present two new transgenic lines allowing us to contrast vision loss and recovery following conditional ablation of specific cone types: UV or blue cones. The ablation of each cone type proved to be thorough (killing 80% of cells in each intended cone class), specific, and cell-autonomous. We assessed the loss and recovery of vision in larvae via the optomotor behavioural response (OMR). This visually mediated behaviour decreased to about 5% or 20% of control levels following ablation of UV or blue cones, respectively (P<0.05). We further assessed ocular photoreception by measuring the effects of UV light on body pigmentation, and observed that photoreceptor deficits and recovery occurred (p<0.01) with a timeline coincident to the OMR results. This corroborated and extended previous conclusions that UV cones are required photoreceptors for modulating body pigmentation, addressing assumptions that were unavoidable in previous experiments. Functional vision recovery following UV cone ablation was robust, as measured by both assays, returning to control levels within four days. In contrast, robust functional recovery following blue cone ablation was unexpectedly rapid, returning to normal levels within 24 hours after ablation. Ablation of cones led to increased proliferation in the retina, though the rapid recovery of vision following blue cone ablation was demonstrated to not be mediated by blue cone regeneration. Thus rapid visual recovery occurs following ablation of some, but not all, cone subtypes, suggesting an opportunity to contrast and dissect the sources and mechanisms of outer retinal recovery during cone photoreceptor death and regeneration.
Project description:The precise recognition of appropriate synaptic partner neurons is a critical step during neural circuit assembly. However, little is known about the developmental context in which recognition specificity is important to establish synaptic contacts. We show that in the Drosophila visual system, sequential segregation of photoreceptor afferents, reflecting their birth order, lead to differential positioning of their growth cones in the early target region. By combining loss- and gain-of-function analyses we demonstrate that relative differences in the expression of the transcription factor Sequoia regulate R cell growth cone segregation. This initial growth cone positioning is consolidated via cell-adhesion molecule Capricious in R8 axons. Further, we show that the initial growth cone positioning determines synaptic layer selection through proximity-based axon-target interactions. Taken together, we demonstrate that birth order dependent pre-patterning of afferent growth cones is an essential pre-requisite for the identification of synaptic partner neurons during visual map formation in Drosophila.
Project description:PurposeBlue cone monochromacy (BCM) is a rare inherited cone disorder in which both long- (L-) and middle- (M-) wavelength sensitive cone classes are either impaired or nonfunctional. Assessing genotype-phenotype relationships in BCM can improve our understanding of retinal development in the absence of functional L- and M-cones. Here we examined foveal cone structure in patients with genetically-confirmed BCM, using adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO).MethodsTwenty-three male patients (aged 6-75 years) with genetically-confirmed BCM were recruited for high-resolution imaging. Eight patients had a deletion of the locus control region (LCR), and 15 had a missense mutation-Cys203Arg-affecting the first two genes in the opsin gene array. Foveal cone structure was assessed using confocal and non-confocal split-detection AOSLO across a 300 × 300 µm area, centered on the location of peak cell density.ResultsOnly one of eight patients with LCR deletions and 10 of 15 patients with Cys203Arg mutations had analyzable images. Mean total cone density for Cys203Arg patients was 16,664 ± 11,513 cones/mm2 (n = 10), which is, on average, around 40% of normal. Waveguiding cone density was 2073 ± 963 cones/mm2 (n = 9), which was consistent with published histological estimates of S-cone density in the normal eye. The one patient with an LCR deletion had a total cone density of 10,246 cones/mm2 and waveguiding density of 1535 cones/mm2.ConclusionsOur results show that BCM patients with LCR deletions and Cys203Arg mutations have a population of non-waveguiding photoreceptors, although the spectral identity and level of function remain unknown.
Project description:Humans make two to four rapid eye movements (saccades) per second, which, surprisingly, does not lead to abrupt changes in vision. To the contrary, we perceive a stable world. Hence, an important question is how information is integrated across saccades. To investigate this question, we used the sequential metacontrast paradigm (SQM), where two expanding streams of lines are presented. When one line is spatially offset, the other lines are perceived as being offset, too. When more lines are offset, all offsets integrate mandatorily; that is, observers cannot report the individual offsets but perceive one integrated offset. Here, we asked observers to make a saccade during the SQM. Even though the saccades caused a highly disrupted motion trajectory on the retina, offsets presented before and after the saccade integrated mandatorily. When observers made no saccade and the streams were displaced on the screen so that a similarly disrupted retinal image occurred as in the previous condition, no integration occurred. We suggest that trans-saccadic integration and perception are determined by object identity in spatiotopic coordinates and not by the retinal image.
Project description:The master transcription factor Ppar? regulates the general differentiation program of both brown and white adipocytes. However, it has been unclear whether Ppar? also controls fat lineage-specific characteristics. Here, we show that early B cell factor-2 (Ebf2) regulates Ppar? binding activity to determine brown versus white adipocyte identity. The Ebf DNA-binding motif was highly enriched within brown adipose-specific Ppar? binding sites that we identified by genome-wide ChIP-Seq. Of the Ebf isoforms, Ebf2 was selectively expressed in brown relative to white adipocytes and was bound at brown adipose-specific Ppar? target genes. When expressed in myoblasts or white preadipose cells, Ebf2 recruited Ppar? to its brown-selective binding sites and reprogrammed cells to a brown fat fate. Brown adipose cells and tissue from Ebf2-deficient mice displayed a loss of brown-specific characteristics and thermogenic capacity. Together, these results identify Ebf2 as a key transcriptional regulator of brown fat cell fate and function.
Project description:Mutations in RPE65 or lecithin-retinol acyltransferase (LRAT) disrupt 11-cis-retinal recycling and cause Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), the most severe retinal dystrophy in early childhood. We used Lrat(-)(/-), a murine model for LCA, to investigate the mechanism of rapid cone degeneration. Although both M and S cone opsins mistrafficked as reported previously, mislocalized M-opsin was degraded whereas mislocalized S-opsin accumulated in Lrat(-)(/-) cones before the onset of massive ventral/central cone degeneration. As the ventral and central retina express higher levels of S-opsin than the dorsal retina in mice, our results may explain why ventral and central cones degenerate more rapidly than dorsal cones in Rpe65(-)(/-) and Lrat(-)(/-) LCA models. In addition, human blue opsin and mouse S-opsin, but not mouse M-opsin or human red/green opsins, aggregated to form cytoplasmic inclusions in transfected cells, which may explain why blue cone function is lost earlier than red/green-cone function in patients with LCA. The aggregation of short-wavelength opsins likely caused rapid cone degenerations through an endoplasmic reticulum stress pathway, as demonstrated in both the Lrat(-)(/-) retina and transfected cells. Replacing rhodopsin with S-opsin in Lrat(-)(/-) rods resulted in mislocalization and aggregation of S-opsin in the inner segment and the synaptic region of rods, ER stress, and dramatically accelerated rod degeneration. Our results demonstrate that cone opsins play a major role in determining the degeneration rate of photoreceptors in LCA.
Project description:Cone photoreceptors in fish are typically arranged into a precise, reiterated pattern known as a "cone mosaic." Cone mosaic patterns can vary in different fish species and in response to changes in habitat, yet their function and the mechanisms of their development remain speculative. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) have four cone subtypes arranged into precise rows in the adult retina. Here we describe larval zebrafish cone patterns and investigate a previously unrecognized transition between larval and adult cone mosaic patterns. Cone positions were determined in transgenic zebrafish expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) in their UV-sensitive cones, by the use of multiplex in situ hybridization labelling of various cone opsins. We developed a "mosaic metric" statistical tool to measure local cone order. We found that ratios of the various cone subtypes in larval and adult zebrafish were statistically different. The cone photoreceptors in larvae form a regular heterotypic mosaic array; i.e., the position of any one cone spectral subtype relative to the other cone subtypes is statistically different from random. However, the cone spectral subtypes in larval zebrafish are not arranged in continuous rows as in the adult. We used cell birth dating to show that the larval cone mosaic pattern remains as a distinct region within the adult retina and does not reorganize into the adult row pattern. In addition, the abundance of cone subtypes relative to other subtypes is different in this larval remnant compared with that of larvae or canonical adult zebrafish retina. These observations provide baseline data for understanding the development of cone mosaics via comparative analysis of larval and adult cone development in a model species.
Project description:Empirical evidence suggests that the rich set of ecosystem functions and nature's contributions to people provided by forests depends on tree diversity. Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research revealed that not only species richness per se but also other facets of tree diversity, such as tree identity, have to be considered to understand the underlying mechanisms. One important ecosystem function in forests is the decomposition of deadwood that plays a vital role in carbon and nutrient cycling and is assumed to be determined by above- and belowground interactions. However, the actual influence of tree diversity on wood decay in forests remains inconclusive. Recent studies suggest an important role of microclimate and advocate a systematical consideration of small-scale environmental conditions. We studied the influence of tree species richness, tree species identity, and microclimatic conditions on wood decomposition in a 12-year-old tree diversity experiment in Germany, containing six native species within a tree species richness gradient. We assessed wood mass loss, soil microbial properties, and soil surface temperature in high temporal resolution. Our study shows a significant influence of tree species identity on all three variables. The presence of Scots pine strongly increased wood mass loss, while the presence of Norway spruce decreased it. This could be attributed to structural differences in the litter layer that were modifying the capability of plots to hold the soil surface temperature at night, consequently leading to enhanced decomposition rates in plots with higher nighttime surface temperatures. Therefore, our study confirmed the critical role of microclimate for wood decomposition in forests and showed that soil microbial properties alone were not sufficient to predict wood decay. We conclude that tree diversity effects on ecosystem functions may include different biodiversity facets, such as tree identity, tree traits, and functional and structural diversity, in influencing the abiotic and biotic soil properties.
Project description:Schlemm's canal (SC) is a specialized vascular structure in the eye that functions to drain aqueous humor from the intraocular chamber into systemic circulation. Dysfunction of SC has been proposed to underlie increased aqueous humor outflow (AHO) resistance, which leads to elevated ocular pressure, a factor for glaucoma development in humans. Here, using lymphatic and blood vasculature reporter mice, we determined that SC, which originates from blood vessels during the postnatal period, acquires lymphatic identity through upregulation of prospero homeobox protein 1 (PROX1), the master regulator of lymphatic development. SC expressed lymphatic valve markers FOXC2 and integrin α9 and exhibited continuous vascular endothelial-cadherin (VE-cadherin) junctions and basement membrane, similar to collecting lymphatics. SC notably lacked luminal valves and expression of the lymphatic endothelial cell markers podoplanin and lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1 (LYVE-1). Using an ocular puncture model, we determined that reduced AHO altered the fate of SC both during development and under pathologic conditions; however, alteration of VEGF-C/VEGFR3 signaling did not modulate SC integrity and identity. Intriguingly, PROX1 expression levels linearly correlated with SC functionality. For example, PROX1 expression was reduced or undetectable under pathogenic conditions and in deteriorated SCs. Collectively, our data indicate that PROX1 is an accurate and reliable biosensor of SC integrity and identity.
Project description:PurposeBlue cone monochromacy (BCM) is an X-linked congenital vision disorder characterized by complete loss or severely reduced L- and M-cone function. Patients with BCM display poor visual acuity, severely impaired color discrimination, myopia, nystagmus, and minimally detectable cone-mediated electroretinogram. Recent studies of patients with BCM with adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO) showed that they have a disrupted cone mosaic with reduced numbers of cones in the fovea that is normally dominated by L- and M-cones. The remaining cones in the fovea have significantly shortened outer segments but retain sufficient structural integrity to serve as potential gene therapy targets. In this study, we tested whether exogenously expressed human L- and M-opsins can rescue M-cone function in an M-opsin knockout (Opn1mw-/- ) mouse model for BCM.MethodsAdeno-associated virus type 5 (AAV5) vectors expressing OPN1LW, OPN1MW, or C-terminal tagged OPN1LW-Myc, or OPN1MW-HA driven by a cone-specific promoter were injected subretinally into one eye of Opn1mw-/- mice, while the contralateral eye served as the uninjected control. Expression of cone pigments was determined with western blotting and their cellular localization identified with immunohistochemistry. M-cone function was analyzed with electroretinogram (ERG). Antibodies against cone phototransduction proteins were used to study cone outer segment (OS) morphology in untreated and treated Opn1mw-/- eyes.ResultsWe showed that cones in the dorsal retina of the Opn1mw-/- mouse do not form outer segments, resembling cones that lack outer segments in the human BCM fovea. We further showed that AAV5-mediated expression of either human M- or L-opsin individually or combined promotes regrowth of cone outer segments and rescues M-cone function in the treated Opn1mw-/- dorsal retina.ConclusionsExogenously expressed human opsins can regenerate cone outer segments and rescue M-cone function in Opn1mw-/- mice, thus providing a proof-of-concept gene therapy in an animal model of BCM.