Project description:Patients with COVID-19 shed SARS-CoV-2 RNA in stool, sometimes well after their respiratory infection has cleared. This may be significant for patient health, epidemiology, and diagnosis. However, methods to preserve stool, and to extract and quantify viral RNA are not standardized. We test the performance of three preservative approaches at yielding detectable SARS-CoV-2 RNA: the OMNIgene-GUT kit, Zymo DNA/RNA shield kit, and the most commonly applied, storage without preservative. We test these in combination with three extraction kits: QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit, Zymo Quick-RNA Viral Kit, and MagMAX Viral/Pathogen Kit. We also test the utility of ddPCR and RT-qPCR for the reliable quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from stool. We identify that the Zymo DNA/RNA preservative and the QiaAMP extraction kit yield more detectable RNA than the others, using both ddPCR and RT-qPCR. Taken together, we recommend a comprehensive methodology for preservation, extraction and detection of RNA from SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses in stool.
Project description:COVID-19 patients shed SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA in their stool, sometimes well after they have cleared their respiratory infection. This feature of the disease may be significant for patient health, epidemiology, and diagnosis. However, to date, methods to preserve stool samples from COVID patients, and to extract and quantify viral RNA concentration have yet to be optimized. We sought to meet this urgent need by developing and benchmarking a standardized protocol for the fecal detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. We test three preservative conditions for their ability to yield detectable SARS-CoV-2 RNA: OMNIgene-GUT, Zymo DNA/RNA shield kit, and the most common condition, storage without any preservative. We test these in combination with three extraction kits: the QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit, Zymo Quick-RNA Viral Kit, and MagMAX Viral/Pathogen Kit. Finally, we also test the utility of two detection methods, ddPCR and RT-qPCR, for the robust quantification of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA from stool. We identify that the Zymo DNA/RNA shield collection kit and the QiaAMP viral RNA mini kit yield more detectable RNA than the others, using both ddPCR and RT-qPCR assays. We also demonstrate key features of experimental design including the incorporation of appropriate controls and data analysis, and apply these techniques to effectively extract viral RNA from fecal samples acquired from COVID-19 outpatients enrolled in a clinical trial. Finally, we recommend a comprehensive methodology for future preservation, extraction and detection of RNA from SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses in stool.
Project description:Canine fecal microbiota profiling provides insight into host health and disease. Standardization of methods for fecal sample storage for microbiomics is currently inconclusive, however. This study investigated the effects of homogenization, the preservative RNAlater, room temperature exposure duration, and short-term storage in the fridge prior to freezing on the canine fecal microbiota profile. Within 15 minutes after voiding, samples were left non-homogenized or homogenized and aliquoted, then kept at room temperature (20-22°C) for 0.5, 4, 8, or 24 hours. Homogenized aliquots then had RNAlater added or not. Following room temperature exposure, all aliquots were stored in the fridge (4°C) for 24 hours prior to storing in the freezer (-20°C), or stored directly in the freezer. DNA extraction, PCR amplification, then sequencing were completed on all samples. Alpha diversity (diversity, evenness, and richness), and beta diversity (community membership and structure), and relative abundances of bacterial genera were compared between treatments. Homogenization and RNAlater minimized changes in the microbial communities over time, although minor changes in relative abundances occurred. Non-homogenized samples had more inter-sample variability and greater changes in beta diversity than homogenized samples. Storage of canine fecal samples in the fridge for 24 h prior to storage in the freezer had little effect on the fecal microbiota profile. Our findings suggest that if immediate analysis of fecal samples is not possible, samples should at least be homogenized to preserve the existing microbiota profile.
Project description:Effectively monitoring the spread of SARS-CoV-2 mutants is essential to efforts to counter the ongoing pandemic. Predicting lineage abundance from wastewater, however, is technically challenging. We show that by sequencing SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater and applying algorithms initially used for transcriptome quantification, we can estimate lineage abundance in wastewater samples. We find high variability in signal among individual samples, but the overall trends match those observed from sequencing clinical samples. Thus, while clinical sequencing remains a more sensitive technique for population surveillance, wastewater sequencing can be used to monitor trends in mutant prevalence in situations where clinical sequencing is unavailable.
Project description:During production of the original article [1], there was a technical error that resulted in author corrections not being rendered in the PDF version of the article.
Project description:The ongoing epidemic of caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 starting in December 2019 poses a serious public health threat globally. The virus is highly infectious and transmitted mainly through droplets and contacts, and is associated with a high risk of pneumonia. A small number of patients may present with acute respiratory distress syndrome with severe respiratory complications, which can lead even to death. The selection of appropriate detection techniques and methods for accurate and rapid identification of pathogens therefore plays a key role in improving the diagnosis and treatment of the patients and containing the outbreak. In this review, the authors gives an overview of the virus laboratory detection technology, including virus isolation and culture, real-time fluorescent PCR, gene sequencing, serological antibody detection, and the gene editing technology based on CRISPR/Cas13 system. These techniques are expected to provide valuable assistance in controlling the epidemic and new ideas for future researches.