Crystal structure of chain silicate Cs3LuSi3O9.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: A caesium lutetium(III) silicate, Cs3LuSi3O9, was synthesized by heating a pelletized mixture of Cs2CO3, Lu2O3 and SiO2 at 1273 K. Single crystals of the title compound were grown in a melted area of the pellet. Cs3LuSi3O9 is a single-chain silicate (ortho-rhom-bic space group Pna21) with a chain periodicity of six and is isostructural with Cs3 RE IIIGe3O9 (RE = Pr, Nd and Sm-Yb). The two symmetry-dependent [Si6O18]12- chains in the unit cell lie parallel to the [011] direction. The Lu3+ ions are octa-hedrally coordinated by O atoms of the silicate chains, generating a three-dimensional framework. Cs+ ions are located in the voids in the framework.
PROVIDER: S-EPMC8647736 | biostudies-literature |
REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature