Comparative Metabolomic Study of Drosophila Species with Different Lifespans.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: The increase in life expectancy, leading to a rise in the proportion of older people, is accompanied by a prevalence of age-related disorders among the world population, the fight against which today is one of the leading biomedical challenges. Exploring the biological insights concerning the lifespan is one of the ways to provide a background for designing an effective treatment for the increase in healthy years of life. Untargeted direct injection mass spectrometry-based metabolite profiling of 12 species of Drosophila with significant variations in natural lifespans was conducted in this research. A cross-comparison study of metabolomic profiles revealed lifespan signatures of flies. These signatures indicate that lifespan extension is associated with the upregulation of amino acids, phospholipids, and carbohydrate metabolism. Such information provides a metabolome-level view on longevity and may provide a molecular measure of organism age in age-related studies.
Project description:Yeasts constitute a dietary source for the spotted wing drosophila (SWD) and produce compounds that attract these flies. The study of the chemical composition of the yeast communities associated with SWD should therefore help to understand the relationship between the biology of the insect and the yeast's metabolism. In the present study, the lipidome of five yeast species isolated from grapes infested by SWD (three Hanseniaspora uvarum strains, Candida sp., Issatchenkia terricola, Metschnikowia pulcherrima and Saccharomycopsis vini) and a laboratory strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was explored using an untargeted approach. Additionally, the lipid profile of two species, S. cerevisiae and H. uvarum, which were reported to elicit different responses on SWD flies based on feeding and behavioral trials, was compared with a chemical enrichment approach. Overall, 171 lipids were annotated. The yeast species could be distinguished from each other based on their lipid profile, except for the three strains of H. uvarum, which were very similar to each other. The chemical enrichment analysis emphasized diversities between S. cerevisiae and H. uvarum, that could not be detected based on their global lipid profile. The information concerning differences between species in their lipidome may be of interest to future entomological studies concerning the yeast-insect interaction and could help to explain the responses of SWD to diverse yeast species.
Project description:N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is a derivative of the sulphur-containing amino acid L-cysteine with potential anti-aging properties. We studied 3 Drosophila species with contrast longevity differences (D. virilis is longest-lived, D. kikkawai is shortest-lived and D. melanogaster has moderate lifespan) to test the effects of NAC at 8 different concentrations (from 10 nM to 100 mM) on the lifespan, stress-resistance and locomotor activity. Except the adverse effects of highest (10 mM and 100 mM) concentrations NAC demonstrated sexually opposite and male-biased effects on Drosophila lifespan, stress-resistance and locomotor activity and not satisfied the criteria of a geroprotector in terms of the reproducibility of lifespan extending effects in different model organisms. The concentration- and sex-dependent changes in the relative expression levels of the antioxidant genes (Cat/CG6871 and Sod1/CG11793) and genes involved in hydrogen sulfide biosynthesis (Cbs/CG1753, Eip55E/CG5345 and Nfs1/CG12264) suggest the involvement of hormetic mechanisms in the geroprotective effects of NAC.
Project description:Yeasts constitute a dietary source for the spotted wing drosophila (SWD) and produce compounds that attract these flies. The study of the chemical composition of the yeast communities associated with SWD should therefore help to understand the relationship between the biology of the insect and the yeast's metabolism. In the present study, the lipidome of five yeast species isolated from grapes infested by SWD (three <i>Hanseniaspora uvarum</i> strains, <i>Candida</i> sp., <i>Issatchenkia terricola</i>, <i>Metschnikowia pulcherrima</i> and <i>Saccharomycopsis vini</i>) and a laboratory strain of <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> was explored using an untargeted approach. Additionally, the lipid profile of two species, <i>S. cerevisiae</i> and <i>H. uvarum</i>, which were reported to elicit different responses on SWD flies based on feeding and behavioral trials, was compared with a chemical enrichment approach. Overall, 171 lipids were annotated. The yeast species could be distinguished from each other based on their lipid profile, except for the three strains of <i>H. uvarum,</i> which were very similar to each other. The chemical enrichment analysis emphasized diversities between <i>S. cerevisiae</i> and <i>H. uvarum</i>, that could not be detected based on their global lipid profile. The information concerning differences between species in their lipidome may be of interest to future entomological studies concerning the yeast-insect interaction and could help to explain the responses of SWD to diverse yeast species.
Project description:Outbreaks of highly pathogenic strains of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) cause considerable economic losses to the poultry industry and also pose a threat to human life. The possibility that one of these strains will evolve to become transmissible between humans, sparking a major influenza pandemic, is a matter of great concern. Most studies so far have focused on assessing these odds from the perspective of the intrinsic mutability of AIV rather than the ecological constraints to invasion faced by the virus population. Here we present an alternative multihost model for the evolution of AIV in which the mode and tempo of mutation play a limited role, with the emergence of strains being determined instead principally by the prevailing profile of population-level immunity. We show that (i) many of the observed differences in influenza virus dynamics among species can be captured by our model by simply varying host lifespan and (ii) increased contact between species of different lifespans can promote the emergence of potentially more virulent strains that were hitherto suppressed in one of the species.
Project description:Dendrobium officinale, a precious herbal medicine, has been used for a long time in Chinese history. The metabolites of D. officinale, regarded as its effective components to fight diseases, are significantly affected by cultivation substrates. In this study, ultra-performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) was conducted to analyze D. officinale stems cultured in three different substrates: pine bark (PB), coconut coir (CC), and a pine bark: coconut coir 1:1 mix (PC). A total of 529 metabolites were identified. Multivariate statistical analysis methods were employed to analyze the difference in the content of metabolites extracted from different groups. By the criteria of variable importance in projection (VIP) value ≥1 and absolute log2 (fold change) ≥1, there were a total of 68, 51, and 57 metabolites, with significant differences in content across groups being filtrated out between PB and PC, PB and CC, and PC and CC, respectively. The comparisons among the three groups revealed that flavonoids were the metabolites that fluctuated most. The results suggested the D. officinale stems from the PB group possessed a higher flavonoid content. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analysis indicated that the significantly regulated metabolites were mainly connected with flavonoid biosynthesis. A comprehensive profile of the metabolic differentiation of D. officinale planted in different substrates was provided, which supports the selection of an optimum cultivation substrate for a higher biomass yield of D. officinale.
Project description:Temperature is a critical environmental variable that affects the distribution, survival and reproduction of most animals. Although temperature receptors have been identified in many animals, how these receptors respond to temperature is still unclear. Here, we describe an automated tracking method for studying the thermotactic behaviors of Drosophila larvae and adults. We built optimal experimental setups to capture behavioral recordings and analyzed them using free software, Fiji and TrackMate, which do not require programming knowledge. Then, we applied the adult thermotactic two-choice assay to examine the movement and temperature preferences of nine Drosophila species. The ability or inclination to move varied among these species and at different temperatures. Distinct species preferred various ranges of temperatures. Wild-type D. melanogaster flies avoided the warmer temperature in the warm avoidance assay and the cooler temperature in the cool avoidance assay. Conversely, D. bipectinata and D. yakuba did not avoid warm or cool temperatures in the respective assays, and D. biarmipes and D. mojavensis did not avoid the warm temperature in the warm avoidance assay. These results demonstrate that Drosophila species have different mobilities and temperature preferences, which will benefit further research in exploring molecular mechanisms of temperature responsiveness.
Project description:The physical connections established by recombination are normally sufficient to ensure proper chromosome segregation during female Meiosis I. However, nonexchange chromosomes (such as the Muller F element or "dot" chromosome in D. melanogaster) can still segregate accurately because they remain connected by heterochromatic tethers. A recent study examined female meiosis in the closely related species D. melanogaster and D. simulans, and found a nearly twofold difference in the mean distance the obligately nonexchange dot chromosomes were separated during Prometaphase. That study proposed two speculative hypotheses for this difference, the first being the amount of heterochromatin in each species, and the second being the species' differing tolerance for common inversions in natural populations. We tested these hypotheses by examining female meiosis in 12 additional Drosophila species. While neither hypothesis had significant support, we did see 10-fold variation in dot chromosome sizes, and fivefold variation in the frequency of chromosomes out on the spindle, which were both significantly correlated with chromosome separation distances. In addition to demonstrating that heterochromatin abundance changes chromosome behavior, this implies that the duration of Prometaphase chromosome movements must be proportional to the size of the F element in these species. Additionally, we examined D. willistoni, a species that lacks a free dot chromosome. We observed that chromosomes still moved out on the meiotic spindle, and the F element was always positioned closest to the spindle poles. This result is consistent with models where one role of the dot chromosomes is to help organize the meiotic spindle.
Project description:Aspergillus oryzae (A. oryzae) is an important starter in the fermentation of koji and moromi. However, the effect of different A. oryzae strains on the quality of moromi has rarely been studied. For this reason, this study analyzed the physicochemical properties, enzyme activity, sensory quality, and metabolite profiles of moromi samples fermented using two strains (A. oryzae KCCM12012P (moromi-1) and KCCM12804P (moromi-2)), which were newly isolated from fermented soy foods, and compared them to those of a commercialized A. oryzae strain (control). Amino-type nitrogen contents of moromi-1 and moromi-2 samples were higher than that of control moromi, and their amylase and protease activities were also higher. Moreover, metabolite profiles of moromi were significantly altered according to strains. In particular, the levels of many amino acids, peptides, nucleotides, and acidic compounds were altered, which resulted in changes in the sensory quality of moromi. Although volatile compounds were not investigated, the results suggested that the quality of moromi was significantly different for newly isolated strains, especially A. oryzae KCCM12804P, and they were superior to the commercial strain in terms of taste-related substances. Therefore, these strains could be used as good starters to produce moromi and soy sauce with good sensory quality.
Project description:Lifespan varies dramatically among species, but the biological basis is not well understood. Previous studies in model organisms revealed the importance of nutrient sensing, mTOR, NAD/sirtuins, and insulin/IGF1 signaling in lifespan control. By studying life-history traits and transcriptomes of 14 Drosophila species differing more than sixfold in lifespan, we explored expression divergence and identified genes and processes that correlate with longevity. These longevity signatures suggested that longer-lived flies upregulate fatty acid metabolism, downregulate neuronal system development and activin signaling, and alter dynamics of RNA splicing. Interestingly, these gene expression patterns resembled those of flies under dietary restriction and several other lifespan-extending interventions, although on the individual gene level, there was no significant overlap with genes previously reported to have lifespan-extension effects. We experimentally tested the lifespan regulation potential of several candidate genes and found no consistent effects, suggesting that individual genes generally do not explain the observed longevity patterns. Instead, it appears that lifespan regulation across species is modulated by complex relationships at the system level represented by global gene expression.
Project description:These data contain RNA-seq samples generated from the main chemosensory organs of closely related Drosophila species (D. melanogaster, D. sechellia, D. simulans, D. santomea, D. erecta, and D. suzukii) from larava (head) and adults (antenna, forelegs, proboscis with maxillary palps, ovipositors (female only) for both males and females. The purpose for generating these data was to carry out evolutionary analyses of gene expression differences between the six species.