
Dataset Information


Conformational Changes in a Macrolide Antibiotic Binding Protein From Mycobacterium smegmatis Upon ADP Binding.

ABSTRACT: Rv3197 (MABP-1), a non-canonical ABC protein in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, has ATPase activity and confers inducible resistance to the macrolide family of antibiotics. Here we have shown that MSMEG_1954, the homolog of Rv3197 in M. smegmatis, has a similar function of conferring macrolide resistance. Crystal structures of apo-MSMEG_1954 (form1 and form 2) and MSMEG_1954 in complex with ADP have been determined. These three structures show that MSMEG_1954 has at least two different conformations we identify as closed state (MSMEG_1954-form 1) and open state (MSMEG_1954-form 2 and MSMEG_1954-ADP). Structural superimposition shows that the MSMEG_1954-form 2 and MSMEG_1954-ADP complex have similar conformation to that observed for MABP-1 and MABP-1-erythromicin complex structure. However, the antibiotic binding pocket in MSMEG_1954-form 1 is completely blocked by the N-terminal accessory domain. When bound by ADP, the N-terminal accessory domain undergoes conformational change, which results in the open of the antibiotic binding pocket. Because of the degradation of N terminal accessory domain in MSMSG_1954-form 2, it is likely to represent a transitional state between MSMEG_1954-form 1 and MSMEG_1954-ADP complex structure.


PROVIDER: S-EPMC8696161 | biostudies-literature |

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-literature

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