Project description:RNA silencing is a sequence specific post-transcriptional mechanism regulating important biological processes including antiviral defense in plants. Argonaute (AGO) proteins, the catalytic subunits of the silencing complexes, are loaded with small RNAs to execute the sequence specific RNA cleavage or translational inhibition. Plants encode several AGO proteins and a few of them, especially AGO1 and AGO2, have been shown to be required for antiviral silencing. Previously, we have shown that the P1 protein of the sweet potato mild mottle virus (SPMMV) suppresses the primary RNA silencing response by inhibiting AGO1. To analyze the role of AGO2 in antiviral defense against the SPMMV, we performed a comparative study using a wild type and ago2-/- mutant Nicotiana benthamiana. Here we show that the AGO2 of N. benthamiana attenuates the symptoms of SPMMV infection. Upon SPMMV infection the levels of AGO2 mRNA and protein are greatly increased. Moreover, we found that AGO2 proteins are loaded with SPMMV derived viral small RNAs as well as with miRNAs. Our results indicate that AGO2 protein takes over the place of AGO1 to confer antiviral silencing. Finally, we provide a plausible explanation for the AGO2 mediated recovery of an SPMMV-infected sweet potato.
Project description:In Brazil, Potyvirus species in sweet potatoes have been detected mostly by serology. Here, we report the complete genome sequences of two Potyvirus species, Sweet potato feathery mottle virus strain (SPFMV-UNB-01) and Sweet potato virus G strain (SPVG-UNB-01).
Project description:Sweet potato feathery mottle virus is a potyvirus that infect sweet potato. The genome of the virus was analysed to understand genetic diversity, evolution and gene flow. Motifs, nucleotide identity and a phylogenetic tree were used to determine phylogroup of the isolates. Gene flow and genetic diversity were tested using DnaSP v.5. Codons evolution were tested using three methods embedded in Datamonkey. The results indicate occurrence of an isolate of phylogroup B within East Africa. Low genetic differentiation was observed between isolates from Kenya and Uganda indicating evidence of gene flow between the two countries. Four genes were found to have positively selected codons bordering or occurring within functional motifs. A motif within P1 gene evolved differently between phylogroup A and B. The evidence of gene flow indicates frequent exchange of the virus between the two countries and P1 gene motif provide a possible marker that can be used for mapping the distribution of the phylogroups.
Project description:Genome uncoating is a prerequisite for the successful infection of plant viruses in host plants. Thus far, little is known about the genome uncoating of the Carnation mottle virus (CarMV). Here, we obtained two reconstructions of CarMV at pH7 in the presence (Ca-pH7) and absence (EDTA-pH7) of calcium ions by Cryo-EM single particle analysis, which achieved 6.4?Å and 8?Å resolutions respectively. Our results showed that chelation of the calcium ions under EDTA-pH7 resulted in reduced interaction between the subunits near the center of the asymmetric unit but not overall size change of the viral particles, which indicated that the role of the calcium ions in CarMV was not predominantly for the structural preservation. Part of the genomic RNA closest to the capsid was found to be located near the center of the asymmetric unit, which might result from the interaction between genomic RNA and Lys194 residues. Together with the electrostatic potential analysis on the inner surface of the asymmetric unit, the reduced interaction near the center of the asymmetric unit under EDTA-pH7 suggested that the genome release of CarMV might be realized through the center of the asymmetric unit.
Project description:Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is a powerful technique for determining the structures of large protein complexes. Picking single protein particles from cryo-EM micrographs (images) is a crucial step in reconstructing protein structures from them. However, the widely used template-based particle picking process requires some manual particle picking and is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Though machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) can potentially automate particle picking, the current AI methods pick particles with low precision or low recall. The erroneously picked particles can severely reduce the quality of reconstructed protein structures, especially for the micrographs with low signal-to-noise (SNR) ratios. To address these shortcomings, we devised CryoTransformer based on transformers, residual networks, and image processing techniques to accurately pick protein particles from cryo-EM micrographs. CryoTransformer was trained and tested on the largest labelled cryo-EM protein particle dataset - CryoPPP. It outperforms the current state-of-the-art machine learning methods of particle picking in terms of the resolution of 3D density maps reconstructed from the picked particles as well as F1-score and is poised to facilitate the automation of the cryo-EM protein particle picking.
Project description:Potyviridae is the largest family of plant RNA viruses. Their genomes are expressed through long polyproteins that are usually headed by the leader endopeptidase P1. This protein can be classified as type A or type B based on host proteolytic requirements and RNA silencing suppression (RSS) capacity. The main Potyviridae genus is Potyvirus, and a group of potyviruses infecting sweet potato presents an enlarged P1 protein with a polymerase slippage motif that produces an extra product termed P1N-PISPO. These two proteins display some RSS activity and are expressed followed by HCPro, which appears to be the main RNA silencing suppressor in these viruses. Here, we studied the behavior of the P1 protein of Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) using a viral system based on a canonical potyvirus, Plum pox virus (PPV), and discovered that this protein is able to replace both PPV P1 and HCPro. We also found that P1N-PISPO, produced after polymerase slippage, provides extra RNA silencing suppression capacity to SPFMV P1 in this viral context. In addition, the results showed that presence of two type A P1 proteins was detrimental for viral viability. The ample recombination spectrum that we found in the recovered viruses supports the strong adaptation capacity of P1 proteins and signals the N-terminal part of SPFMV P1 as essential for RSS activity. Further analyses provided data to add extra layers to the evolutionary history of sweet potato-infecting potyvirids. IMPORTANCE Plant viruses represent a major challenge for agriculture worldwide and Potyviridae, being the largest family of plant RNA viruses, is one of the primary players. P1, the leader endopeptidase, is a multifunctional protein that contributes to the successful spread of these viruses over a wide host range. Understanding how P1 proteins work, their dynamic interplay during viral infection, and their evolutionary path is critical for the development of strategic tools to fight the multiple diseases these viruses cause. We focused our efforts on the P1 protein of Sweet potato feathery mottle virus, which is coresponsible for the most devastating disease in sweet potato. The significance of our research is in understanding the capacity of this protein to perform several independent functions, using this knowledge to learn more about P1 proteins in general and the potyvirids infecting this host.
Project description:Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) ranks among the most important crops in the world and provides nutritional and economic sustainability for subsistence farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. Its production is mainly constrained by sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) caused by the coinfection of two positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses, sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV) and sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV). Current understanding of sweet potato responses to SPCSV and SPFMV at the molecular level remains very limited. In this study, we performed deep sequencing of both messenger RNA (mRNA) and small RNA (sRNA) populations in an SPVD-susceptible cultivar 'Beauregard' upon viral infection, to identify biological pathways that contribute to both general and specific host responses to these important viral pathogens. We found that pathways related to stress response and signaling were significantly affected by viral infection. sRNA components of these pathways were predominantly affected in late stages of the coinfection by SPCSV and SPFMV. We identified several novel microRNAs that were responsive to viral infection, some of which were predicted to target nucleotide-binding site leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) disease resistance genes. The downregulation of the salicylic acid-mediated defense response pathway in particular seems to be a result of the viral infection process, and can in part explain the susceptible nature of the 'Beauregard' cultivar.