Project description:Correlative cryo-FLM-FIB milling is a powerful sample preparation technique for in situ cryo-ET. However, correlative workflows that incorporate precise targeting remain challenging. Here, we demonstrate the development and use of an integrated Fluorescence Light Microscope (iFLM) module within a cryo-FIB-SEM to enable a coordinate-based two-point 3D correlative workflow. The iFLM guided targeting of regions of interest coupled with an automated milling process of the cryo-FIB-SEM instrument allows for the efficient preparation of 9-12 ∼200 nm thick lamellae within 24 hours. Using regular and montage-cryo-ET data collection schemes, we acquired data from FIB-milled lamellae of HeLa cells to examine cellular ultrastructure. Overall, this workflow facilitates on-the-fly targeting and automated FIB-milling of cryo-preserved cells, bacteria, and possibly high pressure frozen tissue, to produce lamellae for downstream cryo-ET data collection.
Project description:We present a microfluidic platform for studying structure-function relationships at the cellular level by connecting video rate live cell imaging with in situ microfluidic cryofixation and cryo-electron tomography of near natively preserved, unstained specimens. Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) has been limited by the time required to transfer live cells from the light microscope to dedicated cryofixation instruments, such as a plunge freezer or high-pressure freezer. We recently demonstrated a microfluidic based approach that enables sample cryofixation directly in the light microscope with millisecond time resolution, a speed improvement of up to three orders of magnitude. Here we show that this cryofixation method can be combined with cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) by using Focused Ion Beam milling at cryogenic temperatures (cryo-FIB) to prepare frozen hydrated electron transparent sections. To make cryo-FIB sectioning of rapidly frozen microfluidic channels achievable, we developed a sacrificial layer technique to fabricate microfluidic devices with a PDMS bottom wall <5?µm thick. We demonstrate the complete workflow by rapidly cryo-freezing Caenorhabditis elegans roundworms L1 larvae during live imaging in the light microscope, followed by cryo-FIB milling and lift out to produce thin, electron transparent sections for cryo-ET imaging. Cryo-ET analysis of initial results show that the structural preservation of the cryofixed C. elegans was suitable for high resolution cryo-ET work. The combination of cryofixation during live imaging enabled by microfluidic cryofixation with the molecular resolution capabilities of cryo-ET offers an exciting avenue to further advance space-time correlative light and electron microscopy (st-CLEM) for investigation of biological processes at high resolution in four dimensions.
Project description:Ultrastructure of human brain tissue has traditionally been examined using electron microscopy (EM) following fixation, staining, and sectioning, which limit resolution and introduce artifacts. Alternatively, cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) allows higher resolution imaging of unfixed cellular samples while preserving architecture, but it requires samples to be vitreous and thin enough for transmission EM. Due to these requirements, cryo-ET has yet to be employed to investigate unfixed, never previously frozen human brain tissue. Here we present a method for generating lamellae in human brain tissue obtained at time of autopsy that can be imaged via cryo-ET. We vitrify the tissue via plunge-freezing and use xenon plasma focused ion beam (FIB) milling to generate lamellae directly on-grid at variable depth inside the tissue. Lamellae generated in Alzheimer's disease brain tissue reveal intact subcellular structures including components of autophagy and potential pathologic tau fibrils. Furthermore, we reveal intact compact myelin and functional cytoplasmic expansions. These images indicate that plasma FIB milling with cryo-ET may be used to elucidate nanoscale structures within the human brain.
Project description:The structure of chromatin plays pivotal roles in regulating gene transcription, DNA replication and repair, and chromosome segregation. This structure, however, remains elusive. Here, using cryo-FIB and cryo-ET, we delineate the 3D architecture of native chromatin fibres in intact interphase human T-lymphoblasts and determine the in situ structures of nucleosomes in different conformations. These chromatin fibres are not structured as uniform 30 nm one-start or two-start filaments but are composed of relaxed, variable zigzag organizations of nucleosomes connected by straight linker DNA. Nucleosomes with little H1 and linker DNA density are distributed randomly without any spatial preference. This work will inspire future high-resolution investigations on native chromatin structures in situ at both a single-nucleosome level and a population level under many different cellular conditions in health and disease.
Project description:Porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) is a highly contagious swine disease caused by porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV). PED causes enteric disorders with an exceptionally high fatality in neonates, bringing substantial economic losses in the pork industry. The trimeric spike (S) glycoprotein of PEDV is responsible for virus-host recognition, membrane fusion, and is the main target for vaccine development and antigenic analysis. The atomic structures of the recombinant PEDV S proteins of two different strains have been reported, but they reveal distinct N-terminal domain 0 (D0) architectures that may correspond to different functional states. The existence of the D0 is a unique feature of alphacoronavirus. Here we combined cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to demonstrate in situ the asynchronous S protein D0 motions on intact viral particles of a highly virulent PEDV Pintung 52 strain. We further determined the cryo-EM structure of the recombinant S protein derived from a porcine cell line, which revealed additional domain motions likely associated with receptor binding. By integrating mass spectrometry and cryo-EM, we delineated the complex compositions and spatial distribution of the PEDV S protein N-glycans, and demonstrated the functional role of a key N-glycan in modulating the D0 conformation.