Antibiotic abuse during endodontic treatment in private dental centers.
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: We evaluated antibiotic prescription practices during root canal treatments among general dentists in private dental clinics in Al-Madinah Al Munawarah, Saudi Arabia. Methods: A self-administered, questionnaire about antibiotic used during root canal treatment was distributed to 75 randomly selected general dental practitioners working in private dental clinics in Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah, Saudi Arabia, between March and April 2016. The questionnaires were collected one week later. To compare results of the collected data, Chi-square test was used. Results: The results revealed that 60% of the dentists prescribed amoxicillin with clavulanic acid as the first choice treatment for endodontic pathosis. Clindamycin (51.6%) was the first choice for patients who were allergic to penicillin. Forty-five percent of the general practitioners prescribed antibiotics for 5 days. Approximately 83.3% of general practitioners prescribed antibiotics for acute apical abscesses. Prophylactic antibiotics were prescribed for cases with a history of infective endocarditis (65.5%), non-controlled diabetes (60.3%), placement of a prosthetic joint in the previous 2 years (46.6%), congenital heart disease (36.2%), and kidney dialysis shunts (34.5%). Conclusion: This study reveals antibiotic abuse in endodontic treatment practice in private dental clinics in Al-Madinah Al Munawarah, Saudi Arabia. General dental practitioners are lacking knowledge regarding the prescription of antibiotics in endodontic treatment and situations requiring prophylactic antibiotics.
Project description:The objectives of this study were to evaluate the pattern of antibiotic prescription for endodontic infections (EIs) among Italian dental practitioners (DPs) and to explore the role of potential predictors of antibiotic overprescription. A nationwide cross-sectional survey was conducted between 1 April and 30 October 2019 using a structured questionnaire. Information was gathered on demographics, professional characteristics, and practices regarding antibiotic prescription for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Of the 1,250 invited DPs, 563 answered the general questionnaire (response rate of 52.6%). The proportions of DPs who prescribed an antibiotic without indication for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes were 33.3% and 30.2%, respectively. Acute alveolar abscess without systemic involvement represents the clinical scenario at a high risk of overprescription for therapeutic purposes. Possible predictors of overprescribing included demographics and professional characteristics. Moreover, overprescribing was found to be higher for EIs without an indication than for the cases in which the prescription is indicated for therapeutic purposes. The odds of overprescription for prophylactic purposes were higher for cases of acute apical periodontitis and lower for cases of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis than for acute and chronic alveolar abscesses, for which prescription is indicated. The main findings of the present study provide up-to-date insight into the pattern of antibiotic prescriptions for EIs and evidence useful to identify opportunities to reduce overprescription among DPs through tailored interventions. The development of practical antibiotic prescribing guidelines with a clear description of indications and regimen ease of use is strongly needed.
Project description:ObjectiveTo examine the relationship of organizational characteristics of substance abuse treatment centers with their use of quality management practices (total quality management [TQM]) and the contribution of TQM use to a center's provision of comprehensive care and to use of evidence-based treatment practices.Data sourcesData were collected from a national sample of over 700 private and public substance abuse treatment centers in the National Treatment Center Study.Study designThe design was a cross-sectional field study. The key variables were three TQM practices, the provision of comprehensive treatment services, and the implementation of evidence-based treatment practices. Numerous organizational characteristics were controlled.Data collectionThe data were obtained through interviews with administrative directors and clinical directors of the treatment centers in 2002-2004.Principal findingsIn multivariate models, TQM practices were positively related to provision of comprehensive care and use of evidence-based practices. A limited set of organizational characteristics predicted the use of TQM practices.ConclusionsSubstance abuse treatment centers' implementation of TQM processes may be positively related to the quality and cost-effectiveness of care provided.
Project description:To investigate the preferences of general dental practitioners (GDPs) and endodontists in using endodontic intra-canal medications (ICMs).This observational and descriptive study was conducted in 2014 in the western province of Saudi Arabia. Following ethical clearance and 2 pilot studies, a web-based questionnaire was electronically sent to 375 randomly and systematically selected GDPs and all endodontists in the western province (n=49). An accompanying e-mail explained the study's aims and confirmed that the data yielded would remain confidential. The responses were collected, and the data was analyzed using the Chi-square test at p=0.05.Significantly, the highest proportion of respondents (53.7%) reported disinfection of the root canals as the main function of ICMs. Calcium hydroxide (CH) was the preferred material of the majority of those who used the same ICM in all cases (85.7%). While the vast majority of all endodontists (87.5%) used CH after pulp extirpation, 48.5% of GDPs used formocresol (p less than 0.001). Almost 30% of those who used ICMs after pulp extirpation did not do so after cleaning and shaping of vital cases. Most endodontists used CH (62.5%) and antibiotics (37.5%) in necrotic pulp cases without apical lesions, which were significantly greater than those of GDPs who did the same (43.8% and 17.2%).Participants were aware that the main function of ICMs is disinfection of the root canal system. However, it is clear that GDPs should reduce their reliance on phenol- and formaldehyde-based medications. There was a distinct trend toward the use of ICMs, especially CH, in necrotic pulp cases.
Project description:Background: A randomized clinical trial was conducted to compare the postoperative pain following endodontic treatment of necrotic teeth with apical periodontitis. Treatments were performed in multiple visits with application of triple antibiotic paste interappointment dressing or single visit without interappointment dressing. Methods: In total 44 participants were assigned randomly into two groups. Group A: multiple visit endodontic treatment with triple antibiotic paste interappointment dressing; group B: single visit endodontic treatment without interappointment dressing. Postoperative pain of participants was assessed after 24, 48, 72 hours and one week using numerical rating scale. Results: No statistically significant difference was found in postoperative pain after 24, 48, 72 hours and one week between the two groups. Conclusion: Triple antibiotic paste as an interappointment dressing in multiple visits endodontic treatment was not proved to reduce the postoperative pain compared to a single visit in patients with necrotic teeth with apical periodontitis who did not have an interappointment dressing. Trial registration:, NCT02947763. Date: 28th October 2016.
Project description:BackgroundDisrespect and Abuse (D&A) during childbirth represents an important barrier to skilled birth utilization, indicating a problem with quality of care and a violation of women's human rights. This study compared prevalence of D&A during childbirth in a public and a private hospital in Southeast Nigeria.MethodsThis study was a cross-sectional study among women who gave birth in two specialized health facilities: a public teaching and a private-for-profit faith-based hospital in Southeast Nigeria. In each facility, systematic random sampling was used to select 310 mothers who had given birth in the facility and were between 0-14 weeks after birth. Study participants were recruited through the immunization clinics. Semi-structured, interviewer-administered questionnaires using the Bowser and Hills classification of D&A during childbirth were used for data collection. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20 at 95% significance level.ResultsMean age of the participants in the public hospital was 30.41 ± 4.4 and 29.31 ± 4.4 in the private hospital. Over three-fifths (191; 61.6%) in the public and 156 women (50.3%) in the private hospital had experienced at least one form of D&A during childbirth [cOR1.58; 95% CI 1.15, 2.18]. Abandonment and neglect [Public153 (49.4%) vs. Private: 91 (29.4%); cOR2.35; 95% CI. 1.69, 3.26] and non-consented care [Public 45 (14.5%) vs. Private 67(21.6%): cOR0.62; 95% CI. 0.41, 0.93] were the major types of D&A during childbirth. Denial of companionship was the most reported subtype of D&A during childbirth in both facilities [Public 135 (43.5%) vs. Private66 (21.3%); cOR2.85; 95% CI. 2.00, 4.06]. Rural residents were less likely to report at least one form of D&A during childbirth (aOR 0.53; CI 0.35-0.79).ConclusionAlthough prevalence was high in both facilities, overall prevalence of D&A during childbirth and most subtypes were higher in the public health facility. There is a need to identify contextual factors enabling D&A during childbirth in public and private health care settings.
Project description:BACKGROUND: General dental practitioners provide the majority of endodontic treatment in Jordan. The aim of this study was to gather information on the methods, materials and attitudes employed in root canal treatment by dentists in North Jordan, in order to evaluate and improve the quality of current practice. METHODS: A questionnaire was posted to all registered general dental practitioners working in private practice in Irbid Governate in North Jordan (n = 181). The questionnaire included information on methods, materials and techniques used in endodontic treatment. RESULTS: Reply rate was 72% (n = 131). The results demonstrated that only five dentists used rubber dam occasionally and not routinely. The majority used cotton rolls for isolation solely or in combination with a high volume saliva ejector (n = 116). The most widely used irrigants were sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide, which were used by 32.9% (n = 43) and 33.6% (n = 44) of the respondents, respectively. Forty eight percent of the respondents (n = 61) used the cold lateral condensation technique for canal obturation, 31.3% (n = 41) used single cone, 9.9% (n = 13) used vertical condensation and 12.2% (n = 16) used paste or cement only for the obturation. The majority used zinc oxide eugenol as a sealer (72.5%). All, but one, respondents used hand instruments for canal preparation and the technique of choice was step back (52.7%). More than 50% (n = 70) of the dentists took one radiograph for determining the working length, whilst 22.9% (n = 30) did not take any radiograph at all. Most practitioners performed treatment in three visits for teeth with two or more root canals, and in two visits for teeth with a single root canal. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that dentists practicing in North Jordan do not comply with international quality standards and do not use recently introduced techniques. Many clinicians never take a radiograph for determining the working length and never used rubber dam or intra-canal medicaments.
Project description:Porphyromonas gingivalis is associated with endodontic pulpitis, causing damage to the dental pulp, leading to severe pain and a decline in quality of life. Regenerative pulp treatments using dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) can be hindered by interactions between DPSCs and the infecting bacteria. The protein WNT family member 4 (Wnt4) plays a critical role in the differentiation of DPSCs and the regeneration of odontogenic tissue. However, the specific influence of P. gingivalis on Wnt4 remains unclear. In this study, we employed a computational approach to investigate the underlying mechanisms through which P. gingivalis-produced metabolites inhibit the Wnt4 protein, thereby diminishing the regenerative potential and therapeutic efficacy of odontogenic tissue. Among the metabolites examined, C29H46N7O18P3S-4 exhibited the strongest inhibitory effect on the Wnt4 protein, as evidenced by the lowest binding energy score of -6782 kcal/mol. Molecular dynamic simulation trajectories revealed that the binding of C29H46N7O18P3S-4 significantly altered the structural dynamics and stability of the Wnt4 protein. These alterations in protein trajectories may have implications for the molecular function of Wnt4 and its associated pathways. Overall, our findings shed light on the inhibitory impact of P. gingivalis-produced metabolites on the Wnt4 protein. Further in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies are necessary to validate and expand upon our findings.
Project description:BackgroundNigeria, the most populous country in Africa and the 8th most populous in the world with a population of over 154 million, does not have current data on substance abuse treatment demand and treatment facilities; however, the country has the highest one-year prevalence rate of Cannabis use (14.3%) in Africa and ranks third in Africa with respect to the one-year prevalence rate of cocaine (0.7%) and Opioids (0.7%) use. This study aimed to determine the types, spread and characteristics of the substance abuse treatment centers in Nigeria.MethodsThe study was a cross sectional survey of substance abuse treatment centers in Nigeria. Thirty-one units were invited and participated in filling an online questionnaire, adapted from the European Treatment Unit/Program Form (June 1997 version).ResultsAll the units completed the online questionnaire. A large proportion (48%) was located in the South-West geopolitical zone of the country. Most (58%) were run by Non-Governmental Organizations. Half of them performed internal or external evaluation of treatment process or outcome. There were a total of 1043 for all categories of paid and volunteer staff, with an average of 33 staff per unit. Most of the funding came from charitable donations (30%). No unit provided drug substitution/maintenance therapy. The units had a total residential capacity of 566 beds. New client admissions in the past one year totalled 765 (mean = 48, median = 26.5, min = 0, max = 147) and 2478 clients received services in the non-residential units in the past year. No unit provided syringe exchange services.ConclusionsThe study revealed a dearth of substance abuse treatment units (and of funds for the available ones) in a country with a large population size and one of the highest prevalence rates of substance abuse in Africa. The available units were not networked and lacked a directory or an evaluation framework. To provide an environment for effective monitoring, funding and continuous quality improvement, the units need to be organized into a sustainable network.
Project description:Introduction The quality of endodontic treatment worldwide is variable despite clear clinical guidelines being available.Aims Identify the factors that affect the quality of endodontic treatment in general dental practice in Scotland and how to overcome the barriers identified.Methods Four online focus group interview sessions were conducted in which a total of 16 participants were recruited, including general dental practitioners, endodontic specialists and educationalists. Topics for facilitated discussion were based on healthcare system theory and included education/training, patient factors, resources and equipment factors; themes were identified via template analysis.Results A number of themes and subthemes affecting the quality of care are reported, including aspects to do with remuneration, time, education, training, support from secondary care and the impact of COVID-19.Conclusion Findings support: increase practical experience for undergraduates; access to postgraduate mentoring and training; development of a managed clinical network to facilitate access to appropriately trained specialists; and increased remuneration to allow sufficient time and adequate equipment to achieve clinical standards.
Project description:In patients with artificial joints, the need for antimicrobial prophylaxis during dental procedures is often raised. The present document describes the pathogenic mechanisms and epidemiological data on the subject of periprosthetic joint infections (PJI) after dental procedures. The document reflects the opinion and recommendations of the expert group 'Infection' of Swiss Orthopaedics. Microorganisms belonging to oral flora can seed haematogenously to an artificial joint. The proof of a causative relation with dental procedures is not possible, because the responsible bacteraemia can originate from the oral cavity at any time, irrespective of when the dental procedure occurs. Good oral hygiene is associated with a lower risk for PJI. Transient bacteraemia occurs during daily oral hygiene activity (e.g., tooth brushing) and thus the cumulative risk for a haematogenous PJI from tooth brushing is higher than that from a dental procedure. PJI after a dental procedure are rarely reported. On the basis of an epidemiological model, several thousand patients with artificial joints must receive antimicrobial prophylaxis to prevent a single PJI. Considering this ratio, the number of adverse events due to the antimicrobial compound exceeds the benefit of administering it by a large magnitude. Therefore, as a rule for the vast majority of cases, antimicrobial prophylaxis during dental procedures is not recommended. It is important that a patient has a good oral health status before joint implantation and that good oral hygiene is continuously maintained in patients with artificial joints.