
Dataset Information


Crystal structure of poly[bis­(?-2-bromo­pyrazine)­tetra-?2-cyanido-dicopper(I)iron(II)]: a bimetallic metal-organic framework.

ABSTRACT: In the title metal-organic framework, [Fe(C4H3BrN2)2{Cu(CN)2}2]n, the FeII cation is located on an inversion center and has a slightly elongated octa­hedral coordination environment [FeN6], ligated by two pyrazine N atoms of symmetry-related bridging 2-bromo­pyrazine mol­ecules in the axial positions and by four N atoms of pairs of symmetry-related cyanido groups in the equatorial positions. The CuI center has a fourfold coordination environment [CuC3N], with an almost perfect trigonal–pyramidal geometry, formed by three cyanido C atoms and an N atom of a bridging 2-bromo­pyrazine mol­ecule. Copper(I) centers related by a twofold rotation axis are bridged by two carbon atoms from a pair of ?-CN groups, resulting in Cu2(CN)2 units. Each Cu2(CN)2 unit is linked to six FeII cations via a pair of linear CN units, the pair of ?-CN groups and two bridging 2-bromo­pyrazine ligands, resulting in the formation of a metal–organic framework, which is additionally stabilized by the short Cu?Cu contacts of 2.4450?(7)?Å.


PROVIDER: S-EPMC6281090 | biostudies-other | 2018 Dec

REPOSITORIES: biostudies-other

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