Project description:Genome-wide mRNA expression profiles of 56 primary gastric tumors from the Singapore patient cohort, batch B. Like many cancers, gastric adenocarcinomas (gastric cancers) show considerable heterogeneity between patients. Thus, there is intense interest in using gene expression profiles to discover subtypes of gastric cancers with particular biological properties or therapeutic vulnerabilities. Identification of such subtypes could generate insights into the mechanisms of cancer progression or lay the foundation for personalized treatments. Here we report a robust gene-expression-based clustering of a large collection of gastric adenocarcinomas (with GSE15459) from Singaporean patients. Profiling of 56 primary gastric tumors on Affymetrix GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array. All tumors were collected with approvals from the National Cancer Centre, Singapore; the Research Ethics Review Committee; and signed patient informed consent.