Project description:This experiment contains a subset of data from the BLUEPRINT Epigenome project ( ), which aims at producing a reference haemopoetic epigenomes for the research community. 29 samples of primary cells or cultured primary cells of different haemopoeitc lineages from cord blood are included in this experiment. This ArrayExpress record contains only meta-data. Raw data files have been archived at the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA, by the consortium, with restricted access to protect sample donors' identity. The relevant accessions of EGA data sets is EGAD00001001165. Details on how to apply for data access via the BLUEPRINT data access committee are on the EGA data set pages. The mapping of samples to these EGA accessions can be found in the 'Sample Data Relationship Format' file of this ArrayExpress record. Information on individual samples and sequencing libraries can also be found on the BLUEPRINT data coordination centre (DCC) website:
Project description:This experiment contains a subset of data from the BLUEPRINT Epigenome project ( ), which aims at producing a reference haemopoetic epigenomes for the research community. 4 samples of primary cells from tonsil with cell surface markes CD20med/CD38high in young individuals (3 to 10 years old) are included in this experiment. This ArrayExpress record contains only meta-data. Raw data files have been archived at the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA, by the consortium, with restricted access to protect sample donors' identity. The relevant accessions of EGA data sets is EGAD00001001523. Details on how to apply for data access via the BLUEPRINT data access committee are on the EGA data set pages. The mapping of samples to these EGA accessions can be found in the 'Sample Data Relationship Format' file of this ArrayExpress record. Information on individual samples and sequencing libraries can also be found on the BLUEPRINT data coordination centre (DCC) website:
Project description:This experiment contains a subset of data from the BLUEPRINT Epigenome project ( ), which aims at producing a reference haemopoetic epigenomes for the research community. 74 samples of primary cells or cultured primary cells of different haemopoeitc lineages from cord blood, venous blood, bone marrow and thymus are included in this experiment. This ArrayExpress record contains only meta-data. Raw data files have been archived at the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA, by the consortium, with restricted access to protect sample donors' identity. There are 32 EGA data set accessions, which can be found under the Comment[EGA_DATA_SET] column in the 'Sample Data Relationship Format' (SDRF) file of this ArrayExpress record ( Details on how to apply for data access via the BLUEPRINT data access committee are on the EGA data set pages. Likewise, mapping of samples to these EGA accessions can be found in the SDRF file. Please note that the raw data files for 11 sequencing runs have yet been deposited at EGA, so they are marked with \\ot available\\ under the Comment[SUBMITTED_FILE_NAME] field in the SDRF file, and were included for the sake of completeness. Further iInformation on individual samples and sequencing libraries can also be found on the BLUEPRINT data coordination centre (DCC) website:\
Project description:Genome-wide mRNA expression profiles of 56 primary gastric tumors from the Singapore patient cohort, batch B. Like many cancers, gastric adenocarcinomas (gastric cancers) show considerable heterogeneity between patients. Thus, there is intense interest in using gene expression profiles to discover subtypes of gastric cancers with particular biological properties or therapeutic vulnerabilities. Identification of such subtypes could generate insights into the mechanisms of cancer progression or lay the foundation for personalized treatments. Here we report a robust gene-expression-based clustering of a large collection of gastric adenocarcinomas (with GSE15459) from Singaporean patients. Profiling of 56 primary gastric tumors on Affymetrix GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array. All tumors were collected with approvals from the National Cancer Centre, Singapore; the Research Ethics Review Committee; and signed patient informed consent.
Project description:In this study, we investigated somatic mutations in T cells in patients with various hematological disorders. To analyze immune cell phenotypes with somatic mutations, we performed scRNA+TCRab sequencing from 9 patients with chronic GVHD and clonal expansions of CD4+ or CD8+ T cells based on T cell receptor sequencing. CD45+ PBMCs (lymphocytes and monocytes) were sorted with BD Influx cell sorter and subjected to sequencing with Chromium VDJ and Gene Expression platform (v1.1, 10X Genomics). Sequencing was performed with Novaseq 6000 (Illumina). The immune cell phenotypes were compared to healthy controls processed in the same laboratory (accession number E-MTAB-11170). Due to data privacy concerns, the raw sequencing data is in the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA) under accession code [xxxx] and can be requested through the EGA Data Access Committee.
Project description:Genome-wide mRNA expression profiles of 200 primary gastric tumors from the Singapore patient cohort. Gastric cancer (GC) is the second leading cause of global cancer mortality, with individual gastric tumors displaying significant heterogeneity in their deregulation of various oncogenic pathways. We aim to identify major oncogenic pathways in GC that robustly impact patient survival and treatment response. We used an in silico strategy based on gene expression signatures and connectivity analytics to map patterns of oncogenic pathway activation in 25 unique GC cell lines, and in 301 primary gastric cancers from three independent patient cohorts. Of 11 oncogenic pathways previously implicated in GC, we identified three predominant pathways (proliferation/stem cell, NF-kB, and Wnt/b-catenin) deregulated in the majority (>70%) of gastric tumors. Using a variety of proliferative, Wnt, and NF-kB-related assays, we experimentally validated the pathway predictions in multiple GC cell lines showing similar pathway activation patterns in vitro. Patients stratified at the level of individual pathways did not exhibit consistent differences in clinical outcome. However, patients grouped by oncogenic pathway combinations demonstrated robust and significant survival differences (e.g., high proliferation/high NF-kB vs. low proliferation/low NF-kB), suggesting that tumor behavior in GC is likely influenced by the combined effects of multiple oncogenic pathways. Our results demonstrate that GCs can be successfully taxonomized by oncogenic pathway activity into biologically and clinically relevant subgroups. Experiment Overall Design: Profiling of 200 primary gastric tumors on Affymetrix GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array. All tumors were collected with approvals from the National Cancer Centre, Singapore; the Research Ethics Review Committee; and signed patient informed consent.
Project description:The objective of my study was to identify the genes differentially expressed in gastric adenocarcinoma associated with prevalent risk factor such as tobacco use (Meiziol, Tuibur etc) in high-risk Indian population. The Tumor tissue and matched normal tissue distant to the tumor were collected during endoscopy in RNA later, Snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70°C until processed. Data of clinicopathologic parameters were obtained from patients’ clinical report, operative notes and pathologic report. Institutional Human ethics committee approved the study.