Project description:DNA was isolated from whole red blood cells from various lines and crosses of broiler chickens. DNA was genotyped using Axiom genome-wide chicken array and cel files were analyzed using Axiom Analysis Suite Software (version 3.0.1) with Gallus gallus 5.0 using the software's Best Practices for agricultural animals. The results were exported (Genotyping_Data-3-21-2018.vcf) for all genotype calls and text file of all SNPs with >= 97% call rate rate was also produced for filtering the VCF file (ALL_SNPSs_with_Call_Rate_97_Plus_3-21-2018).
Project description:Study of high-depth Roma whole exomes to analyse the impact of complex demography on the functional genomic variation. This study also includes genome-wide array data of Iberian Roma individuals
Project description:RNA extracted from 78 FFPE tongue samples, 62 tongue carcinomas and 16 non-malignant controls, were succesfully analysed using the whole genome DASL array to obtain gene expression profiles. Gene expression profiles were used to identify differentially expressed genes with the ultimate goal of finding out their importance for tongue cancer development and maintenance. Sample were formalin fixed paraffin embedded biopsies taken for diagnostic purposes and had been stored between 1 and 13 years. Because of the general poor quality of RNA from archival samples a special focus were put on its effect on the detected expression levels. 28 tumours and 16 controls with a CTdiff< 5 were selected for differential gene expression analysis. Data for only these sample were normalized again and can be found in seperate data file.
Project description:Pair end fastq file of 40 Roma whole genome sequence data. This dataset contains the fastq files obtained using illumina hiseq X generated reads, ~30X coverage.
10 Makedonian Roma - Balkan Roma
10 Spanish Roma - North/Western Roma
10 Hungarian Roma - Vlax and Romungro Roma
5 Lithuanian Roma - North/Western Roma
5 Ukranian Roma - Romungro Roma.
Project description:The identification of genetic and epigenetic alterations from primary tumor cells has become a common method to identify genes critical to the development and progression of cancer. We provide a bioinformatic analysis of copy number variation and DNA methylation covering the genetic landscape of ovarian cancer tumor cells. We individually examined the copy number variation and DNA methylation for 44 primary ovarian cancer samples and 7 ovarian normal samples using our MOMA-ROMA technology and Affymetrix expression data as well as 379 tumor samples analyzed by The Cancer Genome Atlas. We have identified 346 genes with significant deletions or amplifications among the tumor samples. Utilizing associated gene expression data we predict 156 genes with significantly altered copy number and correlated changes in expression. We identify changes in DNA methylation and expression for all amplified and deleted genes. We predicted 615 potential oncogenes and tumor suppressors candidates by integrating these multiple genomic and epigenetic data types. Expression data accompaniment to CSHL ROMA and MOMA3 human ovarian analysis.