Project description:Whole exome sequencing of 5 HCLc tumor-germline pairs. Genomic DNA from HCLc tumor cells and T-cells for germline was used. Whole exome enrichment was performed with either Agilent SureSelect (50Mb, samples S3G/T, S5G/T, S9G/T) or Roche Nimblegen (44.1Mb, samples S4G/T and S6G/T). The resulting exome libraries were sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq platform with paired-end 100bp reads to an average depth of 120-134x. Bam files were generated using NovoalignMPI (v3.0) to align the raw fastq files to the reference genome sequence (hg19) and picard tools (v1.34) to flag duplicate reads (optical or pcr), unmapped reads, reads mapping to more than one location, and reads failing vendor QC.
Project description:E15.5 embryos were micro-disscted from Gata4 G295S mutant mice and littermate controls, RNA was isolated using Norgen total RNA isolation, and libraries were generated with the RNA TruSeq Stranded Total RNA kit. 50 base pair paired end reads were obtained on an illumina high seq 2500. Fastq files were aligned to the mouse genome using STAR aligner. QC was performed using RNASeQC and RSeQC. BAM files were processed using cufflinks pipeline.
Project description:In this project, in vitro selection was carried out to generate DNAzymes for Eosinophil peroxidase using a synthetic DNA library. Total 15 rounds of selections were carried out. The DNA molecules obtain in round 15, was applied in Illumina MiSeq deep sequencing which provided fastq files. Sequencing samples were prepared from each parallel SELEX experiment by PCR tagging with Illumina sequencing primers. Samples were size purified by agarose gel electrophoresis prior to being quantified by measuring absorbance at 260 nm. Tagged samples were pooled and paired-end sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq high-throughput DNA sequencer. Sequence data processing was performed on a Windows 10 computer running Ubuntu 20.04 under WSL2. Raw paired-end reads were trimmed of sequencing and library primers using cutadapt 3.4. Trimmed paired-end reads were then: 1) merged into a consensus sense read; 2) dereplicated; and, 3) clustered at 90% identity using USEARCH v11.0.667_i86linux32. Sequence frequencies and ranking lists were generated using custom Python scripts. Multiple sequence alignments were performed using MUSCLE v3.8.1551 and converted to sequence logos using WebLogo 3.7.8. Processed sequencing data and cluster linkage data were stored on a MySQL 8.0.22 database. Analysis of sequence copy number, frequency, cluster linkage and data plots were performed using the database and Microsoft Excel Top 20 sequences were tested for cleavage performance. The most active DNAzyme was characterized and optimized. At the end, fluorescence and lateral flow assays were developed and evaluated in real patients' sputums.
Project description:In this study, we performed bisulphite of two stages of seed development in a small-seeded chickpea cultivar (Himchana 1) using Illumina platform. Paired-end reads were generated from 5 libraries. Data obtained in FASTQ files were pre-processed to remove adapters and low-quality reads. We identified methylation level at each cytosine residue covered in sequencing and differentially methylated regions (DMRs) between stages of seed development.
Project description:In this study, we performed bisulphite of five stages of seed development in a large-seeded chickpea cultivar (JGK 3) using Illumina platform. Paired-end reads were generated from 11 libraries. Data obtained in FASTQ files were pre-processed to remove adapters and low-quality reads. We identified methylation level at each cytosine residue covered in sequencing and differentially methylated regions (DMRs) between stages of seed development.
Project description:Pair end fastq file of 40 Roma whole genome sequence data. This dataset contains the fastq files obtained using illumina hiseq X generated reads, ~30X coverage.
10 Makedonian Roma - Balkan Roma
10 Spanish Roma - North/Western Roma
10 Hungarian Roma - Vlax and Romungro Roma
5 Lithuanian Roma - North/Western Roma
5 Ukranian Roma - Romungro Roma.
| EGAD00001006024 | EGA
Project description:Legionella pneumophila Raw Illumina Fastq Files
Project description:The expression profile and sequence variants of 476 early stage urothelial carcinoma were studied using whole transcriptome sequencing. RNA-Seq libraries were prepared by Ribo-Zero treatment of total-RNA (to reduce the rRNA content) followed by library preparation using ScriptSeq. RNA-Seq libraries were paired-end sequenced (2x 101 bp) on Illumina HiSeq 2000 and the resulting fastq files were processed using tools from the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK and from the Tuxedo suite. Access to the sequence data (bam and vcf files), containing person identifying information, needs signature on a controlled access form, and can be accessed at The European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA) using the study ID EGAS00001001236 following request. An expression matrix of FPKM values are available without restriction at ArrayExpress.