Project description:Genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation were quantified using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip (“450K array”) in DNA samples isolated from blood for schizophrenia cases and controls. This samples were profiled as part of a wider study where they were meta-analysed with other cohorts.
Project description:Genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation were quantified using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylationEPIC BeadChip (“EPIC array”) in DNA samples isolated from blood for schizophrenia cases, first episode psychosis patients and controls. These samples were profiled as part of a wider study where they were meta-analysed with other cohorts.
Project description:Genome wide DNA methylation profiling of whole blood in schizophrenia patients and healthy subjects. The Illumina Infinium 27k Human DNA methylation Beadchip v1.2 was used to obtain DNA methylation profiles across approximately 27,000 CpGs. Raw data included 325 schizophrenia patients (2) and 394 controls (1) from Dutch descent. One sample was excluded since it was a bipolar patient, indicated by 3 in diseaseStatus column. The column used_in_analysis shows the samples that were used in our study. The excluded samples failed quality control. Normalized data are also included in the non_normalized.txt (i.e. AVG_Beta column).
Project description:Genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation were quantified using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450K BeadChip (“450K array”) in DNA samples isolated from blood for schizophrenia cases, first episode psychosis patients and controls. These samples were profiled as part of a wider study where they were meta-analysed with other cohorts.
Project description:Human DNA methylation Beadchip v1.2 was used to obtain n=113 Illumina DNA methylation array from whole blood samples. The main goal of the study was to measure the epigenetic age (also known as DNA methylation age) of subjects with a severe developmental disorder (known as syndrome X) and controls. To measure DNA methylation age, we used the epigenetic clock software described in Horvath S (n=2013) DNA methylation age of human tissues and cell types. Genome Biology.2013, 14:R115. DOI: 10.1186/10.1186/gb-2013-14-10-r115 PMID: 24138928. The data set contains 5 affected female subjects who exhibit a pure form of syndrome X. Further, the study includes two syndrome X-like subjects who also have Down syndrome and Ring- X Turner syndrome, respectively. For the diseased subjects, we collected several family members (parents and possibly siblings). We also collected several control families who do not have an affected child. Apart from family data, we also analyzed 62 blood samples from healthy controls.
Project description:Human DNA methylation Beadchip v1.2 was used to obtain n=113 Illumina DNA methylation array from whole blood samples. The main goal of the study was to measure the epigenetic age (also known as DNA methylation age) of subjects with a severe developmental disorder (known as syndrome X) and controls. To measure DNA methylation age, we used the epigenetic clock software described in Horvath S (n=2013) DNA methylation age of human tissues and cell types. Genome Biology.2013, 14:R115. DOI: 10.1186/10.1186/gb-2013-14-10-r115 PMID: 24138928.
Project description:Genome wide DNA methylation profiling of whole blood in schizophrenia patients and healthy subjects of different ages. The Illumina Infinium 450k Human DNA methylation Beadchip v1.2 was used to obtain DNA methylation profiles across approximately 480,000 CpGs. Dataset included 62 schizophrenia patients and 33 healthy subjects from Dutch descent. Bisulphite converted DNA from the 96 samples were hybridised to the Illumina Infinium 450k Human Methylation Beadchip. Publication: Steve Horvath, Yafeng Zhang, Peter Langfelder, René S. Kahn, Marco P.M. Boks, Kristel van Eijk, Leonard H. van den Berg, Roel A. Ophoff. Aging effects on DNA methylation modules in human brain and blood tissue. Genome Biology. Special Edition. The raw data (non-normalized Unmethylated and Methylated signal intensities) are not available.
Project description:Good quality standard adult blood samples and cord blood samples hybridized to the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip and used as methylation controls.