Project description:The BioSamples database at the EBI ( provides an integration point for BioSamples information between technology specific databases at the EBI, projects such as ENCODE and reference collections such as cell lines. The database delivers a unified query interface and API to query sample information across EBI's databases and provides links back to assay databases. Sample groups are used to manage related samples, e.g. those from an experimental submission, or a single reference collection. Infrastructural improvements include a new user interface with ontological and key word queries, a new query API, a new data submission API, complete RDF data download and a supporting SPARQL endpoint, accessioning at the point of submission to the European Nucleotide Archive and European Genotype Phenotype Archives and improved query response times.
Project description:The European Bioinformatics Institute ( archives, curates and analyses life sciences data produced by researchers throughout the world, and makes these data available for re-use globally ( Data volumes continue to grow exponentially: total raw storage capacity now exceeds 160 petabytes, and we manage these increasing data flows while maintaining the quality of our services. This year we have improved the efficiency of our computational infrastructure and doubled the bandwidth of our connection to the worldwide web. We report two new data resources, the Single Cell Expression Atlas (, which is a component of the Expression Atlas; and the PDBe-Knowledgebase (, which collates functional annotations and predictions for structure data in the Protein Data Bank. Additionally, Europe PMC ( has added preprint abstracts to its search results, supplementing results from peer-reviewed publications. EMBL-EBI maintains over 150 analytical bioinformatics tools that complement our data resources. We make these tools available for users through a web interface as well as programmatically using application programming interfaces, whilst ensuring the latest versions are available for our users. Our training team, with support from all of our staff, continued to provide on-site, off-site and web-based training opportunities for thousands of researchers worldwide this year.
Project description:The Gene Expression Atlas ( is an added-value database providing information about gene expression in different cell types, organism parts, developmental stages, disease states, sample treatments and other biological/experimental conditions. The content of this database derives from curation, re-annotation and statistical analysis of selected data from the ArrayExpress Archive of Functional Genomics Data. A simple interface allows the user to query for differential gene expression either (i) by gene names or attributes such as Gene Ontology terms, or (ii) by biological conditions, e.g. diseases, organism parts or cell types. The gene queries return the conditions where expression has been reported, while condition queries return which genes are reported to be expressed in these conditions. A combination of both query types is possible. The query results are ranked using various statistical measures and by how many independent studies in the database show the particular gene-condition association. Currently, the database contains information about more than 200,000 genes from nine species and almost 4500 biological conditions studied in over 30,000 assays from over 1000 independent studies.
Project description:Since 1995, the WU-BLAST programs ( have provided a fast, flexible and reliable method for similarity searching of biological sequence databases. The software is in use at many locales and web sites. The European Bioinformatics Institute's WU-Blast2 ( server has been providing free access to these search services since 1997 and today supports many features that both enhance the usability and expand on the scope of the software.