Project description:We report scM&T-seq, a method for parallel single-cell genome-wide methylome and transcriptome sequencing, allowing discovery of associations between transcriptional and epigenetic variation. Profiling of 61 mouse embryonic stem cells confirmed known links between DNA methylation and transcription. Notably, the method reveals novel associations between heterogeneous methylation of distal regulatory elements and transcriptional heterogeneity of key pluripotency genes. E14 ES cells were grown in either serum/LIF or 2i culture conditions and separated into single cells. RNA-Seq or Bisulfite-Seq libraries were prepared. This Series includes only the Bisulfite-Seq data. The list of 61 samples that passed QC in both BS-seq and RNA-seq is included in "Supplementary Table 1" of the associated manuscript.
Project description:This experiment contains a subset of data from the BLUEPRINT Epigenome project ( ), which aims at producing a reference haemopoetic epigenomes for the research community. 4 samples of primary cells from tonsil with cell surface markes CD20med/CD38high in young individuals (3 to 10 years old) are included in this experiment. This ArrayExpress record contains only meta-data. Raw data files have been archived at the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA, by the consortium, with restricted access to protect sample donors' identity. The relevant accessions of EGA data sets is EGAD00001001523. Details on how to apply for data access via the BLUEPRINT data access committee are on the EGA data set pages. The mapping of samples to these EGA accessions can be found in the 'Sample Data Relationship Format' file of this ArrayExpress record. Information on individual samples and sequencing libraries can also be found on the BLUEPRINT data coordination centre (DCC) website:
Project description:Bisulfite-seq data sets were generated for peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) and hair follicle (HF) DNA from each of two healthy males. Examination of genome-wide CpG methylation two tissues (hair follicle and peripheral blood lymphocyte) from 2 healthy male individuals.
Project description:Genome-wide bisulfite sequencing and corresponding transcriptome are analyzed together to seek for methylation target during neural differentiation H1 human embryonic stem cells are able to differentiated into neural stem cells with induction of compound C in 72h. We extracted genomic DNA from 0, 24, 48h samples during induction and measured their DNA methylation level by BS-seq.
Project description:This experiment contains a subset of data from the BLUEPRINT Epigenome project ( ), which aims at producing a reference haemopoetic epigenomes for the research community. 29 samples of primary cells or cultured primary cells of different haemopoeitc lineages from cord blood are included in this experiment. This ArrayExpress record contains only meta-data. Raw data files have been archived at the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA, by the consortium, with restricted access to protect sample donors' identity. The relevant accessions of EGA data sets is EGAD00001001165. Details on how to apply for data access via the BLUEPRINT data access committee are on the EGA data set pages. The mapping of samples to these EGA accessions can be found in the 'Sample Data Relationship Format' file of this ArrayExpress record. Information on individual samples and sequencing libraries can also be found on the BLUEPRINT data coordination centre (DCC) website: