Project description:This study comprises of three different datasets. 1) 57 samples from the 1243 canapps cell line study,2) 91 FFPE normal samples and 3) 87 samples from the SCORT WS2 dataset. The aim is to sequence these 235 samples in order to test the new V2 Colorectal bait design.
Project description:Targeted gene screen of FFPEs, cell lines and primary CRC tumours for testing the new V4 Colorectal gene panel. .
This dataset contains all the data available for this study on 2018-03-07.
Project description:Targeted gene screen of cell line tumours for testing the new V4 Colorectal gene panel. .
This dataset contains all the data available for this study on 2018-03-07.
Project description:To validate the 244K 60-mer probes using a custom-designed Agilent oligo array and assuming sense orientation of all target sequences. A total of four test arrays were designed assuming both sense and antisense orientations. A sole pooled RNA was used for testing all 4 designs. Two arrays were hybridized for each design. This series contains test results for design 2520022.