Project description:In this study we will perform whole genome sequencing on in vitro colonies. Colonies of various sizes (100-300 cells) will be collected for somatic mutation analysis.
Project description:In this study we will perform targeted sequencing on the bulk samples of in vitro colonies.
This dataset contains all the data available for this study on 2020-05-05.
Project description:We report RNA sequencing data for mRNA transcripts obtained from tobramycin exposed phoenix colonies, VBNCs, and various controls (untreated lawn, edge of the zone of clearance of tobramycin, treated outer background lawn). Extracted mRNA was sequenced using an Illumina HiSeq 4000, mapped to a Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 reference genome, and processed to obtain counts for all gene transcripts for each sample. This is the first sequencing data generated for Pseudomonas aeruginosa phoenix colonies and VBNCs.
Project description:Expression data comparing typical E.coli colonies grown on BHI and BHI+Sucrose+MgSO4 to L-form colonies grown on BHI+Sucrose+MgSO4+Penicillin G. Keywords: one time point
Project description:Single stem cells, including those in human epidermis, have a remarkable ability to reconstitute tissues in vitro, but the cellular mechanisms which enable this are ill defined. Using live imaging we saw two populations of cells those which generate expanding colonies and those which generate balanced colonies. We wanted to assess if there were any transcriptional differences between these two colony types.
Project description:Expression data comparing typical E.coli colonies grown on BHI and BHI+Sucrose+MgSO4 to L-form colonies grown on BHI+Sucrose+MgSO4+Penicillin G. Keywords: one time point DNA microarray analysis of E.coli colonies grown on BHI and BHI+Sucrose+MgSO4 (controls) with L-form colonies grown on BHI+Sucrose+MgSO4+Penicillin G (experimental). An isolated colony of fresh W3110 was grown for 5hrs to log phase, dilutions of the inoculmn were spread onto three media: BHI, BHI+Sucrose+MgSO4, and BHI+Sucrose+MgSO4+Penicillin G to yield isolated colonies. Isolated control colonies which grow overnight were harvested the next day while isolated L-form colonies which do not grow until 48-72 hrs were harvested after 72hrs. All colonies were harvest with a PBS moistened sterile swab and dipped into a sterile microcentrifuge tube containing 500ul of PBS. RNA was isolated from pelleted cells using MasterPure RNA Purification Kit and reverse transcribed for making probes for array hybridization on E.coli Genome 2.0 Affymetrix microarrays.
Project description:This experiment is aimed at determining the genetic signature of dental stem cell colonies grown in vitro and how that signature changes when Bmi1 activity is removed. Another question to be answered by the experiment is whether Bmi1 has alternate targets besides Ink4a/Arf. There are 12 total samples: 4 biological replicates for each genotype that consist of single colonies grown in vitro.