Project description:Genotypes of 1490 German Black Pied cows (DSN, "Deutsches Schwarzbuntes Niederungsrind") genotyped using Illumina? Bovine50SNP chip
Project description:German Black Pied (DSN) is considered an ancestral population of the Holstein breed. The goal of the current study was to fine-map genomic loci for milk production traits and to provide sequence variants for selection. We studied genome-wide associations for milk-production traits in 2160 DSN cows. Using 11.7 million variants from whole-genome sequencing of 304 representative DSN cattle, we identified 1980 associated variants (-log10(p) ≥ 7.1) in 13 genomic loci on 9 chromosomes. The highest significance was found for the MGST1 region affecting milk fat content (-log10(p) = 11.93, MAF = 0.23, substitution effect of the minor allele (ßMA) = -0.151%). Different from Holstein, DGAT1 was fixed (0.97) for the alanine protein variant for high milk and protein yield. A key gene affecting protein content was CSN1S1 (-log10(p) = 8.47, MAF = 049, ßMA = -0.055%) and the GNG2 region (-log10(p) = 10.48, MAF = 0.34, ßMA = 0.054%). Additionally, we suggest the importance of FGF12 for protein and fat yield, HTR3C for milk yield, TLE4 for milk and protein yield, and TNKS for milk and fat yield. Selection for favored alleles can improve milk yield and composition. With respect to maintaining the dual-purpose type of DSN, unfavored linkage to genes affecting muscularity has to be investigated carefully, before the milk-associated variants can be applied for selection in the small population.
| S-EPMC10048491 | biostudies-literature
Project description:Genotypes of German Black Pied cows (DSN)
Project description:Using WGBS we investigated blood DNA methylation profiles of German Shepherd and determined putative regulatory elements (unmethlated regions (UMRs) and lowly methylated regions (LMRs).
2020-02-04 | GSE136348 | GEO
Project description:Imputed whole-genome sequencing data of 669 German Black Pied bulls (DSN)
Project description:The availability of whole genome sequencing (WGS) data enables the discovery of causative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or SNPs in high linkage disequilibrium with causative SNPs. This study investigated effects of integrating SNPs selected from imputed WGS data into the data of 54K chip on genomic prediction in Danish Jersey. The WGS SNPs, mainly including peaks of quantitative trait loci, structure variants, regulatory regions of genes, and SNPs within genes with strong effects predicted with variant effect predictor, were selected in previous analyses for dairy breeds in Denmark-Finland-Sweden (DFS) and France (FRA). Animals genotyped with 54K chip, standard LD chip, and customized LD chip which covered selected WGS SNPs and SNPs in the standard LD chip, were imputed to 54K together with DFS and FRA SNPs. Genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP) and Bayesian four-distribution mixture models considering 54K and selected WGS SNPs as one (a one-component model) or two separate genetic components (a two-component model) were used to predict breeding values. For milk production traits and mastitis, both DFS (0.025) and FRA (0.029) sets of additional WGS SNPs improved reliabilities, and inclusions of all selected WGS SNPs generally achieved highest improvements of reliabilities (0.034). A Bayesian four-distribution model yielded higher reliabilities than a GBLUP model for milk and protein, but extra gains in reliabilities from using selected WGS SNPs were smaller for a Bayesian four-distribution model than a GBLUP model. Generally, no significant difference was observed between one-component and two-component models, except for using GBLUP models for milk.
Project description:When resequencing animal genomes, some short reads cannot be mapped to the reference genome and are usually discarded. In this study, unmapped reads from 302 German Black Pied cattle were analyzed to identify potential pathogenic DNA. These unmapped reads were assembled and blasted against NCBI's database to identify bacterial and viral sequences. The results provided evidence for the presence of pathogens. We found sequences of Bovine parvovirus 3 and Mycoplasma species. These findings emphasize the information content of unmapped reads for gaining insight into bacterial and viral infections, which is important for veterinarians and epidemiologists.