Project description:We report RNA-Seq experiments of whole eye tissues from A/J, BALB/c, and C57BL/6 background mice. Examine ocular tissue from 3 different background mice that display varying rates of retinal degeneration.
Project description:SJL mice spontaneously develop mature B cell lineage lymphomas. These studies were designed to evaluate significant gene expression differences between spleens of control mice that do not develop lymphomas compared to spleens from SJL mice of differeing ages
Project description:Adult leg muscle precursors are associated to leg imaginal disc, here we provide bulk RNA sequecing of FACS sorted myoblasts from dissected imaginal leg discs at beginning of pupation.
Project description:Cells were isolated from muscle (hind leg) of Balb/c mouse (male). Then cells were enriched at FACS by using Sca1 antigen. Cells were grown 4 days in NSC medium, passaged and RNA isolated. Cells were at passage 1. Experiment Overall Design: this experiment include 1 samples and 6 replicates
Project description:The progenitors of Drosophila leg tendon are specified among leg disc epithelium during third larval instar. At the end of larval stages and beiginning of pupae formation, tendon cells invaginate and then collectively migrate to form a tube-shaped structure.