Project description:To identify new oncogenic drivers in prostate cancer, we performed transcriptome analysis of localized primary prostate cancer samples and the matched normal tissues.
Project description:Deregulated expression of miRNAs contributes to prostate cancer progression. This study is aimed to identify which miRNA(S) is (are) asociated with prostate cancer aggressiveness. Prostate cancer tissues and matched adjacent normal tissue were used to isolate total RNA. miRNA expressions were analyzed by miRNA Microarray assay.
Project description:Current genome-wide detection of chromatin accessibility uses the assay for transposase-accessible chromatin (ATAC-seq). To a provide panoramic view of the chromatin accessibility landscape in prostate cancer and normal prostate, we performed ATAC-seq in 20 pairs of prostate cancer tissues and matched adjacent tissues. Assay of transposase accessible chromatin with high-throughput sequencing (ATAC-seq) for 20 pairs of prostate cancer tissues and matched adjacent tissues.
Project description:This is an analysis of stroma from 17 Grade 3 reactive stroma prostate cancer tissues and matched normal peripheral zone tissues. Keywords: two group comparison Laser capture microdissection and expression array analysis of stroma from 17 Grade 3 reactive stroma prostate cancer tissues and matched normal peripheral zone tissues.
Project description:This is an analysis of stroma from 17 Grade 3 reactive stroma prostate cancer tissues and matched normal peripheral zone tissues. Keywords: two group comparison
Project description:iRNAs have been demonstrated to play crucial roles in cancer development by directing the post-transcriptional regulation of target gene expression. We analyzed the expression profile of piRNAs in 3 of the prostate cancer tissues and matched normal adjacent tissues by piRNA sequencing. The aim of this analyse was to find the different expressed piRNAs in prostate cancer.
Project description:Prostate cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers among men in the world and the pathogenesis of prostate cancer remains poorly understood. In this study, we intended to disclose genes that might be involved in tumorigenesis using cDNA microarray technology. Keywords: disease state analysis A total of 28 experiments were performed without replicates, using a pool of unrelated fetal tissues as common references. 25 experiments were done for prostate cancer versus common reference and 3 for normal prostate versus common reference. Prostate cancer and normal prostate samples were labeled with Cy5-dUTP. Common references were labeled with Cy3-dUTP.
Project description:Prostate cancer (PCa) tends to be more aggressive and lethal in African Americans (AA) compared to European Americans (EA). To further understand the biological factors accounting for the PCa disparities observed in AA and EA patients, we performed gene profiling using Affymetrix human exon 1.0 ST arrays to identify the differentially expressed genes beween AA cancer and patient matched normal tissues. 40 prostate biopsy specimens (tumor and adjacent normal tissues) were collected from 20 African American prostate cancer patients. RNA samples, purified from the collected biopy specimens, were process and applied to Affymetrix human exon ST 1.0 arrays. Array data was normalized, batch-corrected and analyzed (2-way ANOVA) using Partek Genomics Suite program.
Project description:A greater understanding of cell signaling events that occur within the prostate cancer tumor microenvironment (TME), for example between cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) and prostate epithelial or cancer cells, may identify novel biomarkers and more effective therapeutic strategies for this disease. To address this, we used cell-type specific labelling with amino acid precursors (CTAP) to define cell type-specific phosphoproteomic changes that occur when prostate epithelial cells are co-cultured with normal patient-derived prostate fibroblasts (NPFs) versus matched CAFs.