Project description:Transcriptional profiling to map the changes in placental function subsequent to maternal experimental UTI that result in intrauterine growth restriction. One condition experiment: 2 biological replicates of placenta from mice with maternal experimental UTI, 2 biological replicates of placenta from mice with sham UTI.
Project description:To explore the classification and functional roles of bladder immune cells during urinary tract infection (UTI), we performed scRNA-seq analysis of immune cells extracted from mouse bladders.
Project description:Attenuation of Hedgehog (Hh) pathway activity leads to accelerated tumor progression in a mouse model of N-butyl-N-4-hydroxybutyl nitrosamine (BBN) – induced bladder carcinoma. In order to identify genes regulated by the Hh pathway that might be involved in bladder cancer progression, we performed transcriptional profiling of bladders harvested from mice after BBN-exposure, comparing Gli1CreER/WT; Smoflox/WT mice to Gli1CreER/WT; Smoflox/flox mice, which express CreER under control of the Gli1 promoter and carry one or two floxed alleles of the essential Hh pathway transductory component Smoothened (Smo) respectively. Administration of Tamoxifen to these mice results in attenuation of Hh pathway activty to a greater extent in the Gli1CreER/WT;Smoflox/flox mice as compared to Gli1CreER/WT;Smoflox/WT mice, allowing identification of Hh-pathway regulated genes. 6 total samples were analyzed. 3 bladders from Gli1CreER/WT; Smoflox/WT mice and 3 bladders from Gli1CreER/WT; Smoflox/flox mice were analyzed.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling to map the changes in placental function subsequent to maternal experimental UTI that result in intrauterine growth restriction.
Project description:Attenuation of Hedgehog (Hh) pathway activity leads to accelerated tumor progression in a mouse model of N-butyl-N-4-hydroxybutyl nitrosamine (BBN) – induced bladder carcinoma. In order to identify genes regulated by the Hh pathway that might be involved in bladder cancer progression, we performed transcriptional profiling of bladders harvested from mice after BBN-exposure, comparing Gli1CreER/WT; Smoflox/WT mice to Gli1CreER/WT; Smoflox/flox mice, which express CreER under control of the Gli1 promoter and carry one or two floxed alleles of the essential Hh pathway transductory component Smoothened (Smo) respectively. Administration of Tamoxifen to these mice results in attenuation of Hh pathway activty to a greater extent in the Gli1CreER/WT;Smoflox/flox mice as compared to Gli1CreER/WT;Smoflox/WT mice, allowing identification of Hh-pathway regulated genes.
Project description:Either WT or muMT KO mice were infected with UPEC trans urethrealy twice 1 hour apart and culled 6 hours later. Kidneys were subsequently perfused, RNA extracted and analysed via RNASeq