
Dataset Information


Biomarkers for canine Leptospira vaccine potency

ABSTRACT: We used RNAseq to investigate innate immune responsiveness in canine 030-D cell line induced by inactivated L. interrogans serogroups Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae, and two bivalent, non-adjuvanted canine Leptospira vaccines containing the same serogroups. We identified more than 900 DEGs associated with pathways related to innate immune responses in common to these three stimuli. Several molecules including CXCL-10, SAA, and complement factor C3 were identified that could serve as targets for development of a biomarker-based in vitro assay to assess Leptospira vaccine quality. In vitro assay could replace the current animal vaccine-challenge potency assay and contribute to reduction of animal use in vaccine manufacturing.

ORGANISM(S): Canis lupus

PROVIDER: GSE192945 | GEO | 2022/03/06


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