Project description:The goal was to ascertain the impact of cyanide treatment on E. coli's transcriptome. There were 4 biological samples. For each sample there were two replicate DNA microarray performed. Data was analyzed with Imagene and lcDNA Hyduke DR, Rohlin L, Kao KC, Liao JC. 2003 A software package for cDNA microarray data normalization and assessing confidence intervals. OMICS 7(3):227-234.
Project description:Pure cultures of ammonia oxidizing bacterium, Nitrosomonas europaea, are exposed to cyanide in pseudo-steady state batch reactor in presence of ammonia. Nitrosomonas europaea are generally regarded as the most sensitive organism to various inhibitors commonly encountered in the wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). To find stress genes of Nitrosomonas europaea to cyanide known as inhibitor of respiratory process, whole-genome transcript response to cyanide was determined in this research using microarray and qRT-PCR. When 1 uM NaCN inhibits nitrification about 50 %, transcript levels of 35 genes were increased while transcript levels of 29 genes were decreased, showing more than 2-fold in total 2460 genes. moeZ (NE2353), homologue with rhodanases related to detoxification of CN-, showed 7-fold up regulation and gene cluster including moeZ also showed significant up regulation. Keywords: cyanide, stress response, moeZ
Project description:Pure cultures of ammonia oxidizing bacterium, Nitrosomonas europaea, are exposed to cyanide in pseudo-steady state batch reactor in presence of ammonia. Nitrosomonas europaea are generally regarded as the most sensitive organism to various inhibitors commonly encountered in the wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). To find stress genes of Nitrosomonas europaea to cyanide known as inhibitor of respiratory process, whole-genome transcript response to cyanide was determined in this research using microarray and qRT-PCR. When 1 uM NaCN inhibits nitrification about 50 %, transcript levels of 35 genes were increased while transcript levels of 29 genes were decreased, showing more than 2-fold in total 2460 genes. moeZ (NE2353), homologue with rhodanases related to detoxification of CN-, showed 7-fold up regulation and gene cluster including moeZ also showed significant up regulation. Keywords: cyanide, stress response, moeZ The 1 uM NaCN caused more than 50 % inhibition in physiological response for 1 hour incubation. Transcriptional levels of the cells inhibited by cyanide were compared with the cells under control condition.
Project description:Biological treatments to degrade cyanide are a powerful technology for cyanide removal from industrial wastewaters. It has been previously demonstrated that the alkaliphilic bacterium Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 is able to use free cyanide and several metal-cyanide complexes as the sole nitrogen source. In this work, the strain CECT5344 has been used for detoxification of the different chemical forms of cyanide that are present in alkaline wastewaters from the jewelry industry. This liquid residue also contains large concentrations of metals like iron, copper and zinc, making this wastewater even more toxic. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms involved in the bioremediation process, a quantitative sRNA sequencing analysis has been carried out in P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 cells grown with the jewelry residue, free cyanide and ammonium as sole nitrogen sources.
Project description:Transcriptional analysis of the cyanotroph Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 in response to cyanide present in wastewaters from industrial activities, such as jewelry and electroplating activities Four-conditions experiment, including three different nitrogen sources (ammonium, sodium cyanide or a cyanide-containing wastewater). One experiment without nitrogen added to the media (nitrogen limited condition). Four biological replicates for each condition (added nitrogen source to the media) plus the experiment without nitrogen source added.
Project description:Transcriptional analysis of the cyanotroph Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 in response to cyanide present in wastewaters from industrial activities, such as jewelry and electroplating activities
Project description:Small, gaseous molecules – such as nitric oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) are produced as signalling molecules in mammalian cells. Here, we show that low concentrations of cyanide are generated endogenously in various mammalian tissues and cells. We detect cyanide in several cellular compartments of human cells and in various tissues and the blood of mice. Cyanide production is stimulated by glycine, occurs at the low pH of lysosomes and requires peroxidase activity. When generated at a specific rate, cyanide exerts stimulatory effects on mitochondrial bioenergetics, cell metabolism, and cell proliferation, but impairs cellular bioenergetics at high concentrations. Cyanide can modify cysteine residues via protein S-cyanylation, which is detectable basally in cells and mice, and increases in response to glycine. Low-dose cyanide supplementation exhibits cytoprotective effects in hypoxia and reoxygenation models in vitro and in vivo. Conversely, pathologically elevated cyanide production in nonketotic hyperglycinemia is detrimental to cells. Our findings indicate that cyanide should be considered part of the same group of endogenous mammalian regulatory gasotransmitters as NO, CO and H2S.
Project description:Small, gaseous molecules – such as nitric oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) are produced as signalling molecules in mammalian cells. Here, we show that low concentrations of cyanide are generated endogenously in various mammalian tissues and cells. We detect cyanide in several cellular compartments of human cells and in various tissues and the blood of mice. Cyanide production is stimulated by glycine, occurs at the low pH of lysosomes and requires peroxidase activity. When generated at a specific rate, cyanide exerts stimulatory effects on mitochondrial bioenergetics, cell metabolism, and cell proliferation, but impairs cellular bioenergetics at high concentrations. Cyanide can modify cysteine residues via protein S-cyanylation, which is detectable basally in cells and mice, and increases in response to glycine. Low-dose cyanide supplementation exhibits cytoprotective effects in hypoxia and reoxygenation models in vitro and in vivo. Conversely, pathologically elevated cyanide production in nonketotic hyperglycinemia is detrimental to cells. Our findings indicate that cyanide should be considered part of the same group of endogenous mammalian regulatory gasotransmitters as NO, CO and H2S.
Project description:Biological treatments to degrade cyanide have shown to be a powerful technology for cyanide removal from industrial wastewaters. It has been previously demonstrated that the alkaliphilic bacterium Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 is able to use free cyanide and several metal−cyanide complexes as the sole nitrogen source. The strain CECT5344 has been used for detoxification of the different chemical forms of cyanide that are present in alkaline wastewaters from the electroplating process of the jewelry industry. This liquid residue also contains large concentrations of metals like iron, copper and zinc, making this wastewater even more toxic. A proteomic analysis by LC-MS/MS has been applied to elucidate the molecular mechanisms involved in this bioremediation process in P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344. Among others, different proteins related to cyanide and cyanate assimilation, as well as other proteins involved in transport and resistance to metals were induced by the cyanide-containing jewelry residue have been identified.