Project description:Global identification of activated GR and p65 binding sites and target genes using ChIP-seq in HeLa B2 cells. generation genome-wide chromatin state-maps of GR, p65 and RNAPII in HeLa B2 cells under conditions 1) DMSO (control); 2) TA 1M-BM-5M 4hr; 3) TNFM-NM-1 10ng/ml ; 4) TA 1M-BM-5M 4hr at at third hour 10ng/ml TNF M-NM-1 was added
Project description:p65-/-Ras cells show delayed tumor formation in SCID mice. However, after prolonged latency, tumor formation was observed from these mice. To understand the changes of NF-kB regulated genes before and after tumor formation, RNA from p65+/+Ras, p65+/+RasTumor, p65-/-Ras, p65-/-RasTumor cells were isolated and microarray were performed. p65+/+Ras and p65-/-Ras cells were injected into SCID mice. Tumors were removed and put back into tissue culture. RNA was isolated from these cells and microarrays were performed.
Project description:p65-/-Ras cells show delayed tumor formation in SCID mice. However, after prolonged latency, tumor formation was observed from these mice. To understand the changes of NF-kB regulated genes before and after tumor formation, RNA from p65+/+Ras, p65+/+RasTumor, p65-/-Ras, p65-/-RasTumor cells were isolated and microarray were performed.
Project description:Purpose: The glucocorticoid receptor is widely expressed across mutliple tissues, and yet has very tissue specfic actions. This is most likely due to the tissue specific chormatin landscape which dictates GR binding. It identify GR tragets in myeloma as potential therapeutic targets, we have used ChIP-seq to identify myeloma specific GR binding sites. Methods: DNA-chromatin complexes were isolated from MM.1S (GR positive) or MM.1RL (GR negative) cells following a 2 hour treatment with either 1 micromolar dexamethasone or vehicle control. Complexes were immunoprecipitated with either a GR specific antibody or an IgG control and the DNA isolated for next generation sequencing. Results: We identified 8689 high confidence GR binding sites and further correlated those sites to specific genes which are regulated by glucocorticoids through integration with gene expression array data from our lab (submitted to GEO speparately). Conclusions: Overall, our results indentified nearly 400 genes under the direct transcriptional control of glucocorticoids in myeloma cells.
Project description:To explore the effects on the NF-kB transcriptome after knockdown of RPS3 in stimulated T cells, we performed microarray assays comparing RPS3-silenced versus NS-treated samples on the same chip. p65-silenced versus NS-treated samples were used as a control. Keywords: time series design Jurkat cells transfected with control siRNA versus RPS3 or p65-siRNA were stimuated with TCR for 1, 3, or 6 hours for a total of 6 arrays.
Project description:An unresolved molecular paradox is how the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) activates some genes while potently repressing others. We carried out genome-wide localization and expression profiling experiments in primary bone marrow-derived mouse macrophages treated with Dexamethasone in the presence or absence of LPS. Unexpectedly, we find that the anti-inflammatory GR cistrome, which is principally composed of 'canonical' GREs colocalizing with NFkB and AP-1 co-enriched with the myeloid lineage factors C/EBP and Pu.1, is shaped by TLR4-directed chromatin dynamics, suggesting that context rather than sequence may be a critical determinant of function. Identification of GR, cJun, NFkB(p65) binding sites in primary bone-marrow derived macrophages unstimulated and LPS-stimulated (3hrs) that were untreated or pre-treated with Dexamethasone for 16 hrs
Project description:Transcription factors of NF-kB family play central roles in inflammatory responses. However, most of our current understanding on these factors are based on in vitro context specific studies and animal models, and human specific cellular and pathophysiological functions at molecular level are poorly understood. Here, we have designed a new oligomer based lentiviral pgRNAs-CRISPR-Cas9 knock-out (KO) approach and performed RNA-seq on 11 independent clones representing p50, p52, p65, c-REL and RELB KO cells to systematically study NF-kB family of transcription factors in monocytic cells U937, in steady and inflammatory state. Our analysis reveals factor-specific and common genes and pathways that are dysregulated in an inflammatory state. However, in a steady state respective KO clones showed specific transcriptional perturbations. Incorporating DNA-binding ChIP-ChIP information in the transcriptomic data uncovered enrichment of metabolic and leukemia associated pathways in p65-/- cells. Using acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patient’s data, metabolic, proliferation and xenograft models we showed an anti-leukemic functions of p65 which was mediated by metabolic plasticity and stemness.