Project description:Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived organoid systems provide models to study human organ development. Single-cell transcriptome sequencing enables highly-resolved descriptions of cell state heterogeneity within these systems and computational methods can reconstruct developmental trajectories. However, new approaches are needed to directly measure lineage relationships in these systems. Here we establish an inducible dual channel lineage recorder, iTracer, that couples reporter barcodes, inducible CRISPR/Cas9 scarring, and single-cell transcriptomics to analyze state and lineage relationships in iPSC-derived systems. This data set include the iTracer data of 12 cerebral organoids.
Project description:OBJECTIVE:Human intestinal epithelial organoids (IEOs) are increasingly being recognised as a highly promising translational research tool. However, our understanding of their epigenetic molecular characteristics and behaviour in culture remains limited. DESIGN:We performed genome-wide DNA methylation and transcriptomic profiling of human IEOs derived from paediatric/adult and fetal small and large bowel as well as matching purified human gut epithelium. Furthermore, organoids were subjected to in vitro differentiation and genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. RESULTS:We discovered stable epigenetic signatures which define regional differences in gut epithelial function, including induction of segment-specific genes during cellular differentiation. Established DNA methylation profiles were independent of cellular environment since organoids retained their regional DNA methylation over prolonged culture periods. In contrast to paediatric and adult organoids, fetal gut-derived organoids showed distinct dynamic changes of DNA methylation and gene expression in culture, indicative of an in vitro maturation. By applying CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to fetal organoids, we demonstrate that this process is partly regulated by TET1, an enzyme involved in the DNA demethylation process. Lastly, generating IEOs from a child diagnosed with gastric heterotopia revealed persistent and distinct disease-associated DNA methylation differences, highlighting the use of organoids as disease-specific research models. CONCLUSIONS:Our study demonstrates striking similarities of epigenetic signatures in mucosa-derived IEOs with matching primary epithelium. Moreover, these results suggest that intestinal stem cell-intrinsic DNA methylation patterns establish and maintain regional gut specification and are involved in early epithelial development and disease.
Project description:Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived organoid systems provide models to study human organ development. Single-cell transcriptome sequencing enables highly-resolved descriptions of cell state heterogeneity within these systems and computational methods can reconstruct developmental trajectories. However, new approaches are needed to directly measure lineage relationships in these systems. Here we establish an inducible dual channel lineage recorder, iTracer, that couples reporter barcodes, inducible CRISPR/Cas9 scarring, and single-cell transcriptomics to analyze state and lineage relationships in iPSC-derived systems. This data set include the spatial iTracer data of three slices of one cerebral organoid measured by 10x Visium.
Project description:Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived organoid systems provide models to study human organ development. Single-cell transcriptome sequencing enables highly-resolved descriptions of cell state heterogeneity within these systems and computational methods can reconstruct developmental trajectories. However, new approaches are needed to directly measure lineage relationships in these systems. Here we establish an inducible dual channel lineage recorder, iTracer, that couples reporter barcodes, inducible CRISPR/Cas9 scarring, and single-cell transcriptomics to analyze state and lineage relationships in iPSC-derived systems. This data set include the iTracer data of two microdissected regions of one cerebral organoid.
Project description:We have developed a cancer model of gliomas in human cerebral organoids that allows direct observation of tumor initiation as well as continuous microscopic observations. We used CRISPR/Cas9 technology to target an HRasG12V-IRES-tdTomato construct by homologous recombination into the TP53 locus. Results show that transformed cells rapidly become invasive and destroy surrounding organoid structures, overwhelming the entire organoid. Tumor cells in the organoids can be orthotopically xenografted into immunodeficient NOD/SCID IL2RG-/- animals, exhibiting an invasive phenotype. Organoid-generated putative tumor cells show gene expression profiles consistent with mesenchymal subtype human glioblastoma. We further demonstrate that human-organoid-derived tumor cell lines or primary human-patient-derived glioblastoma cell lines can be transplanted into human cerebral organoids to establish invasive tumor-like structures. Our results show potential for the use of organoids as a platform to test human cancer phenotypes that recapitulate key aspects of malignancy.
Project description:Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived organoids provide models to study human organ development. Single-cell transcriptomics enable highly resolved descriptions of cell states within these systems; however, approaches are needed to directly measure lineage relationships. Here we establish iTracer, a lineage recorder that combines reporter barcodes with inducible CRISPR-Cas9 scarring and is compatible with single-cell and spatial transcriptomics. We apply iTracer to explore clonality and lineage dynamics during cerebral organoid development and identify a time window of fate restriction as well as variation in neurogenic dynamics between progenitor neuron families. We also establish long-term four-dimensional light-sheet microscopy for spatial lineage recording in cerebral organoids and confirm regional clonality in the developing neuroepithelium. We incorporate gene perturbation (iTracer-perturb) and assess the effect of mosaic TSC2 mutations on cerebral organoid development. Our data shed light on how lineages and fates are established during cerebral organoid formation. More broadly, our techniques can be adapted in any iPSC-derived culture system to dissect lineage alterations during normal or perturbed development.
Project description:Brain organoids are in vitro three-dimensional (3D) self-organized neural structures, which can enable disease modeling and drug screening. However, their use for standardized large-scale drug screening studies is limited by their high batch-to-batch variability, long differentiation time (10-20 weeks), and high production costs. This is particularly relevant when brain organoids are obtained from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Here, we developed, for the first time, a highly standardized, reproducible, and fast (5 weeks) murine brain organoid model starting from embryonic neural stem cells. We obtained brain organoids, which progressively differentiated and self-organized into 3D networks of functional neurons with dorsal forebrain phenotype. Furthermore, by adding the morphogen WNT3a, we generated brain organoids with specific hippocampal region identity. Overall, our results showed the establishment of a fast, robust and reproducible murine 3D in vitro brain model that may represent a useful tool for high-throughput drug screening and disease modeling.
Project description:Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived organoid systems provide models to study human organ development. Single-cell transcriptome sequencing enables highly-resolved descriptions of cell state heterogeneity within these systems and computational methods can reconstruct developmental trajectories. However, new approaches are needed to directly measure lineage relationships in these systems. Here we establish an inducible dual channel lineage recorder, iTracer, that couples reporter barcodes, inducible CRISPR/Cas9 scarring, and single-cell transcriptomics to analyze state and lineage relationships in iPSC-derived systems. This data set include the iTracer-perturb data of one cerebral organoid with simultaneous TSC2 perturbation and lineage recording.
Project description:Human cerebral malaria (HCM), a severe encephalopathy associated with Plasmodium falciparum infection, has a 20-30% mortality rate and predominantly affects African children. The mechanisms mediating HCM-associated brain injury are difficult to study in human subjects, highlighting the urgent need for non-invasive ex vivo human models. HCM elevates the systemic levels of free heme, which damages the blood-brain barrier and neurons in distinct regions of the brain. We determined the effects of heme on induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and a three-dimensional cortical organoid system and assessed apoptosis and differentiation. We evaluated biomarkers associated with heme-induced brain injury, including a pro-inflammatory chemokine, CXCL-10, and its receptor, CXCR3, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and a receptor tyrosine-protein kinase, ERBB4, in the organoids. We then tested the neuroprotective effect of neuregulin-1 (NRG-1) against heme treatment in organoids. Neural stem and mature cells differentially expressed CXCL-10, CXCR3, BDNF and ERBB4 in the developing organoids and in response to heme-induced neuronal injury. The organoids underwent apoptosis and structural changes that were attenuated by NRG-1. Thus, cortical organoids can be used to model heme-induced cortical brain injury associated with HCM pathogenesis as well as for testing agents that reduce brain injury and neurological sequelae.