RNA Transcripts Serve as a Template for Double-Strand Break Repair in Human Cells
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: Double-strand breaks (DSBs) are toxic lesions that lead to genome instability. While canonical DSB repair pathways typically operate independently of RNA, emerging evidence suggests that RNA:DNA hybrids and transcripts near damaged sites can influence repair outcomes. However, a direct role for transcript RNA as a template during DSB repair in human cells is yet to be established. In this study, we designed fluorescent- and sequencing-based assays, which demonstrated that RNA-containing oligonucleotides and messenger RNA serve as templates to promote DSB repair. We conducted a CRISPR/Cas9-based genetic screen to identify factors that promote RNA-templated DSB repair (RT- DSBR), and of the candidate polymerases, we identified DNA polymerase-zeta (Polζ) as the potential reverse transcriptase that facilitates RT-DSBR. Furthermore, by analyzing sequencing data from cancer genomes, we identified the presence of whole intron deletions, a unique genomic scar reflective of RT- DSBR activity generated when spliced mRNA serves as the repair template. These findings highlight RT- DSBR as an alternative pathway for repairing DSBs in transcribed genes, with potential mutagenic consequences.
Project description:Double-strand breaks (DSBs) are toxic lesions that lead to genome instability. While canonical DSB repair pathways typically operate independently of RNA, emerging evidence suggests that RNA:DNA hybrids and transcripts near damaged sites can influence repair outcomes. However, a direct role for transcript RNA as a template during DSB repair in human cells is yet to be established. In this study, we designed fluorescent- and sequencing-based assays, which demonstrated that RNA-containing oligonucleotides and messenger RNA serve as templates to promote DSB repair. We conducted a CRISPR/Cas9-based genetic screen to identify factors that promote RNA-templated DSB repair (RT-DSBR), and of the candidate polymerases, we identified DNA polymerase-zeta (Polζ) as the potential reverse transcriptase that facilitates RT-DSBR. Furthermore, by analyzing sequencing data from cancer genomes, we identified the presence of whole intron deletions, a unique genomic scar reflective of RT-DSBR activity generated when spliced mRNA serves as the repair template. These findings highlight RT-DSBR as an alternative pathway for repairing DSBs in transcribed genes, with potential mutagenic consequences.
Project description:Transcriptionally active loci are particularly prone to breakage and mounting evidence suggest that DNA Double-Strand Breaks arising in active genes are handled by a dedicated repair pathway, Transcription-Coupled DSB Repair (TC-DSBR), that entails R-loop accumulation and dissolution. Here, we uncovered a function for the Bloom RecQ DNA helicase (BLM) in TC-DSBR in human cells. BLM is recruited in a transcription dependent-manner at DSBs where it fosters resection, RAD51 binding and accurate Homologous Recombination repair. However, in an R-loop dissolution-deficient background, we found that BLM promotes cell death. We report that upon excessive R-loop accumulation, DNA synthesis is enhanced at DSBs, in a anner that depends on BLM and POLD3. Altogether our work unveils a role for BLM at DSBs in active chromatin, and highlights the toxic potential of RNA:DNA hybrids that accumulate at transcription-associated DSBs.
Project description:IgH class switch recombination (CSR) in B lymphocytes switches IgH constant regions to change antibody functions. CSR is initiated by DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) within a donor IgH switch (S) region and a downstream acceptor S region. CSR is completed by fusing donor and acceptor S region DSB ends by classical non-homologous end-joining (C-NHEJ) and, in its absence, by alternative end-joining (A-EJ) that is more biased to use longer junctional micro-homologies (MHs). Deficiency for DSB response (DSBR) factors, including ATM and 53BP1, variably impair CSR end-joining, with 53BP1 deficiency having the greatest impact. However, studies of potential impact of DSBR factor deficiencies on MH-mediated CSR end-joining have been technically limited. We now use a robust DSB joining assay to elucidate impacts of deficiencies for DSBR factors on CSR and chromosomal translocation junctions in primary mouse B cells and CH12F3 B lymphoma cells. Compared to wild-type, CSR and c-Myc to S region translocation junctions in the absence of 53BP1, and to a lesser extent other DSBR factors, have increased MH-utilization; indeed, 53BP1-deficient MH-profiles resemble those associated with C-NHEJ deficiency. Yet, translocation junctions between c-Myc DSB and general DSBs genome-wide are not MH-biased in ATM-deficient versus wild-type CH12F3 cells and less biased in 53BP1- and C-NHEJ-deficient cells than CSR junctions or c-Myc to S region translocation junctions. We discuss potential roles of DSBR factors in suppressing increased MH-mediated DSB end-joining and features of S regions that may render their DSBs prone to MH-biased end-joining in the absence of DSBR factors.
Project description:Chromosomal translocations result from joining of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and frequently cause cancer. Yet, the steps linking DSB formation to DSB ligation remain undeciphered. We report that DNA replication timing (RT) directly regulates lymphomagenic Myc translocations during antibody maturation in B-cells downstream of DSBs and independently of DSB frequency. Depletion of minichromosome-maintenance (MCM) complexes alters replication origin activity, decreases translocations and abrogates global RT. Ablating a single origin at Myc causes an early-to-late RT switch, loss of translocations and reduced nuclear proximity with a translocation partner locus, phenotypes that were reversed by restoring early RT. Disruption of shared early RT also reduced tumorigenic translocations in human leukemic cells. Thus, RT constitutes a new, unprecedented mechanism in translocation biogenesis linking DSB formation to DSB ligation
Project description:DNA–RNA hybrids triggered by double-strand breaks (DSBs) are crucial intermediates during DSB repair, and their timely resolution requires numbers of RNA helicases, including DEAD box 1 (DDX1). However, how these helicases are recruited to DSB-induced hybrids in time remains largely unclear. Here, we revealed that squamous cell carcinoma antigen recognized by T cells 3 (SART3) promotes DDX1 binding to DNA–RNA hybrids at DSBs for optimal homologous recombination (HR) repair. SART3 itself can associate with DNA–RNA hybrids and PAR chains, and is recruited to DSBs in both PARylation- and hybrid-dependent fashion. SART3 also associates with DDX1 and is necessary for DDX1 enrichment at DSBs. The defective SART3-DDX1 association observed in cells expressing the cancer-associated variant SART3-R836W not only abrogates the accumulation of DDX1 at DSBs, but also impairs hybrid removal and HR efficiency, leading to hypersensitivity of tumor cells to drug treatments. Interestingly, beyond impairing hybrid removal through DDX1, SART3 loss also inhibits DNA end resection, causing a more profound DSB repair defect and chemosensitivity. The stimulatory role of SART3 in end resection is mediated by its function to enhance USP15-BARD1 association and BRCA1-BARD1 retention. Together, our study reveals a previously unknown role of SART3 in DSB repair, rendering SART3 a promising target for cancer therapy.
Project description:During B cell development, RAG endonuclease cleaves immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) V, D, and J gene segments and orchestrates their fusion as deletional events that assemble a V(D)J exon in the same transcriptional orientation as adjacent Cμ constant region exons. In mice, six additional sets of constant region exons (CHs) lie 100-200kb downstream in the same transcriptional orientation as V(D)J and Cμ exons. Long repetitive switch (S) regions precede Cμ and downstream CHs. In mature B cells, class switch recombination (CSR) generates different antibody classes by replacing Cμ with a downstream CH. Activation Induced Cytidine Deaminase (AID) initiates CSR by promoting deamination lesions within Sμ and a downstream acceptor S region; these lesions are converted into DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) by general DNA repair factors. Productive CSR must occur in a deletional orientation by joining the upstream end of an Sμ DSB to the downstream end of an acceptor S region DSB. However, the relative frequency of deletional to inversional CSR junctions had not been measured. Thus, whether orientation-specific joining is a programmed mechanistic feature of CSR as it is for V(D)J recombination and, if so, how this is achieved was unknown. To address this question, we adapted high throughput genome wide translocation sequencing (HTGTS) into a highly sensitive DSB end-joining assay and applied it to endogenous AID-initiated S region DSBs. We find that CSR indeed is programmed to occur in a productive deletional orientation and does so via an unprecedented mechanism that involves in cis IgH organizational features in combination with frequent S region DSBs initiated by AID. We further implicate ATM-dependent DSB response (DSBR) factors in enforcing this mechanism and provide a solution to the enigma of why CSR is so reliant on the 53BP1 DSBR factor. We performed high-throughput genome-wide translocation sequencing (HTGTS) with different B cell genotypes that induces either I-SceI or AID-initiated DSBs as bait to study their joining pattern to AID-initiated S region breaks Please note that the 'ΔSγ1_2xI/ΔSµ_2xI-3' raw data files were analyzed twice with different reference assemblies to address specific points, and associated with both 'ΔSγ1_2xI_ΔSµ_2xI-3'.txt and Sγ1_2xI_ΔSµ_2xI-3'_trans-Sm.txt processed data files. As for the reference genome mm9_129_IgHC, it is a custom built generated based on mm9 (Bl6 line based mouse genome) and the partial genome sequence of another mouse line 129sv. It is not currently available in any public database however can be easily obtained either from the authors or self-built using information provided in the associated manuscript.
Project description:DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and their repair can cause extensive epigenetic changes. As a result, DSBs have been proposed to promote transcriptional and, ultimately, physiological dysfunction via both cell-intrinsic and cell-non-autonomous pathways. Studying the consequences of DSBs in higher organisms has, however, been hindered by a scarcity of tools for controlled DSB induction. Using a mouse model for both tissue-specific and temporally controlled DSB formation, we investigated the transcriptional response to break repair. Transcriptional profiling of lymphocytes in spleen and thymus by RNA-Seq, with and without I-PpoI knock-in.
Project description:Precise double-strand break (DSB) signaling and repair is paramount for maintaining genome stability. Homologous recombination (HR) is the chosen DSB repair pathway when cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) activity is high, as it correlates well with the availability of an intact sister chromatid to be used as a template. However, the late stages of mitosis, anaphase and telophase, are paradoxical scenarios since high CDK levels favor HR repair despite sister chromatids being no longer aligned. To identify factors that specifically are involved in DSB repair in late mitosis, we have now undertaken a comparative proteomic analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and found that Msc1, a poorly characterized protein previously identified as important in meiotic HR, is significantly enriched upon both random and guided DSBs. We further show that the knockout mutant for MSC1 is more sensitive to DSBs in late mitosis, and that msc1Δ has a delayed repair of DBSs as indicated by increased Rad53 hyperphosphorylation, fewer Rad52 repair factories and slower HR completion. We have found that Msc1 is an NE protein that faces the NE lumen and tends to form patches in nuclear halves that contain Rad52 factories. Either depletion or overexpression of Msc1 leads to DSB-independent abnormal nuclear morphologies in late mitosis, including blebbing, compartmentalization and premature signs of karyokinesis. In this regard, one of the two Msc1 orthologs in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Les1, has been shown to regulate karyokinesis. We discuss how Msc1 may protect the late NE from abnormal events during DSB repair, providing a previously unreported link between NE homeostasis and DSB repair in late mitosis.
Project description:DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are introduced in meiosis to initiate recombination and to generate crossovers, the reciprocal exchanges of genetic material between parental chromosomes. Here we present the first high-resolution map of meiotic DSBs in individual human genomes. Comparing DSB maps between individuals shows that along with DNA binding by PRDM9, additional factors dictate the efficiency of DSB formation. Furthermore, we find that in human males, the frequency of DSB formation is the primary determinant of crossover rate. Patterns of sequence polymorphisms around meiotic DSB hotspots provide evidence for both GC-biased gene conversion and for a mutagenic role of DSB repair and/or recombination. Finally, we provide compelling evidence that the aberrant repair of meiotic DSBs is a driver of human genomic disorders. Detection of meiotic double strand breaks in testis of several human male individuals.