Project description:Determine differences between RNA isolation methods. Total RNA was isolated from yeast cells in stationary-phase cultures using three different isolation methods. All experimental samples are over an common reference. There are two replicates for each sample.
Project description:In this study we used transgenic mouse model to comapre two isolation techniques INTACT and FANS for the isolation of activated neuronal nuclei. Comparison is perfomed on multiple levels like isolation efficiency, membrane integrity, transcriptional and epigenetic state using RNA-seq and ATAC-seq
Project description:We compared the gene expression analysis of 2 different glomerular isolation techniques (laser capture microdissection with 2 rounds of RNA amplification and unamplified glomerular RNA after iron perfusion with glomerular sieving) and obtained different results depending on the glomerular isolation technique that was used Keywords: time course
Project description:RNA isolation and purification steps greatly influence the results of gene expression profiling. There are two commercially available products for whole blood RNA collection, PAXgene and Tempus blood collection tubes, and each comes with their own RNA purification method. We examined the impact of RNA isolation methods on gene expression profiles. We demonstrated that peripheral blood RNA isoaltion can critically impact differential expression results, particularly in the clinical setting where fold-change differences are typically small and there is inherent variability within biological corhorts Keywords: micorarray quality assurance
Project description:RNA isolation and purification steps greatly influence the results of gene expression profiling. There are two commercially available products for whole blood RNA collection, PAXgene and Tempus blood collection tubes, and each comes with their own RNA purification method. We examined the impact of RNA isolation methods on gene expression profiles. We demonstrated that peripheral blood RNA isoaltion can critically impact differential expression results, particularly in the clinical setting where fold-change differences are typically small and there is inherent variability within biological corhorts Keywords: micorarray quality assurance, phytohemagglutinin (PHA)
Project description:Advances over the past decade have allowed for increasingly fine-grained labeling and isolation of rare cell samples for transcriptomic analysis, providing new insights into cell function and gene regulation. These samples often contain very little RNA for sequencing, and so have required new techniques to capture and amplify transcripts of interest. However, as new tools are developed, they are often optimized for mammalian samples. Thus, it is unclear for invertebrate samples what the best practices are for library preparation, and how differences in library preparation approaches affect final results. Here we compared two commercially available techniques: a commonly used polyA selection approach, and a newly developed ribodepletion approach, for which we designed a unique C. elegans-specific probe set. We performed a detailed comparison on multiple RNA samples and developed novel analysis methods to compare the results. Our analysis identifies clear strengths and weaknesses for both of these approaches in building libraries from low abundance RNA samples in C. elegans. We find that the polyA approach is superior in both percent reads mapped and rRNA removal, while the ribodepletion approach provides better detection for long and noncoding RNAs along with increased certainty of calling expression for low abundance transcripts. These insights will help guide researchers in designing future experiments in transcriptomics and provide a model for comparative analysis of library-building techniques.
2021-01-30 | GSE165793 | GEO
Project description:Comparison of RO-seq Isolation Protocols and Library Preparation Methods