Project description:ChIP-chip of Mes-4, H3K36me3 and H3K27me3 in N2 C. elegans early embryo EXPERIMENT TYPE: CHIP-chip. BIOLOGICAL SOURCE: Strain: N2; Developmental Stage: Early Embryo; Genotype: N2; Sex: population predominantly Hermaphrodites perhaps with some Males; NUMBER OF REPLICATES: 2 or 3; EXPERIMENTAL FACTORS: temperature 20
Project description:ChIP-chip of MES-4, H3K36me3 and H3K27me3 in mes-4 RNAi C. elegans early embryo EXPERIMENT TYPE: CHIP-chip. BIOLOGICAL SOURCE: Strain: mes-4 RNAi; Developmental Stage: Early Embryo; Genotype: N2; Sex: population predominantly Hermaphrodites perhaps with some Males; NUMBER OF REPLICATES: 2; EXPERIMENTAL FACTORS: temperature 24
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE38158: mes-2, mes-4 or mes-2; mes-4 mutants vs. wild type GSE38159: Strome MES-4, H3K36me3 and H3K27me3 in mes-4 RNAi EEMB GSE38180: Strome Mes-4, H3K36me3 and H3K27me3 in N2 EEMB Refer to individual Series
Project description:Trascriptional profiling of C. elegans adult germ lines comparing mes-2(bn11)unc-4(e120) mutants and unc-4(e120) (wild type), mes-4(bn85) mutants and N2 (wild type), mes-2(bn11)unc-4(e120); mes-4(bn85) and unc-4(e120) (wild type) at 20 degrees. One-condition experiment, mutant vs. WT. Biological replicates 4 mutant, 4 wildtype harvested indepedently. One mutant replicate and one WT replicate per array.
Project description:ChIP-chip of Pol II, H3K36me3 and CENP-A in met-1 C. elegans early embryo EXPERIMENT TYPE: CHIP-chip. BIOLOGICAL SOURCE: Strain: met-1(n4337); Developmental Stage: Early Embryo; Genotype: met-1(n4337); Sex: population predominantly Hermaphrodites perhaps with some Males; NUMBER OF REPLICATES: 2; EXPERIMENTAL FACTORS: temperature 20
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of early C. elegans embryos comparing control (N2) embryos with mes-2 mutant embryos at different developmental stages: 2E (24-40 cells), 4E (50-90 cells) and 8E stage (100-200 cells). Goal was to determine the effects of mes-2 loss on global gene expression as embryos transit from a developmentally plastic state (2E stage) to the onset of differentiation (8E stage). Our microarray data showed that early-expressed genes remain active, differentiation genes fail to reach wild-type levels in mes-2 mutant embryos at the 8E stage.