Project description:Analysis of gene expression in Mouse E14-TG2a.IV strain ES cells Single end RNA-seq analysis of PolyA selected RNA from E14-TG2a.IV ES cells
Project description:Gene expression in murine ES cells Using the association of gene length and gene expression with gene-trap likelihood, we constructed spline-based regression models that characterize which genes are susceptible and which genes are resistant to gene-trapping techniques. Keywords: mouse E14 embryonic stem cells
Project description:Control ChIP-seq on E0 mouse ES-E14 For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and
Project description:Stanford mouse ES-E14 RNA-seq For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and
Project description:CHD2 ChIP-seq mouse ES-E14 produced by the Snyder lab For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and
Project description:MAFK ChIP-seq mouse ES-E14 produced by the Snyder lab For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and
Project description:Control ChIP-seq on mouse ES-E14 produced by the Snyder lab For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and
Project description:We used microarrays to study the effect of Chd1 loss of function in mouse ES cells. We used ChIP-chip to analyze genome-wide binding of Chd1 in normal ES cells. Mouse Embryonic Stem (ES) cells were infected with a lentiviral vector (pSicoR-mCherry) for expression of a shRNA against Chd1 and GFP (as a control). mCherry-sorted ES cells were plated and individual clones were selected and grown under normal ES cell conditions. 6 ES cell clonal lines were isolated and analyzed along with the parental E14 cell line. The final analysis consisted in 3 control cell lines (E14, E1 and G8) and 4 Chd1-deficient cells (3 different clones using a shRNA sequence #1- C1i5, C1i6 and C1i9; 1 clone using a different shRNA (#4) sequence targeting Chd1- C4i2). RNA samples were isolated from these Chd1-deficient ES cells and control ES cells, and hybridized on Affymetrix chip. For ChIP-chip, parental E14 ES cell line was used.
Project description:Gene expression in murine ES cells; Using the association of gene length and gene expression with gene-trap likelihood, we constructed spline-based regression models that characterize which genes are susceptible and which genes are resistant to gene-trapping techniques. Experiment Overall Design: We used E14 murine ES celss to determine genomewide expression characteristics