Project description:We tested a new wash solution from Agilent Keywords: Agilent microarray, pooling, Drosophila, intact adults Intact males and females for a single genotype were examined. Two independent replicates of each were compared on two slides in a dye flip.
Project description:We compared 10, 20 and 40 animal pools to determine the best number of intact adults to pool Keywords: Agilent microarray, pooling, Drosophila, intact adults
Project description:We compared 10, 20 and 40 animal pools to determine the best number of intact adults to pool Keywords: Agilent microarray, pooling, Drosophila, intact adults 16 vials of flies were reared. From each vial 5 individuals were selected. For the 10 animal comparison 4 vials were used with each replicate being a pool of 5 animals over 2 independent vials. For the 20 animal comparison 8 vials were used with each replicate being a pool of 5 animals over 5 independent vials and for the 40 animal comparison each replicate was a pool of 5 animals over 8 independent vials. There are two independent replicates of each type for 6 samples which were hybridized on three chips in a loop design.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in WASH knockout LT-HSCs, compared to the WASH WT strain. To find the reason that causes LT-HSC abnormal.
Project description:The cytoplasmic functions of Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome family (WASP) proteins are well known and include roles in cytoskeleton reorganization and membrane-cytoskeletal interactions important for membrane/vesicle trafficking, morphogenesis, immune response and signal transduction. Mis-regulation of these proteins is associated with immune deficiency and metastasis. Cytoplasmic WASP proteins act as effectors of Rho family GTPases and polymerize branched actin through the Arp2/3 complex. However, recent evidence has revealed that this classically cytoplasmic protein family also functions in the nucleus. Previously, we identified Drosophila washout (wash) as a new member of the WASP family with essential cytoplasmic roles in early development. Here we show that Wash is also present in the nucleus and plays a key role in nuclear organization via its interaction with Lamin Dm0 at the nuclear envelope. Wash and Lamin Dm0 occupy similar genomic regions that overlap with transcriptionally silent chromatin including constitutive heterochromatin. Strikingly, wash mutant and knockdown nuclei exhibit the same abnormal wrinkled morphology observed in diverse laminopathies, including the Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, and consistent with disruption of the nuclear organization of several sub-nuclear structures including cajal bodies and the chromocenter in salivary glands. We also found that Wash and Lamin knockdown disrupt chromatin accessibility of repressive compartments in agreement with an observed global redistribution of repressive histone modifications. Functional genetic approaches show wash mutants exhibit similar phenotypes to lamin Dm0 mutants, suggesting they participate in similar regulatory networks. Our results reveal a novel role for Wash in modulating nuclear organization via its interaction with the nuclear envelope protein Lamin Dm0. These findings highlight the functional complexity of WASP family proteins and provide new venues to understand their molecular roles in cell biology and disease. DamID chromatin profiling demostrate that Wash binds similar regions to those bound by Lamin Dm0, in particular transcriptional silent chromatin
Project description:The cytoplasmic functions of Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome family (WASP) proteins are well known and include roles in cytoskeleton reorganization and membrane-cytoskeletal interactions important for membrane/vesicle trafficking, morphogenesis, immune response and signal transduction. Mis-regulation of these proteins is associated with immune deficiency and metastasis. Cytoplasmic WASP proteins act as effectors of Rho family GTPases and polymerize branched actin through the Arp2/3 complex. However, recent evidence has revealed that this classically cytoplasmic protein family also functions in the nucleus. Previously, we identified Drosophila washout (wash) as a new member of the WASP family with essential cytoplasmic roles in early development. Here we show that Wash is also present in the nucleus and plays a key role in nuclear organization via its interaction with Lamin Dm0 at the nuclear envelope. Wash and Lamin Dm0 occupy similar genomic regions that overlap with transcriptionally silent chromatin including constitutive heterochromatin. Strikingly, wash mutant and knockdown nuclei exhibit the same abnormal wrinkled morphology observed in diverse laminopathies, including the Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, and consistent with disruption of the nuclear organization of several sub-nuclear structures including cajal bodies and the chromocenter in salivary glands. We also found that Wash and Lamin knockdown disrupt chromatin accessibility of repressive compartments in agreement with an observed global redistribution of repressive histone modifications. Functional genetic approaches show wash mutants exhibit similar phenotypes to lamin Dm0 mutants, suggesting they participate in similar regulatory networks. Our results reveal a novel role for Wash in modulating nuclear organization via its interaction with the nuclear envelope protein Lamin Dm0. These findings highlight the functional complexity of WASP family proteins and provide new venues to understand their molecular roles in cell biology and disease. We evaluated the effect of Wash knockdown in S2R+ cells on chromatin accessibility using an M.SssI-based approach.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in WASH knockout LT-HSCs, compared to the WASH WT strain. To find the reason that causes LT-HSC abnormal. Gene expression profiling using sorted LT-HSC samples from C57/BL6 strain. Total RNA extracted from WASH control (isolated RNA from WT, IRWT) and knockout mice (IRKO) were quantified by the NanoDrop ND-1000 and RNA integrity was assessed by standard denaturing agarose gel electrophoresis.Each chip measures the expression level of 44, 170 genes from Mus Musculus.