Project description:This ArrayExpress experiment contains RNA-seq data from human tissues, generated by Michael Snyder's lab at Stanford University as part of the ENCODE project ( ). Sample information was obtained from the ENCODE data coordination center and protocol information was obtained from the associated publication in PNAS (Lin et al., 2014, PubMed ID 25413365). All samples, except for the ovary, were sequenced with technical replicates. The second technical replicate was performed in May 2015 and was not part of the original Lin et al. 2014 publication. Technical replicates are marked in the âComment[technical replicate group]â column of sample-data-relationship format (SDRF) file for this record.
Project description:Analysis of in vivo antigen-specific (LCMV-specific, SMARTA TCR transgenic) follicular helper CD4 T cells (CXCR5high),versus non-follicular helper CD4 T cells (CXCR5low), eight days after viral infection. A paper including data analysis of these experiments has been accepted for publication (Robert J. Johnston et al. Bcl6 and Blimp-1 are reciprocal and antagonistic regulators of follicular helper CD4 T cell differentiation).
Project description:Construction of Parallel analysis of RNA ends (PARE) libraries was done as described by German et al., 2009. Raw reads consisting of short sequences of 16 to 21 nts after MmeI digestion.
Project description:This series represents the data set described in the publication “Genetic and Immunohistochemical Analysis of Localized Extranodal and Nodal Dendritic Cell Tumours – An Outlook for Individualized Therapies in Rare Tumours” by Ullmann et al. (submitted). Keywords: array CGH
Project description:This series represents the data set described in the publication “Impact of low copy repeats on the generation of balanced and unbalanced chromosomal aberrations in mental retardation” by Erdogan et al. (Cytogenetics and Genome Research, accepted). Keywords: array CGH
2006-10-22 | GSE4884 | GEO
Project description:raw data UCEs minute wasps Cruaud et al. 2018
| PRJNA495844 | ENA
Project description:Freeman et al. (2021) Sequencing Data