Project description:For System Wide MS Course given by Pieter C. Dorrestein at UCSD, samples from 4 volunteers with prewashed 50% ethanol swabs and analyzed by data dependent MS/MS analysis.
Project description:For System Wide MS Course given by Pieter C. Dorrestein at UCSD, this dataset is comprised of untargeted LC-MS/MS runs of human skin swabs following interaction with public drinking fountains.
Project description:For System Wide MS Course given by Pieter C. Dorrestein at UCSD, head, hands, face, pants and shoes were sampled from 4 volunteers with prewashed 50% ethanol swabs and analyzed by data dependent MS/MS analysis.
Project description:This dataset consist of untargted LC-MS/MS runs of human skin swabs before and after interaction with human habitats. The data was generated in the context of the System Wide MS course at UC San Diego (Skaggs School of Pharmacy).
Project description:For System Wide MS Course given by Pieter C. Dorrestein at UCSD, Roommates apartment sampled with prewashed 50% ethanol swabs and analyzed by data dependent MS/MS analysis.
Project description:For System Wide MS Course given by Pieter C. Dorrestein at UCSD, this dataset is comprised of untargeted LC-MS/MS runs of swabs taken from public drinking fountains.
Project description:For System Wide MS Course given by Pieter C. Dorrestein at UCSD, two bikes, one helmet and one bike lock was sampled with prewashed 50% ethanol swabs and analyzed by data dependent MS/MS analysis.
Project description:This dataset consist of untargted LC-MS/MS runs of environmental swabs of human habitats. The data was generated in the context of the System Wide MS course at UC San Diego (Skaggs School of Pharmacy).
Project description:This dataset consist 960 untargted LC-MS/MS runs of human skin swabs and environmental swabs of human habitats. The data was generated in the context of the System Wide MS course at UC San Diego (Skaggs School of Pharmacy).