Project description:Wheat seed germination is highly related to seedling survival rate and subsequent vegetative growth,and therefore directly affects the conformation of wheat yield and quality. So wheat seed germination is not only important to itself, but the whole human society. However, due to the large genome size, many studies related to wheat seed are very complex and uncompleted. Transcriptome analysis of elite Chinese bread wheat cultivar Jimai 20 may provides a comprehensive understanding of wheat seed germination. Seed germination involves in the regulation of large number of genes, whether these genes are normal activated or not is very important to seed germination. We performed microarray analysis using the Affymetrix Gene Chip to reveal the gene expression profiles in five phases of wheat cultivar Jimai 20 seed germination. Our results provide a new insights into the thoroughly metabolic changes of seed germination as well as the relationship between some significant genes.
Project description:Wheat seed germination directly affects wheat yield and quality. The wheat grains mainly include embryo and endosperm, and both play important roles in seed germination, seedling survival and subsequent vegetative growth. ABA can positively regulate dormancy induction and then negatively regulates seed germination at low concentrations. H2O2 treatment with low concentration can promote seed germination of cereal plants. Although various transcriptomics and proteomics approaches have been used to investigate the seed germination mechanisms and response to various abiotic stresses in different plant species, an integrative transcriptome analysis of wheat embryo and endosperm response to ABA and H2O2 stresses has not reported so far. We used the elite Chinese bread wheat cultivar Zhenmai 9023 as material and performed the first comparative transcriptome microarray analysis between embryo and endosperm response to ABA and H2O2 treatments during seed germination using the GeneChip® Wheat Genome Array Wheat seed germination includes a great amount of regulated genes which belong to many functional groups. ABA/H2O2 can repress/promote seed germination through coordinated regulating related genes expression. Our results provide new insights into the transcriptional regulation mechanisms of embryo and endosperm response to ABA and H2O2 treatments during seed germination
Project description:Wheat seed germination is highly related to seedling survival rate and subsequent vegetative growth,and therefore directly affects the conformation of wheat yield and quality. So wheat seed germination is not only important to itself, but the whole human society. However, due to the large genome size, many studies related to wheat seed are very complex and uncompleted. Transcriptome analysis of elite Chinese bread wheat cultivar Jimai 20 may provides a comprehensive understanding of wheat seed germination. Seed germination involves in the regulation of large number of genes, whether these genes are normal activated or not is very important to seed germination. We performed microarray analysis using the Affymetrix Gene Chip to reveal the gene expression profiles in five phases of wheat cultivar Jimai 20 seed germination. Our results provide a new insights into the thoroughly metabolic changes of seed germination as well as the relationship between some significant genes. The five groups including germinating seeds were harvest at five successive phases, which were 0 (P0), 12 (P1), 24 (P2), 36 (P3), 48 (P4) hour after imbibition respectively. Three independent experiments were performed for each group.
Project description:Seed germination is characterized by a constant change of gene expression across different time points. These changes are related to specific processes, which eventually determine the onset of seed germination. To get a better understanding on the regulation of gene expression during seed germination, we measured gene expression levels of Arabidopsis thaliana Bay x Sha recombinant inbred lines (RILs) at four important seed germination stages (primary dormant, after-ripened, six-hour after imbibition, and radicle protrusion stage) using. We mapped the eQTL of the gene expression and the result displayed the distinctness of the eQTL landscape for each stage. We found several eQTL hotspots across stages associated with the regulation of expression of a large number of genes. Together, we have revealed that the genetic regulation of gene expression is dynamic along the course of seed germination.
Project description:Wheat seed germination directly affects wheat yield and quality. The wheat grains mainly include embryo and endosperm, and both play important roles in seed germination, seedling survival and subsequent vegetative growth. ABA can positively regulate dormancy induction and then negatively regulates seed germination at low concentrations. H2O2 treatment with low concentration can promote seed germination of cereal plants. Although various transcriptomics and proteomics approaches have been used to investigate the seed germination mechanisms and response to various abiotic stresses in different plant species, an integrative transcriptome analysis of wheat embryo and endosperm response to ABA and H2O2 stresses has not reported so far. We used the elite Chinese bread wheat cultivar Zhenmai 9023 as material and performed the first comparative transcriptome microarray analysis between embryo and endosperm response to ABA and H2O2 treatments during seed germination using the GeneChip® Wheat Genome Array Wheat seed germination includes a great amount of regulated genes which belong to many functional groups. ABA/H2O2 can repress/promote seed germination through coordinated regulating related genes expression. Our results provide new insights into the transcriptional regulation mechanisms of embryo and endosperm response to ABA and H2O2 treatments during seed germination The six groups including embryo and endosperm response to pure water (CK), ABA and H2O2 were havested respectively, which were CK_embryo (CKem), CK_endosperm (CKe), ABA_embryo (ABAem), ABA_endosperm (ABAe), H2O2_embryo (H2O2em), H2O2_endosperm (H2O2e). Three independent experiments were performed for each group.
Project description:RNAseq profiling of 10 time points during germination in Arabidopsis, from freshly harvested seed, through mature seed, stratification, germination and to post-germination.
Project description:sRNA-seq profiling of 10 time points during germination in Arabidopsis, from freshly harvested seed, through mature seed, stratification, germination and to post-germination.
Project description:Seeds experience several stress responses from dry to germinated state. To determine the regulators contributing to imbibitional tolerance, dynamic transcriptome analyses were conducted at dry (0 h), imbibed (24 h) and germinated (48 h) stages in japonica Jiucaiqing in this study. Results showed that the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were pronounced in the early stage (0-24 h) than the late stage (24-48 h); 1,452 transcripts were differentially expressed (648 up-regulated and 804 down-regulated) in the early stage and 625 transcripts (230 up-regulated and 395 down-regulated) in the late stage. Gene ontology and MapMan analyses confirmed that 391 and 164 DEGs at the early and late stage respectively involved in stress responses pathway. These DEGs included the abiotic stress-, hormone-, peroxidases-, signaling-, transcription-, proteolysis- and cell wall-related genes. Nearly all the heat stress-related DEGs, e.g. hsp20 and DnaK family proteins, were down-regulated with seed germination, while the peroxidases- and signaling-related DEGs, e.g. calcium-binding proteins, were up-regulated. Many auxins-, abscisic acid- and ethylene-related DEGs, e.g. 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase, OsFBL16 and OsSAUR33, were involved in stress responses during seed germination. Meanwhile, several transcription factors of bZIP and MYB, ethylene responsive element binding protein family (ERF), and heat stress transcription factor family (HSF) were identified during seed germination. The proteolysis-related DEGs, e.g. ubiquitin-related proteins, were significantly regulated during seed germination. The uniformity between transcriptome data, quantitative trait loci co-localizations and quantitative RT-PCR results confirm the crucial roles of the cell wall-related genes on seed germination. The identified stress-responsive might be useful for the improvement of imbibitional tolerance in rice.