
Dataset Information


GNPS - CD38 regulates ovarian function and fecundity via NAD metabolism

ABSTRACT: Mammalian female reproductive lifespan is typically significantly shorter than life expectancy and is associated with a decrease in ovarian NAD levels. However, the mechanisms underlying this loss of ovarian NAD are unclear. Here, we show that CD38, a NAD consuming enzyme, is expressed in the ovarian extrafollicular space, primarily in immune cells, and its levels increase with reproductive age. Reproductively young mice lacking CD38 exhibit larger primordial follicle pools, elevated ovarian NAD levels, and increased fecundity relative to wild type controls. This larger ovarian reserve results from a prolonged window of follicle formation during early development. However, the beneficial effect of CD38 loss on reproductive function is not maintained at advanced age. Our results demonstrate a novel role of CD38 in regulating ovarian NAD metabolism and establishing the ovarian reserve, a critical process that dictates a female reproductive lifespan.


ORGANISM(S): Mus Musculus (ncbitaxon:10090)

SUBMITTER: Eric Verdin  

PROVIDER: MSV000092808 | GNPS |


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