Project description:OE17 and OE23 are chloroplast targeted proteins. RNA co-immunoprecipitation was performed using antibodies raised against these proteins. RNA from the pellet and from the supernatent for each pulldown was labeled with different fluoro-dyes.
Project description:To assess the diurnal gene expression in gills of oyster Crassotrea gigas, gills of 6 oysters were pooled and analyzed by RNa-seq every 4h for 52h (i.e. 13 sampling times). This procedure was executed simultaneously for control oysters fed with the non-harmful algae Heterocapsa triquetra (H.t condition), and for oysters fed with the harmful algae Alexandrium minutum (A.m condition) (L:D 9:15). Alexandrium minutum exposure led to a remodeling of the cycling transcriptome in gills of Crassostrea gigas.
Project description:Fucoxanthin (FX) and Eckol (EC) are the bioactive components extracted from the brown algae. Metastatic lung cancer is a malignant disease which threatens human health. We investigated the anti-metastatic effects of FX and EC on lung cancer.
Project description:Micro algae's are used as alternative protein source in human and animal diets. Besides micro algae contain substantial amounts of proteins they also contain a high concentration of, often unique, biological and chemical substances with potential to induce beneficial and health promoting effects in humans and animals. This study was set up to evaluate the potential of these substances to improve (intestinal) health. The effect of extracts prepared from 3 monocultures of micro algae's (Chlorella vulgaris [C], Haematococcus pluvialis [H], and Spirulina platensis [S]) and a mixed culture of micro algae's (AM; a mixture of Scenedesmus sp. and Chlorella sp. ) was studied in the presence and absence of the enterotoxigenic bacterium Escherichia coli k99 strain (ETEC, [E]) as an in vitro challenge. The E.coli-k99 strain with adhesion factor F41 (41/32) was isolated from a mastitis-infected udder. Gene expression was measured in cultured intestinal porcine epithelium cells (IPECJ2 cell line) after 2 and 6 hours incubation with C, H, and S extracts, and after 6 hours with the AM extract, using “whole genome” porcine microarrays. Gene expression profiles were analysed using functional bioinformatics programs to provide insight in the biological processes induced by micro algae extracts.